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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    Awwww yeaaaaaah, I'm so thrilled!!! I'm totally going to buy that album!
  2. paradoxal

    Just one thing to ask, is there any way to change how the date is displayed? Because the members in here come from different parts of the world and not everyone uses mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy. Wouldn't yyyy/mm/dd be more logical, if it can be changed? EDIT: Oops I forgot to say: that sidebar on the main page looks so cool
  3. paradoxal

    So Royz's newest album was released yesterday 2014.07.02 and there seems to be quite a lot of discussion going on about the album. My feelings are very mixed. Now after 20-30 plays per song I still can't decide if it's a great album or not, mostly because after LILIA I was really expecting a harder and more br00tal album, but this album turned out to be quite the opposite. Not that it doesn't work, I think there are a few quite good songs. I just wasn't expecting this kind of glitter rock with basically no harder songs. I haven't been a Royz fan for a long time, and actually EGOIST was that one song that got me into Royz. Naturally for me that's the best song on this whole album. But at this point I think my favorite new song is 囁姫遊女, one of the glitteriest songs on the album... I really like the riff and the atmosphere of the chorus, somehow the melody reminds me of Kagrra,. This song must be so fun at lives, Another one of my favorite songs is 洗礼, probably the hardest song on the whole album. At this point I'll probably give this album 3/5 stars. It sounds pretty good, but I'm not blown away by it yet. I'll definitely need to give it a few more listens before I can write something longer. What are your thoughts on the album? Did you hate it or love it, or is it just basic visual kei crap? And please answer the polls, I'm really interested in your opinions on the album!
  4. Royz's 疾風迅雷 is killing it: "Come on, come on / Bo-bo-booty call invitation / Let's go, are you pussy? / This is fucking cool"

    1. ricchubunny


      Btw the lyrics are 豚 (pig) but he sings ?????? (That girl) HAHAHAHAHAHA

    2. colorful人生


      I will never be as cool as Royz... I'm literally going to buy this CD just for the booklet XD

    3. Show next comments  105 more
  5. afterwork 'till 1.30AM wasn't a really good idea afterall, at least when your shift starts at 8AM... ohmygodpleasekillme

    1. Owl


      Tetora-shi, you perv!

    2. paradoxal


      thanks gaz, i think i might survive this day. 2 hours and 40 minutes left

    3. Gaz


      you're welcome ;> you wouldn't made it without my help for sure!

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  6. paradoxal

    LOL really? Oh my gosh that's so deep!
  7. paradoxal

    Yeah, but there should be at least some new information about the album...
  8. paradoxal

    Is there any new information about Re:do? The original piece of news stated that it would be released in "summer 2014" but isn't early summer basically over already? Their OHP hasn't been updated in a long time... I'm really worried that we might never be able to listen to that album ;_;
  9. WHO'S EXCITED ABOUT ROYZ'S NEW ALBUM?? my copy was shipped _today_ and I can't wait to hear it!!

    1. paradoxal


      Yeah, RISK/RUSK/RESK_144000 lol whatever is fantastic, i love it so much. That's why I'm really waiting for this new album

    2. kyoselflove
    3. Mihenno
    4. Show next comments  105 more
  10. paradoxal

    CAT you look so cool
  11. paradoxal

    Oh Hiyuu why u always so hot... I really like their new look.
  12. paradoxal

    Oh that doesn't sound too nice... Hope they won't disband too
  13. paradoxal

    At first I really thought you meant those skin care masks... You should probably just try Ebay or sth?
  14. paradoxal

    Ooh Tetora you look so handsome in that pic! Pls some moar pics!
  15. paradoxal

  16. paradoxal

    124, we never gonna stop
  17. paradoxal

  18. paradoxal

  19. paradoxal

  20. 100, ooooh damn this feels gooooood

    1. togz


      only i'm jk

    2. Slsr



    3. togz


      now what are we gonna do with our lives.

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  21. paradoxal

    100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG WE DID IT
  22. paradoxal

  23. paradoxal

  24. paradoxal

  25. paradoxal

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