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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    Aaaaa that's so terrible ( I was so waiting for their new single...
  2. So. I did a bungee jump. And please don't laugh at my screaming & panicking XD It was horrifying... and awesome. http://youtu.be/7Qgm6e3y8Gw

    1. Tetora


      Wowww, that was so awesoome! The pants you had were so cool too! But I dunno what is crazier , the jump, or that language you are speaking!

    2. allisapp


      Damnit, why does my internet suck so much. ;_; can't watch the video. But sounds awesome! I would never do that, so it's cool to know someone else is brave enough XD

    3. Jigsaw9


      omg terrifying~ ;w;

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  3. paradoxal

    I think you answered your own question If you have a stable income it is very likely you are able to afford to buy a lot of CDs. I think that at the moment I'm using probably 50-100€ per month to CDs. Though my only income is my student allowance, I've been using my savings a lot recently... But once I really get to start my summer job full time I could easily spend almost 1000€ in CDs per month (without saving anything ofc). Not that I'm really going to do that even though I wanted to, in my opinion that's just insane I'll rather save for an apartment of my own and put some money aside for a possible Japan trip in the future or something. But I think the thing with affording or not affording to buy CDs is just the matter of prioritizing - how do you personally want to use your money.
  4. paradoxal

    Yeah you can just drag the video folder to your computer but I tend to use DVD Decrypter since I had a few problems with that first mentioned method with one DVD, whereas DVD Decrypter has worked for every DVD I've tried so far. Yeah that's okay, I'm fairly new to ripping too and I had my fair share of problems with DVDs when I first started. But eventually you will learn, and it's not like anyone here in MH is going to slaughter you for making a few mistakes while ripping sth But welcome here, and please join the chat sometimes!
  5. paradoxal

    Yeah, I can try ripping the DVD once I have it! What program did you use for ripping it? Yes please, upload the DVD from Akutoku no sakae Hiyuu version! And if it's not too much trouble I'd request a .vob rip! Well I have uploaded the following releases in ALAC/.VOB and in some cases in 320 kbps too: Bara~Rose~ (all types + DVDs) Masochist Red Circus (+ limited edition DVD) Akutoku no sakae Yuuki ver. Bakane Declaration of War Cordyceps sinensis A Box in Beautiful Memai/mayaku mayaku ver. Royal Order (I'll upload the limited edition DVD probably today) That's unfortunately all I have, but I'm pretty sure you have something I haven't already uploaded!
  6. paradoxal

    Oooooooooh, do you have something that I haven't uploaded yet? What is it? Though I have something left to upload too - DVD from Royal Order Limited edition is still to be uploaded and I'll recieve Yukizuri no onna DVD on monday! Yeah, that sounds so much like Satoshi it makes me laugh XD edit. OMG I didn't notice you had just uploaded Yukizuri no onna!!! Aargghh I can't wait to get home and watch it before my own copy arrives
  7. paradoxal

    Yeaaaaaaaaah, more Lycaon fans!! Lycaon is my favorite band too. It's always so nice to get to know more Lycaon fans! I noticed you have already found a ton of my Lycaon downloads from the download section And btw did you like SET ME FREE? Welcome to MH! Ichiro looks so handsome in your avatar.
  8. So I just randomly remembered I'm doing a bungee jump TOMORROW. Omg.

    1. freesia
    2. Biopanda
    3. paradoxal


      I hope so... 7,5 hours left D:

  9. paradoxal

    Wow, that's so cool! Did you happen to buy Catharsis?
  10. paradoxal

    And one thing I've always wondered is that whole nazi theme. There are too many songs that start with Hitler speaking XD
  11. paradoxal

    Omfg that poster is so amazing.
  12. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! I like CodeRebirth too, they're so amazing!
  13. paradoxal

    ... I didn't even know Danger gang still existed XD
  14. paradoxal

    NOOOO I was just starting to get into them... ;;___;; I like them so much why do they have to disband!
  15. paradoxal

    They suck so much. The members were just hanging next to me on the balcony lol. Yes come here, the beer is cold and band is good. The bassist has a tartan skirt ♡
  16. paradoxal

    @dispo are you here too lol? And based on the fact I'm holding a pint in my other hand I am pretty sure the bar is open. I heard they opened the doors at 6.30 PM
  17. Scarred a bit by Panda's awful link I'm going to scar you a little more. http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/hungry-snake-picked-wrong-dinner

    1. Gaz


      i don't like your link ;_; panda's was much better :v

  18. paradoxal

    Aww that's sad, they had some pretty good songs
  19. paradoxal

    I'd say it's definitely bad to like An Cafe just kidding Hurrdurr pls join the chat sometimes, people are mostly super nice here. At least when you're new
  20. I've slept for 4 hours, been at work for 4 hours, drank 3 cups of coffee, almost fallen asleep at the toilet & in the elevator, I feel dizzy, I could sleep while standing, I think I might have fever or something, and I have an exam in almost exactly one hour.

  21. paradoxal

    Just FYI I'm 185cm tall with that huge headbow & those heels!!11 and 168cm without them...
  22. paradoxal

    Let's see... 1. Skid Row - Wasted times 2. B2ST - Mystery 3. 동방신기 - I'll be there 4. DIV - 東京ネクロポリス博物館 5. X Japan - Tears 6. DIAURA - 禁示録 7. Vidoll - 初雪 8. X Japan - Silent Jealousy 9. Slipknot - Call out hook 10. 비 - Hip song This isn't a tough choice. X Japan is just that awesome.
  23. paradoxal

    I decided I could post a few old lolita pics of me. These are from 2009-2011. October 2009 when I just got a new jacket!! Tsukicon 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland. Blingbling swag lolita in July 2010, probably the hottest day of the summer (~30C) and I just had to wear lolita... You can't imagine how hot I felt with all those motherfucking extensions and gazillion layers of clothing. This is a pretty casual coordination from May 2011 and it's the last time I ever wore lolita ;__;
  24. paradoxal

    Yes!! I agree with you so much. There's nothing more exciting than a cute round male butt. But it can't be too muscular either. Men's butts are the best. Especially with leggings on. Will you be my butt-sister? We could just spend the days watching at men's cute butts. lol i noticed you're only 13 days older than me
  25. paradoxal

    Thanks for the info whitegrey! Now I know not to show up too early at the venue
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