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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. I found my old iPod and I'm now rediscovering all my old K-pop favorites. Then X-Cross - Storm started playing (http://youtu.be/tgcOPl7FILQ). I used to listen to this a lot and lolled so hard when I saw someone has tagged this in last.fm with "probably contains an addictive substance like crack"

    1. CAT5



  2. paradoxal

    No, the first post says 2014/02/20 13:00 (Japanese time) and isn't it 8AM in Japan at the moment? So 5 hours of excruciating waiting.... What could he possibly announce??!
  3. Div/DiV/DIV fans, can you please tell me: which one is the correct tag in last.fm? I've been scrobbling under Div because it has the most listeners but I'm starting to have some doubts.

    1. paradoxal


      I have listened the sample but it didn't impress me that much. Just waiting for a whole song so I can really start listening to it!! :3

    2. Spectralion


      I've been used "D I V" for like 1.5k scrobbles and now I changed the whole tag to plain "DIV". SO, now I use "Div" too...

    3. paradoxal


      Awww man that sucks! :(

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  4. paradoxal

    THIS. Now we have figured out Yoshiki's announcement. EDIT// It's like 6 hours left to the announcement. How can I go to sleep without knowing Yoshiki's announcement??
  5. This would've been great news... if it happened in 2008 or so when I actually liked their music. I've listened to a few of their newer releases and I haven't really liked them.
  6. paradoxal

    Wow, so it isn't like everyone on this freaking planet has an original voice or something.
  7. I'm seriously laughing so much that I'm almost crying. I really can't breathe. If I won't be online tomorrow, please remember that I died laughing.

    1. Greyen


      I bitched about the source of this months ago on here and got told to grow up, now it has spread to MH after nearly destroying edohs blog

    2. paradoxal


      @Greyen, what do you mean?

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  8. paradoxal

    You just don't get it, right? You do realize, that visual kei is a genre where most of the stuff is pretty much borrowed from others? All the musicians are normal people and it's perfectly normal to be influenced by their idols, which is exactly what Yuuki does and there's nothing wrong with it. You really can't be so naive that you think everything Lycaon does is "T3H M0ST OR1G1N4L TH1NG 3V3R." I'm sorry to break it to you, it isn't. You act like every member of Lycaon is shitting gold and diamonds. Lycaon is a fairly generic visual kei band, and they haven't done anything that original so far. But does that prevent you from enjoying their music? Of course not. Even though I'm perfectly aware that Lycaon isn't the most original band of the decade, it's still my favorite band. By referring yourself as a "Lycaon LOYAL TRUE fan" you must be implying that I'm a bad fan for not being a delusional fan girl gasping at the awesomeness of everything they ever have or ever will create. If that's the case I'm really happy that I'm not a "LOYAL TRUE fan."
  9. paradoxal

    I think the one who guessed Yoshiki's announcement right should get a reward! I really hope Yoshiki is secretly black.
  10. paradoxal

    What? So you won a competition and you haven't gotten your prize yet? Please tell more
  11. Today, inspired by MH, I decided to give foobar2000 a try. So far I've installed it twice because I messed it up so badly I couldn't fix it. I'm really starting to hate my life, WHY THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD GDSKGJSFKGJ

    1. paradoxal


      But I truly like how this skin looks, so I really want this to work... But how fucking hard can it be for a music player to SHOW THE WHOLE GOD DAMN ALBUM ART?? XD http://i57.tinypic.com/3008wau.jpg

    2. CAT5


      That seems like a problem with the specific skin you chose though?

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      when i tried to find skins all the ones they had were for previous versions and i cba

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  12. paradoxal

    So are you saying that Yuuki isn't a fan of Kiyoharu? Seriously? I'm not a fan of SADS or Kuroyume or Kiyoharu himself, but I've heard a few songs and it's 100% sure that Kiyoharu has influenced Yuuki in every possible way a lot. Yuuki has had very similar looks and even sings in a way that resembles Kiyoharu a lot. I appreciate Yuuki a lot and I enjoy his way of singing, but you can not argue whether he is or has been influenced by Kiyoharu. It's the truth.
  13. paradoxal

    This is me with lips stained by red wine after getting fed up with physical chemistry. Bonuspic: my right ear! There used to be a sixth piercing but it accidentally healed up. I had to take my piercings off for one hour because of a x-ray examination and I was too lazy to put the piercings back right away. It healed up in like two weeks (!!!!!) and I had had it for like 3 years or something........ Fml etc. One day I'm gonna get my tragus pierced that's for sure. EDIT// Satanhellshit666 there was white border showing on the other side of the pic so I edited it again and replaced it.
  14. paradoxal

    7. He announces a "world" tour which covers only Japan, US and maybe France and UK.
  15. paradoxal

    Yay, I'm so buying this when I start my summer job! It has all my favorite song, アルカロイド excluded, but maybe I can live with that...
  16. I have a friend who started liking VK because of me, but he also likes KISS and AC/DC because of some other friend, so he basically listens to what his friends do I'm pretty positive that he's the only one I've even partially converted. But nowadays I feel somehow extremely uncomfortable trying to "share" my songs if the person isn't already into VK. There are a few songs that are so personal and emotional to me that if a non-VK friend listened to them and ended up hating them, it would really feel bad. I do listen to VK sometimes when I'm with my non-VK friends, but I always end up choosing a band which isn't among my favorites. Somehow revealing my favorite songs would be way too personal for me or something.
  17. What a glorious piece of lyrics! "What should I do? / Is this all in my mind? / Face down, he said / "This doesn't hurt" " Arlequin wtf...

    1. CAT5
    2. paradoxal


      i'm just curious what the rest of the lyrics mean... that was the only english part

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  18. paradoxal

    Yeah I prefer their "rough" side as well. Alkaloid and witch in the HELL are one of my favorite songs. But basically any Royz song with a nice catchy chorus is my favorite Though when talking about the new single I must say that my favorite is not Lilia but RISK_144000. It's hands down the best song in LILIA.
  19. paradoxal

    96 attendants... Are you fucking kidding me?
  20. paradoxal

    What?? I really like Lustknot. and this is quite shocking... I hope they'll release some more information about the situation. Sakuto's behavior seems really shitty :/
  21. I purchased Lycaon's Cordyceps sinensis, A box in beautiful and Declaration of war. Urubi replied to my messages and sent the package quickly. The CDs arrived today in an envelope and covered thoroughly in bubble wrap. Unfortunately Cordyceps sinensis didn't really like the shipping and there was a small crack on the plastic case But I don't really mind that, I'm just happy to own it. All of the CDs were in mint condition - all of them had a resealable plastic case, and one of the CDs even had the original not-so-sealable plastic wrap (opened though) XD There were no cracks in the plastic cases (except one but it definitely looked like it was caused by shipping) and the CDs and booklets were pristine. One CD was unfortunately missing its obi, but I don't really mind that. And to be fair I didn't even ask whether the CDs had their obis I'd give urubi 4.9/5 stars, 0.1 star got missing with one obi :< It was really nice doing business with you! I'm soooooo happy to own them <3
  22. The first preview sounds really great!! Can't wait to hear more of these guys.
  23. paradoxal

    Me (No glasses) just wake up and take this pic some days ago HAHAHAHA If that guy in your profile pic is a j-rocker (and not you:D) then I must say you really look like him! Your lips and nose are very similar and as far as I can see anything from the picture even your heads have kinda similar shapes! Please consider cosplaying him
  24. There's this one thing I've been wondering lately. It's okay if you don't want to tell in your M-H profile where you are from or are you M/F. But if your profile contains a link eg. to your Twitter or last.fm that states the said fact, why can't you just add it to your profile?

    1. acbpn


      I write something about myself in my profile.

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  25. paradoxal

    Great pic, Ito!
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