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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    Thank you cherushii! It's really awesome you took the time to translate it. I appreciate this a lot! THANK YOU! <3
  2. paradoxal

    Fxxk boys, get money - FEMM How would your dream date be?
  3. paradoxal

    Congrats I enjoy vaping still too much to kick this habit. Of course it would in the end be better if people didn't vape, but healthiness of something isn't related to what people's opinions are. Numerous studies heavily suggest that vaping is basically harmless compared to normal cigarettes.
  4. paradoxal

    Time to revive this thread! I haven't recently had any major purchases, but I did buy Kanger's Aerotank v2 during the summer. Best. Purchase. Ever. And my pyrex tank is still intact even though I've dropped it like a thousand times
  5. paradoxal

    I KNEW that removing Buck-Tick would get me in a lot of trouble Oh okay, nice to know I'm not just too stupid to figure out the search function. And that romaji rule makes a lot more sense now!
  6. paradoxal

    Malice Mizer RENTRER EN SOI Buck-Tick Deadman D'espairsRay MUCC THE NOVEMBERS Fixer NéiL heidi. Lycaon
  7. paradoxal

    Short question: How the hell do you search for things in this forum using kanas? For example this search, with or without quotation marks, doesn't give me ANY results. Changing the options shown in the picture doesn't help at all. In one thread I saw someone else struggling with this problem. Help please
  8. paradoxal

    No I didn't, I'll get my copy probably 2014.11.13 because I ordered it together with アルルカン - ニア・イコール :/ Kyoselflove and Mi'ihen will probably receive their copies before I do! But I'm pretty sure the lyrics are correct, here is the romaji peffy from hiphopVOMIT made.
  9. paradoxal

    Hahaha, my parents were struggling trying to find me a name, and then my dad was randomly listening to this song and they named me after it If you could decide, that ONE thing in your life would be forever free, what would it be? (eg. clothes, food, etc...)
  10. Wow, that preview sounds fantastic! Though that mango is way too weird for my taste XD I'm pretty sure this was a bet, like "You don't dare to make a single about mangos!" "Oh yeah?? Just wait and I'll show you!"
  11. paradoxal

    Malice Mizer RENTRER EN SOI BUCK-TICK Deadman D'espairsRay König MUCC SIVA NoGoD THE NOVEMBERS Fixer
  12. paradoxal

    Every day and night - 1TYM If you could get anything in the world, what would you want?
  13. paradoxal

    I'm not sure if you translated this by yourself or if your friend did this translation, but it's awkwardly close to what Google Translate has to say about the lyrics.
  14. paradoxal

  15. paradoxal

    Yes, I think that album art, tracklist, format and release date (in the title) should be mandatory, but I heavily disagree with having one mandatory template for uploads. A template could be useful for users who find it difficult to style and structure their posts, but it can not be mandatory. Because I'm too lazy for that shit.
  16. paradoxal

    Trigger of lust Tactics of love and hate And tried to remove the safety of breast Google Translate, I love you <3
  17. paradoxal

    Thank you so much!!
  18. paradoxal

    Amen. I couldn't have said it better, I truly agree with you. What if people just stopped dismissing whole genres because huehueheuheuhue-they-all-sound-the-same.
  19. paradoxal

    Am I the only one who's laughing at the random English words? XD And what the hell Kou is saying in the beginning? All I hear is SNIPER XD
  20. paradoxal

  21. paradoxal

    1 DAY LEFT!!!!
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