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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. ギルド where have you been all my life

    1. hiroki


      better late than never ;3

    2. paradoxal


      ギルド had a Eastern Europe tour in 2010, no Finland there though :3

    3. cirrus


      indeed, better late than never :P

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  2. Welcome to MH! What are your favorite bands? My favorites are probably Lycaon and アルルカン!
  3. paradoxal

    The last.fm page for them is written with unicode though, just compare them: Fixer vs Fixer.
  4. I kinda like cooking. I love cooking pastas and stuff, but I'm not too fond of cakes and stuff. I think I can cook almost anything though. When I still lived with my parents my mom made me help with the dinner almost every night, which is pretty good since now I know how to cook almost everything. And in my opinion I cook some of my mom's recipes better than she does...
  5. paradoxal

    It's Eiki from 少年記 (Shounenki) I have always been wondering where your username comes from. Because 'Jouko' is a Finnish name and I somehow always imagined you're Finnish because of that (Yah I know you aren't Finnish)
  6. paradoxal

    So excited! And... 2 DAYS LEFT!!
  7. paradoxal

    Do you actually like it or are you just being sarcastic?
  8. paradoxal

    i'm your countdown babes
  9. paradoxal

    Yeaaah, so cool! I'm very excited for this release!
  10. Oh my god, another distributed single. I'm really started to get fed up with this shit D---: Hopefully I'll be able to get it via auctions.
  11. paradoxal

    Lol I was 100% sure they'd go to Paris and Berlin or Cologne.
  12. paradoxal

    I love them. Jey's vocals are so good. Can't wait to get my copy of Dawn and END OF STASIS.
  13. paradoxal

    MY BITCH (ilu hun)
  14. paradoxal

    ^ I laughed way too much 4 DAYS LEFT!!
  15. paradoxal

    1. Sid - 林檎飴 2. キャンゼル - 世界終了釦。-world end switch.- 3. Glam Grammar - 零れ落ちたその夢に名前を付けよう 4. the GazettE - HYENA 5. Liv'ert - Alive 6. Яisk un logic - ~Nostalgia~ 7. 新興宗教楽団NoGoD - キ身にオくるブ起用でミ勝手なシー 8. 遠藤正明×咲人 - 勇者王誕生! 9. ALSDEAD - Regret 10. Aliene Maφriage - BLACK JACK AGE Wow, only VK this time. The competition is pretty tough, but I gotta go with NoGoD.
  16. paradoxal

    I don't even believe that's an unpopular opinion - at least here in MH But I'd like to add something about VK fans that annoys me too. I get it that you might not want to share your rarez, whether you upload a release is totally up to you and there's no reason for me to complain about it. But it you keep posting everywhere about that release... That is annoying as fuck. So you want to keep something only to yourself? What if you just shut the fuck up about that said release then? If I were to some day buy something so rarez that I wouldn't want to share it for some reason, I wouldn't go boasting about it in every single thread. It's not going to boost your e-penis, it's only annoying other people.
  17. paradoxal

    I don't like LIPHLICH either And I always misspell their name too... I have tried a few of their singles but I'm just unable to like them.
  18. paradoxal

    So... Dirty old men is the magic of life? Wow, such deep, many wisdom.
  19. paradoxal

    5 DAYS LEFT!!!
  20. paradoxal

    Please give them to me, I know a lot of things I'd buy with them
  21. paradoxal

    So awesome, I need this.
  22. paradoxal

    Oh, this sounds pretty nice. I'll need to get my hands on this single asap.
  23. paradoxal

    Yeah, that's true. I don't care if the PV ends up in Youtube or not, I bought both versions so I'll have it anyways Why can't they just release the single already :'(
  24. paradoxal

    Wow, I was 100% sure this tour would not happen. They surely won't come to Finland, but great for them to have that last foreign tour in two different continents.
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