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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. I'm still shocked, a shared 2nd place for the best-looking female?? Like c'mon, haven't you guys seen the other gurls here? No way I deserve the same place as @237Q, @beni and @hyura (y u so pretty). Also, BEST SIG FTW! *makes a yuuki swirl*
  2. paradoxal

    Moderator Message: I merged your topic with the existing Music Recommendations Thread. Use the forum search function next time.
  3. My parents have known about visual kei since I started getting into the scene in about 2005-2006. My mom used to comment on my taste like "well you'll soon get bored of it anyway" and my dad doesn't really say anything about it, except for a tiny amount of complaining how some songs are really cool, but the vocalists always suck. He is a classic rock enthusiasts, so I think he really understand my enthusiasm towards the music I like. My mom really doesn't like that I spend money on CDs though, she'd rather have me buying clothes. Though she doesn't have a clue how much I'm spending on CDs...
  4. paradoxal

    I gotta go with Royz since they just happen to have more songs I enjoy.
  5. Yes exactly We have been waiting for so long!! Now we just need a way to get the live-limited edition too
  6. paradoxal

    They have everything right, they look pretty awesome, they have a high quality music video and they have recorded the song in a proper studio. The song just isn't that great. DiVOID is still my favorite. Their songs are awesome, and they did it with basically a zero budget and probably recorded it at home too.
  7. paradoxal

    Damn those shoes are cool. I want these too
  8. paradoxal

    Moderator Message: People, keep the discussion civil. Especially you, @lollipopmonstar, wishing someone's death is repulsive and not tolerated here.
  9. just paid 6500 yens for FJ... ;_; hurts so much, why is shipping so expensive

    1. yakihiko


      That's too lol

    2. kyoselflove


      Magazines are the worst... ;__;

      It's okay, one day that girl will get another pay day!

    3. Naaaaani


      I know how you must feel, just paid for my 3kg parcel

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  10. paradoxal

    Is this a Spam Your Selfies Day? This is me on May Day's eve! Here's some smiling for you DarkWater!
  11. paradoxal

    It was written as a semi-joke (at least I hope so), but the reason someone would want to "joke" like that is imo the things that really bothers me. There shouldn't be anything funny in abusing your significant other verbally or physically. It just isn't something you can joke about, since it's a real issue that happens too often. Women are already treated badly enough, and hostile semi-misogynistic jokes don't make it any better. EDIT// Have you ever considered that the girls you work around pretend to like your "macho behavior", since they don't want to call you out on your bad and rude behavior and draw the attention to themselves? Have you ever considered that you could probably make most of them feel really awkward? Have you ever considered that the behavior you call "hehe, this is just me and I'm really funny!" might be just plain abusive?
  12. paradoxal

    Woah. Wooaah. WOAH.
  13. paradoxal

    As a person who doesn't give a fuck about Mejibray: Why the fuck do you people read Mejibray related threads and download their stuff, if you already know they are a shitty band? I mean c'mon, why the hell do you bother? Don't you have anything better to do? I sure as hell have better things to do, eg. listening to music I actually like. And commenting in threads I'm actually interested in.
  14. Ok I finally received my package with stuff from like... 4 different stream nights? Today I'm gonna rip the shit out of every CD lololol. (Btw just send me a PM if you want me to upload some of this stuff! I'm feeling generous today and I wanna share this rarez goodness with you.)
  15. paradoxal

    Jamming to Pierrot today while cleaning
  16. paradoxal

    I have been playing Cities: Skylines a lot recently (71 hours and counting... oops) since I'm a huge fan of city builder games. In that way Skylines is like a blessing to me, and I still can't get enough of all the delicate (ok let's not talk about garbage or death care) mechanics. I have this huge 100k city, and one river runs straight trough it. Upstream I had all my water pumps catering the whole city, and ofc downstream the water drain pipes. I just noticed, that my citizens were using so much water that the river changed direction and the water pumps started pumping filthy polluted water to people's homes. A few minutes later, the water pumps were pumping so much water out of the river that the river dried for a moment. And I'm so excited. I never even thought this could happen. 5/5 drink filthy water you peasants.
  17. paradoxal

    You do realize she's offering us foreign fans a way to get their favorite bands merchandise? 20% commission isn't even that bad, considering the buyer doesn't have to pay for the concert tickets. The band isn't losing any money, instead they are making even more money. I couldn't otherwise get their merchandise, but thanks to @Lycaon_Hiyuu, I'm planning on spending about 10 000 yens on their merchandise. It's a win-win situation for everybody: the seller gets a little commission for her service, band gets more income and I get more merchandise.
  18. paradoxal

    Thanks baby <3
  19. paradoxal

    I just played through Saints Row IV's EP Gat out of hell. It was awesome, I loved the city and flying. I wish the story was a bit longer though
  20. paradoxal

    I bought it too, but had only time to listen to the first song. It sounded great, though I'll have to give it a few more spins. Still, nice job guys!
  21. paradoxal

    I would bang kiss Miyavi since he's really good looking, I would kill Kyary pamyu pamyu and marry Gackt since he's the richest one. Would you rather kiss, marry or kill... Kisaki Kiwamu Yoshiki
  22. paradoxal

  23. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! It's nice to see another Finn here!
  24. Sounds pretty sweet, I hope I'll be able to get this.
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