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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    What?? That's absurd. I just hope there won't be too many fans waiting for their show at that event...
  2. paradoxal

    Lycaon - Camera Obscura. Also I second Coll:set, it's an amazing album.
  3. paradoxal

    I have a 3TB HDD drive for my music, DVD rips and torrents, and an external 1TB HDD for back ups. I only back-up my music and DVD rips, since otherwise I would need another external hard drive. I'm still emotionally scarred from Piisu's HDD failure, I don't want to experience it myself. I organize my music the same way most of the others do: Music >> Lycaon >>>> [2008.03.19] RED RUM >>>>>> 01 RED RUM.flac >>>>>> folder.jpg I tend to keep the artist folders in a format that I can easily type with my keyboard, so usually no kanas or special characters there. Otherwise all my tags are completely romaji-free, if you don't count the album artist field. It's very useful to have the romaji in the title of an album folder, since Foobar is smart enough to let me search with that romaji!
  4. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! We always have some room for new Lycaon fans
  5. I need this too. Too many great bands.
  6. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! You have a pretty solid taste, and it's great that you're still exploring new bands. Feel free to join us in the chat sometimes, we don't bite!
  7. paradoxal

    What... that's insane. Could you specify what kind of a blog it was?
  8. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! dof ftw
  9. paradoxal

    Nice to meet you Kelly, welcome to MH! Please join us in the MH chat sometimes!
  10. I love LIQUID so much, and I hope this single will be even better!
  11. paradoxal

    Hmm, it would probably then be possible to use AM JP. Though I think it might be difficult since it's probably in Japanese...
  12. my mom just brought me 5kgs of strawberries, an adult coloring book and a huge bouquet of pink peonies from their garden. this is heaven

    1. Shir0


      straaaawberries <3

    2. paradoxal


      my book has flowers!! <3

    3. yakihiko


      This looks really cool and fun theme :D

      I have a golden and silver color pencil, so I want to paint the true Golden luck cat when I found the book :)

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  13. paradoxal

    Yessss, this is amazing! I need this album in my life. I really hope it will be as awesome as their first two singles.
  14. Wow, three different types :S I usually buy every type when a band I like releases something, but suddenly dropping almost 11k to get liraizo's newest album sounds extremely stupid. I'll probably buy this after it's been leaked to determine if it's worth 11k
  15. paradoxal

    Please, can someone figure out a way to make a Japanese Apple Music account or if it's even possible? That's something I would definitely subscribe to.
  16. paradoxal

    How does the customs of France work? Here in Finland if your order total + shipping is over 22€, it might get stuck in the customs and you'll have to pay 24% VAT. BUT informed me, that when you're paying for the shipping (Charge 2), you can change the value of your items! I've never paid any VAT after learning that haha and it really saves me a lot of money. I usually set the individual CD price around 100-200 yens with a little variety so that it looks "natural". I tend to buy a lot of used CDs too, so sometimes I don't even need to change the original value haha. There's one thing you have to consider though: If you change the value of your shipment eg. to 3000 yen and the shipment gets lost, you won't be refunded more than that. So in case your shipments tend to get lost, I don't recommend changing the value of your items.
  17. wow IE10 really sucks: >open 10 new tabs >close them all >wait a second >IE OPENS THEM ALL IN NEW WINDOWS??

    1. Lestat


      The real question is; why do you use IE?

    2. yakihiko


      Use Firefox, IE is awful

    3. paradoxal


      Lol sorry, I forgot to say I'm using IE since I'm at work and we can't install any other browsers :D Chrome FTW!

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  18. paradoxal

    Wow, this sounds awesome! I'm definitely gonna start using this today once I get home since the site is blocked at the office
  19. paradoxal

    First a square, now a triangle, next there must be a circle. I gotta say I pretty much hate the covers, the green & yellow ones are decent but the blue one is just ugly XD Though I'm still gonna buy all three types...
  20. paradoxal

    Wow, really? I didn't have any idea. Thanks for the tip!
  21. paradoxal

    In response to the new MAL (MyAnimeList) thread: I love lists and stats. That's the only reason I use last.fm. When I first encountered MAL, I seriously thought about starting to watch anime just to make awesome lists about which episodes I've seen. Imagine how awesome it would be to have a similar CD collection site? At least I don't know about any that kind of sites. You could just tick which CDs you have, and probably create lists based on things you'd like to get and things you'd like to sell. Imo this sounds like the greatest idea of the century in case it doesn't exist. If it does, please inform me.
  22. I think it's pretty ironic that a band with a concept called "World Domination Project" releases something that's limited to 30 copies.
  23. paradoxal

    Haha, I didn't even know these guys were active. But hey, at least the fans are getting two new mini-albums before they disband. I think that's pretty amazing!
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