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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    Moderator Message: This poll seems to evoke strong reactions in people, but remember to keep the discussion civil. There's no reason to get your jimmies rustled by this thread.
  2. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! If you have any questions, just send a PM to any staff member (blue/red names)!
  3. paradoxal

    My 12k Lycaon scrobbles really didn't leave me any choice...
  4. paradoxal

    Answered the survey!
  5. Upvotes, please! http://www.last.fm/music/Blesscode/+images/dc6b4f7e5ca4613f07a35ec2eb74be9e edit. and this too! http://www.last.fm/music/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AB%E3%83%B3/+images/93eabf15858d7af83eada3f3a712b841
  6. paradoxal

    メリーバッドエンド's amazing single 天地乖離す開闢の音 <3
  7. Upvote, please! http://www.last.fm/music/%E3%83%97%E3%83%A9%E3%83%8D%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A6%E3%83%A0/+images/802786313cc7366848458b83275b9028
  8. paradoxal

    Damn, that's amazing!! And FYI: Katsuya has released two solo singles under the name "Misanthropist" !
  9. paradoxal

    The only one I know is the vocalist of Develop One's Faculties, he plays guitar on stage.
  10. The number 1 thing in visual kei that pisses me off is how expensive everything is, and I'm not even talking about the insane shipping costs I have to pay too. It also pisses me off that Japan is so far away. I would like to participate the vk scene, go to concerts more often etc but it just isn't possible.
  11. paradoxal

    No. Do you "believe" in evolution?

    1. hiroki


      you know, i'm beginning to doubt whether there were really only 100 copies released XD i've seen at least 20 copies on auction so far ._.

    2. hiroki


      but still that's a steal :'D

    3. Tetora


      They make more and sell them. I have got live limited one per customer singles sealed years after the live.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  13. paradoxal

    Wait what, did xxx is DEAD announce an album they didn't release? Wow, now I'm depressed. I'm sure the album would've been amazing.
  14. paradoxal

    Not addicted or anything...
  15. My fiancé's birthday is in four days and I just preordered him Far Cry: Primal and bought him Dying Light and Goat Simulator so that he won't be bored before it's released. \m/

  16. If you weren't using Steam during the cache problems, your info should be safe. Whereas I was continuously browsing Steam trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with it, haha...
  17. I just randomly decided to browse the store, when I noticed my page would one moment be in Russian, then in French. Checked my account information, and i was able to see someone else's account information, the last four digits of their credit card number and their recent purchases. So far I've probably seen the account information of ten different Steam users. Logged in to Reddit, and here's a thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/3y7maa/something_is_really_wrong_with_steam_be_careful/ EDIT. After reading the thread in Reddit, it seems to be wise to NOT: 1. change your information 2. log in to Steam But DO check that there are no suspicious charges on your credit card. I have no idea what's going on, I just hope Valve will fix this soon. EDIT2. This seems to explain it https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/3y7r0b/do_not_login_to_any_steam_websites/
  18. it's snowing!! o(^▽^)o

    1. Seimeisen


      You lucky bastards with your snow

    2. paradoxal


      .... i just realized that i probably wasn't that clear with my status - i meant that it's snowing in MH XD sadly there isn't any snow in the southern finland yet, though there's plenty of it in the north :(

    3. Seimeisen


      The theme I'm using for MH (Chameleon Dark) doesn't get snow around the banner.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  19. paradoxal

    Yeah, I can't believe how anyone could make a search function that's so fucking useless! But just like peffy, I've been using last.fm for almost 10 years now and I just can't stop using it now. Though I have only a little bit over 100,000 scrobbles (I took a break from last.fm for a few years lol), I just can't stop using last.fm. And like Lestat said, I loved having two different artist views. I used the grid view as a custom list of my current favorite bands, and the list view for my top bands in the past 356 days. I hate the album view, because the bands I follow don't usually release full albums. It's fucking useless. Would it be so difficult to implement a custom solution, so that every user can choose which information to show on those three "list spots"? BUT there is ONE good thing about the new last.fm!! I love those new listening trend visualizations that show when you've been listening to something.
  20. paradoxal

    I love Heads up!, though the B-sides weren't really my thing and initially I really didn't care for the PV spot either. Planet Child Music is probably my favorite label, and I feel like I'm always excited for their new releases.
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