Since my last post here, I've upgraded my vaping gear quite a lot. This is my current gear:
Though right now I'm using Mutation Indulgence X V4 because I borrowed my Velocity clone together with my Sigelei 30W Mini to a friend. Sigelei 100W Plus has been the best purchase ever in my whole vaping history, I love it.
So yeah, as you can see I've started playing around with RBAs just enough to cover my vaping needs. I'm not building anything crazy, and mostly I use cheap Chinese pre-made coils because they cost next to nothing. I have had my first RTA, an Orchid clone for a while but I just can't make that little fucker work. Just dry hits after dry hits, so I've been solely sticking to RBAs for a few months now.
I also started DIYing and it has made my life so much cheaper. My sweet spot is around 0.2 ohm and 40-50 Watts and as I chain vape most of the time, I would be totally broke now if I still purchased pre-made juices. After starting DIY and realizing how cheap it is, I still can't believe how people can charge those atrocious prices they do for something as simple as e-liquid.