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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. I'm pretty disappointed. As others have said, the production is really bad and the songs don't sound that interesting either.
  2. paradoxal

    What is this PV... Bikini kei isn't dead.
  3. paradoxal

    Don't worry @freesia, your hair looks super cute!
  4. oh thank god my sister's graduation party is now over, my feet hurt so much and i'm so exhausted. maybe now i have more time to hang in here too XD

  5. paradoxal

    Wow I really enjoyed the B-sides. I guess I gotta buy this too...
  6. Oh god it's perfect!!!!!! I NEED THIS LIKE TODAY
  7. I tried Chanty's new album and it was so underwhelming. I choose you, pentagon.
  8. started playing skyrim, see you in a few years

    1. togz


      SHOULD PLAY FFXIV ON SARGANTAS. me and val are both there. and panda.

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Skyrim is an incredible game... it will satisfy you but also making breaking something into the screen :) *my personal experience* :)

    3. paradoxal


      there's just something extremely satisfying about sneaking through places and stealing every single thing you can find

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  9. paradoxal

    First there's Tenso (http://www.tenso.com), but it's rather just a package forwarding service than a shopping service. You will still need to be able to purchase the goods yourself, and then you can ship them to Tenso, which will ship them to you. @Seimeisen just recently linked me to Zenmarket (http://zenmarket.jp/), but I have no idea how they work. I haven't tried either one of them, so I can't really tell you anything else about them
  10. Added Hungarian and a bonus language: Polish
  11. Awww, what's your native language? We can add it to the poll
  12. Fluent in Finnish and English, and I studied German basically for almost 10 years. So I guess if I did a bit of rehearsing I could describe my German "pretty good". I've also studied Swedish since it's compulsory here, so I could describe my Swedish abilites with the grade "satisfactory" XD
  13. paradoxal

    Happy birthday @anakuro!
  14. paradoxal

    Yes, "arrived" = you picked it up from my place. :D
  15. chat party right now i'm a bit drunk

    1. yakihiko


      hangover chat coming soon ? :))

  16. paradoxal

    Camwhoring 5/5. Me and my Siamese twin.
  17. paradoxal

    Thank you so much guys!! <3
  18. togvro, you're a pretty cool man.

  19. Could you please upvote this picture?
  20. paradoxal

    Yes, they frequently forget to give you the tracking number. Just wait for them to answer, and you should soon receive your shipment.
  21. paradoxal

  22. come to the chat now pls

    1. Koike



    2. paradoxal
  23. paradoxal

    I actually kinda like the preview I might consider buying this.
  24. paradoxal

    I love the PV and song XD I didn't even know I like them. Jazzy kei ftw.
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