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  1. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in Close minded music fans   
    I don't feel like kpop fans are any worse than jpop/jrock/visual kei fans as far as this goes. They're more or less equal in my experience.
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Close minded music fans   
    I don't feel like kpop fans are any worse than jpop/jrock/visual kei fans as far as this goes. They're more or less equal in my experience.
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Close minded music fans   
    I don't feel like kpop fans are any worse than jpop/jrock/visual kei fans as far as this goes. They're more or less equal in my experience.
  4. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Doesn'tEvenGoHere in Close minded music fans   
    I don't feel like kpop fans are any worse than jpop/jrock/visual kei fans as far as this goes. They're more or less equal in my experience.
  5. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Last movie you saw.   
    1986 one? If so, it's amazing. I highly recommend Manborg if you liked Eliminators. It's very much inspired by it and the Astron-6 team didn't try to hide that at all.
  6. LOVE!
    Bear got a reaction from crucifiction in Close minded music fans   
    The worst type of close minded fans in my experience are the ones who only listen to music from a certain country or continent. More often than not these are people who only listens to asian music.
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Kyo_Toriko in Last movie you saw.   
    This movie holds up extremely well. As good today as when I watched it for the first time in the 90's. Absolutely brilliant, and Boris Karloff is the muthafuckin' GOAT! Alongside some other horror movie icons.
    Long Shot - A new romantic comedy starring Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron. It's actually pretty fun and good, albeit a bit too long clocking in at 2 hours. But it's actually clever and really hits the right spot both as a romantic comedy and satire. It's just a lot deeper than your regular rom coms, which is obviously a good thing. Recommended for sure.
    Flight - Drama-thriller with a brilliant Denzel Washington as a pilot who has to land a plane in a troubled situation. It twists and turns and is actually really good. Denzel Washington's fantastic!
    Super Mario Bros. - A hated movies for so many reasons, but me and my mate rewatched this a while ago and fucking loved it. I mean, it's not fucking Super Mario Bros at all, but it's hilarious anyway. I would pay big money to find out how much acid and shrooms where taken during the writing and development of this movie because it's fucking insane. Makes no sense whatsoever and is just fucking messy all around, but so much fun. Watch it with some beers and pizza.
  8. Like
    Bear got a reaction from LIDL in [METAL] Slipknot   
    It might be as hard as Iowa, but it doesn't sound nearly as aggressive or dark as Iowa. But Iowa is quite a special case as far as this type of modern music goes, so it's not to be expected. It does however look like it's gonna be their best album since Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) tho. Which is awesome. 
  9. Like
    Bear reacted to Kyo_Toriko in Last movie you saw.   
    Just finished to watch The Mummy(1932), the prototype of the famous film series with the same title.

    I've been a fan for The Mummy series for such a long time, so after the research about the informations in the past,
    I found out the existence for the film in 1932 I watched this time, I've been keeping searching for it,
    and finally takin' so many years, I found it yesterday. So I decided to finish it today!

    And honestly speakin', I was amazed by how impressive the production quality is.
    You know, it's released in 30' , so the film is still in the black-and-white form.
    But the details for storyline, the timeline , and the camera movements, also the characters' acting skill.
    I think all of them which can let the film won't lose to the modern films.

    Hmm I think the only bad point is, the ending is too "rush", everything happened so suddenly,
    They create something, in good way to say is "miracle", but bad way to say is "forced end". (Laugh)
    But... I mean overall it's still totally decent! I really really love it! I am so happy that I could find it and watch it.
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from ShTon in Unpopular Opinion   
    The only problem with CGI is how directors and SFX artists use it. 
    Jurassic Park proved that CGI could look amazing already all the way back in 1993. The CGI of today is, obviously, way, way better then back then, but the brains that decide how to use CGI nowadays only have something like 1/10th of the IQ and understanding of how to get the best out of it. Sad but true.
    It's embarrassing to watch newer superhero movies where the fights areand all CGI, despite the fact that the physique's are stil so far off it looks like a third rate PS2 game no one likes because it felt like shit. And it gets even more emembarrassing when you realize how poorly choreographed the fights are and how easy it is to just use actors for the scenes. Awful stuff.
    CGI should only be used when it's too hard/impossible to use practical effects. Because CGI as a tool is just brilliant. It's just the brains behind the CGI that isn't.
  11. I feel ya..
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Unpopular Opinion   
    The only problem with CGI is how directors and SFX artists use it. 
    Jurassic Park proved that CGI could look amazing already all the way back in 1993. The CGI of today is, obviously, way, way better then back then, but the brains that decide how to use CGI nowadays only have something like 1/10th of the IQ and understanding of how to get the best out of it. Sad but true.
    It's embarrassing to watch newer superhero movies where the fights areand all CGI, despite the fact that the physique's are stil so far off it looks like a third rate PS2 game no one likes because it felt like shit. And it gets even more emembarrassing when you realize how poorly choreographed the fights are and how easy it is to just use actors for the scenes. Awful stuff.
    CGI should only be used when it's too hard/impossible to use practical effects. Because CGI as a tool is just brilliant. It's just the brains behind the CGI that isn't.
  12. Interesting
    Bear got a reaction from secret_no_03 in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I just think it looks really ugly. They're small and boring, and I don't keep my CDs in plastic as I see no need for it, so they would just fall off. They're just not for me, but I don't buy CDs (with a few exceptions, and they're CDs without obi anyway) so it's not a problem anymore.
    Vinyls however I do keep in plastic and the big, beautiful obi's just sit there beautifully and does their job perfectly. Which is to be fat and sexy-looking.
  13. Like
    Bear got a reaction from spockitty in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I just think it looks really ugly. They're small and boring, and I don't keep my CDs in plastic as I see no need for it, so they would just fall off. They're just not for me, but I don't buy CDs (with a few exceptions, and they're CDs without obi anyway) so it's not a problem anymore.
    Vinyls however I do keep in plastic and the big, beautiful obi's just sit there beautifully and does their job perfectly. Which is to be fat and sexy-looking.
  14. Interesting
    Bear got a reaction from secret_no_03 in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I love obi's on vinyl releases, but I can't stand them on CD's.
  15. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)   
    Was amazing. Loads and loads of energy, the band including him sounded good and he gave us a proper fucking concert. Amazing stuff!
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from saishuu in The general Metal discussion thread   
    ALCEST's 6th album is called “Spiritual Instinct“ and will be released on the 25th of October on Nuclear Blast. The recording of “Spiritual Instinct“ has been a long and challenging process, but we feel really proud of it and can't wait to share our new music with all of you. The artwork has been made by the Parisian duo Førtifem and represents a sphinx, as a reference to the symbolism art movement. The sphinx is the ultimate figure of the enigma, which embodies both the spiritual and feral sides inside us.
    Alcest are one of my favourite bands with four of their five full lenghts being complete and utter masterpieces, which also counts for both versions of Le Secret. Shelter, which I consider to be their worst by a long shot, is still a very good album (7,5-8/10). Really can't wait to hear what this will sound like.
  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)   
    Like last years Trondheim Rocks where I went to see Iron Maiden just to see them and say that I've seen them, I just did the same at this years Trondheim Rocks. Bought a ticket just to see Kiss tonight (which means I will also get to see Iggy Pop, Turboneger, Hellacopters and more tomorrow), and while I am far from the biggest fan, that was one hell of a brilliant gig. The sound was good, the performance was incredibly energic and awesome and the crowd was very good and mature. The energy was at a 100. You'd think they were in their mid 20's or so. Amazing! Well worth the price alone.
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Arkady in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    Comrade Detective - Comrade Detective is presented as a long lost Romanian TV-series that resemble a non-existent gritty 1980's Cold War Romanian police show that promoted Communist ideals. It's shot in Romania with a Romanian cast, but is dubbed by the likes of Channing Tatum, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and loads of less familiar faces and voices. It's six episodes and it works both as a crime comedy and a fake anti-socialist propaganda series. It's exciting, it's fun and very, very well made. Probably a top 10 series for me, maybe quite high on that list too. Excellent!
  19. I feel ya..
    Bear got a reaction from Original Saku in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    Isn't the series redubbed simply because it was the only way to actually get it released in English because of licensing issues and so forth? So they had to take a choice:
    1) Not release it.
    2) Release it without no (English) dub at all.
    3) Redub it so they can have a (English) dub.
    Would it really have been better if they had gone with either of the two first options?
    PS: Anime dubs suck major fucking ass no matter what and are, unless you are a kid or have some kind of dyslexia, a retarded fucking way to watch anime.
    You're really gonna blame Netflix for what director Yoshiharu Ashino and writer Eugene Son?
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from secret_no_03 in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    Castle Rock - Another new anthology series that's excellent, and hopefully this'll get more seasons than Channel Zero despite the fact that Channel Zero were superior to this. That doesn't mean this is bad tho, not at all. This was actually excellent from beginning to end. Psychological horror inspired by Stephen King, but which is not actually a Stephen King adaption. So this is basically a Stephen Kingian series, like the brilliant Shadow Bound (TOP 3 SERIES EVER! Watch it!) was a Lovecraftian series.
    Really looking forward to new season. Wondering if it's gonna be another Stephen Kingian season, or if they base it off someone else. Anyway I'm really interested in it.
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from nullmoon in Horror Movies   
    A Quiet Place - Well-directed, superbly-acted and with loads of story and heart. A Quiet Place has been seen as really original and fresh, taking new twists and turns to a familiar genre. Then comes Bird Box with a similar plot, although based on a book written long before this was thought off, and shit was off the hook with people moaning about this and that. Fair enough, as the world is full of idiots anyway. It's a good film and all, and I can see where the hype comes from and why. I do. But I was left disappointed. And the main reason why is the aliens that looked like shit, acted like shit and just didn't make much sense overall.
    A Quiet Place has got the drama and heart, but Bird Box has the horror and suspense and being a horror fans, horror always wins over drama. And the main reason why Bird Box is so much more intense and scary than A Quiet Place, is because you don't get to see the monster. You only get to see a few drawings which are all way, way different. Such a simple thing. But as well all know, the unknown is much scarier than the known.
    Not a bad film. In fact, it was really good. Just not quite Bird Box. Fuck the Bird Box haters btw.
  22. Thanks
    Bear got a reaction from violetchain in Album that you love but fans hate?   
    Is it? Isn't Macabre pretty much universally loved among the fans, and generally considered a VK classic?
    I'd say Missa, tho. Love it.
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Furik in Album that you love but fans hate?   
    Is it? Isn't Macabre pretty much universally loved among the fans, and generally considered a VK classic?
    I'd say Missa, tho. Love it.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Album that you love but fans hate?   
    I see. I din't know that. I got into Kagrra a couple of years later, but at that time (06-ish) it was very highly regarded and often highly recommended to new fans or people who just very curious alongside San. Stunning album btw, but that goes for the bands' entire discography. Even their last two albums.
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Seimeisen in Album that you love but fans hate?   
    We could add their self-titled album to this, can't we? I feel like everyone dislikes it, but I really like it.
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