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Status Replies posted by hiroki

  1. Does anyone know what Keiya (ex-Purple Stone) is doing? Looks like he has a side project as there are some video clips he's uploaded onto YouTube via his alternate account (swap the names in his Twitter name to find it). Not finding a thread on it via search. 

    1. hiroki


      he became an utaite doing covers and all, so not really vk anymore



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. those feels when you're off your A game and miss ultra-rarez 💀. Belated congrats to whoever got the Ray C stuff on Mercari.

  3. those feels when you're off your A game and miss ultra-rarez 💀. Belated congrats to whoever got the Ray C stuff on Mercari.

  4. Yooooooooooooo, Happy Birthday, bro! Blessings!

  5. unpopular opinion: current LEZARD > kizu + lime-era LEZARD 

    1. hiroki




      funnily enough, i used to think the limitation was with LEZARD's composers cos the great majority of lime-era songs followed the same percussive style that matched the high-pitched chest voice, but sora basically demonstrated that lime was the problem. who would have thought... ._.


      i'm not bashing lime cos he's obv technically very gifted. i was a fan of early LEZARD and i still have fond memories of their songs. but imo sora stretched LEZARD's repertoire to places where they could never have gone with lime.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. While listening to Aiolin I realized how similar Hikarito sings to vislip's Tomo. Their singing voices sound so similar but range and vibrato are different ^_^. What do you think @hiroki

    1. hiroki


      ^addendum: actually i talked to shun (astel's vocalist) a lot more about vistlip than i do with hikarito haha. shun's look (even during their 1-day revival live) is like... as tomo as you would ever get 


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. While listening to Aiolin I realized how similar Hikarito sings to vislip's Tomo. Their singing voices sound so similar but range and vibrato are different ^_^. What do you think @hiroki

    1. hiroki


      @colorfuljinsei we've talked a bit in DM before but it wasn't really about vistlip lol. maybe it's just a bit weird to be talking to a bandman about another bandman haha. he knows i'm a big tomo fan though

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. While listening to Aiolin I realized how similar Hikarito sings to vislip's Tomo. Their singing voices sound so similar but range and vibrato are different ^_^. What do you think @hiroki

    1. hiroki


      i don't find their voices that similar, but hikarito is def a big fan of vistlip and inspired by tomo since astel (previous band of aiolin minus You) were vistlip roadies. hikarito used to cover vistlip and daikondanchi on his YT channel too.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. what my room looks like when i'm organizing cds x_x




    1. hiroki


      i'm selling several hundred cds soon cos i simply don't have the physical space to store them

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. I saw 虹彩☆RaveL for the first time this weekend and now I finally understand the  "younger sister complex" that's in anime and otaku culture (still not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet but...)

    They were sooooo cuuuute!!

    I just wanted to take care of them and be like their older sister 🙀🙀🙀

  11. FJ CDs I pre-ordered months ago are shipping out today *_*. Yet, I still haven't gotten word about my Axkey webshop purchases yet. (Hope they're around before the end of the month)

    1. hiroki


      Kento spent 6 hours at the post office shipping the axkey stuff 3 days ago so you can expect them soon 

  12. It’s funny how when it’s a generic pop-rock band like Zero[Hz] you guys are like “COULD IT BE MORE GENERIC?” “SO MUCH MORE OF THE SAME” but when’s it’s the most generic “MAMA I’M A PSYCHOPATH” band like Mamireta you worship them to the death....... Very funny.

    1. hiroki


      because it actually is exceptionally sophisticated to sing about a million ways of dying!!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Happy b-day Hiroki! <3

    1. hiroki


      thank you!!! <333333333

  14. @hiroki yaaaassss happy birthday, my friend! may this new cycle bring you many new cool bands (maybe a Masashi new project?) and your wishes and plans may all come through! enjoy your day!

    1. hiroki


      aww thank you!!!!!! <3

  15. happy birthday dude! (。-∀-)

    Hopefully this year lots of new bands will come to your path!

    1. hiroki


      thank you!!

  16. Happy Birthday, Hiroki! Wishing you all the best~! :3 

    1. hiroki


      Thank you CAT!! <333

  17. ルクス is SO good holy fuck "Dear" and "COLOR" are saving my life rn.  i dont even care that "COLOR", "EXIST", and "Fate" all sound similar. 

    1. hiroki


      oh and i put EXIST up on yt some time ago (sorry not sorry for using my favorite yuno pic <333) i love its pre-chorus so much!!! maybe i'll translate it when i have some time haha. 



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. ルクス is SO good holy fuck "Dear" and "COLOR" are saving my life rn.  i dont even care that "COLOR", "EXIST", and "Fate" all sound similar. 

    1. hiroki


      i'm really not sure - there's a small chance i guess since the members are super close and they're on good terms as far as i can tell. yuno is the only one so far who hasn't affirmed that he won't be quitting music (i talk to him the most but he's also the most private of them). and yes i really love haruka's voice but he actually fucks up a lot at lives LOL (actually the whole band does, but they're kind of adorable cos of that haha). haruka has said he'll continue singing though, although he also mentioned something about wanting to start from scratch again. last week he messaged me the lyrics of Fate cos it's not an officially 'released' song but he knows i fucking love that song and i listen to it a lot T_T what a sweetheart haha

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. ルクス is SO good holy fuck "Dear" and "COLOR" are saving my life rn.  i dont even care that "COLOR", "EXIST", and "Fate" all sound similar. 

    1. hiroki


      they are T_T sadly they have a couple of songs that they won't get to record before they disband.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. omg Kou's (CLOWD) new look has me d e a d.

    1. hiroki


      he's so sexy and adorable at the same time.. how????

  21. Bought anfiel's album on itunes. How do I strip it from all the personal information so I can finally get that shit uploaded here

  22. 旅立ち by masaya is so beautiful :'(

    1. hiroki


      i can't wait for his new band T_T <3333

  23. *Any Vk band making a pv involving bugs/blood/any gore*


    Someone in the comment section: "IS THAT OBSCURE BY DIR EN GREY XDDDDDDDDD"




  24. Huge props to vistlip for making all the songs off the new album over 4 minutes... This album is phenomenal <3 

    1. hiroki


      i should finally have time to listen to it today... can't wait :DDD 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  25. Any idea what this is about?


    1. hiroki


      haha it's just a joke i think. cos he was talking about how some of their gyas had been telling him that they started dating their bf, and he was tweeting stuff like 'but i'd be jealous you know??', so he posted this to apologize for inciting the insults ("i'm gonna kill you taiyou" /  "kuso taiyou" / etc.) that came his way..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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