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Status Updates posted by enyx

  1. Can we just appreciate the fact that Trombe is still the top all-time contributor with more that twice the amount of points that 2nd place has? Talk about an unbeatable high-score.

    1. madygrain


      The Legend. I always wanted to know who the hell was he and how he did all of that. 

    2. Zeus


      Trombe also manipulated post counts to get that high it's not something to be proud of

    3. madygrain


      True, specially since he probably didn't need to. Dumb... But diligent. Still fascinated by his output 

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. I see your raid on my feed. I have only one word to describe it: weak.

    1. togz



  3. I was originally going to post my 'favourites of 2016' list at the end of January, but since my PC died along with everything I'd written I've pretty much lost the motivation to complete it. So, for anyone that's interested, I'll just say that downy, JYOCHO, siraph, and 網守将平's outputs were my favourites.

    1. Hakoniwa


      Aaaah man :(

      If you lost everything, I get it. I've been trying to post mine too and it's saved on my gmail drafts since I'm paranoid, but it's so difficult and I still haven't finished writing it so as february goes I'm losing my motivation too... it's the same every year :<

    2. beni


      That's a real shame. Still, thanks for telling us your favourites! Hope you have better luck and can enjoy your list of 2017 if you want to do that. You've always had cool taste so it's great to know what you've enjoyed. I'm late myself this year. ><

  4. Masayuki Hasuo (ex.school food punishment) and Yoshimasa Terui ( ハイスイノナサ) made a band together and it's freaking awesome! Think of old sfp on steroids. Band & EP name is 'siraph' for those that are interested!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. saishuu


      and the new odol is out today too! :)

    3. CAT5


      trombe, calm your ass down. It's super easy to overlook topics with the wealth of news posted here everyday. You can't in all seriousness expect every person to view EVERY single news thread, especially when it's a  brand new act THAT NO ONE HAS EVER FUCKING HEARD OF. Perhaps putting the related bands in the thread title would have drawn more attention to it? And lastly, even if there are no likes or no comments, that doesn't necessarily mean no one cares. Stop whining and figure out ways to more efficiently deliver news.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Nice avatar

    1. Atreides


      You inspired me lol.  Big shoutout to Cat5 :X'D:

  6. enyx

    Nice avatar

    1. CAT5


      I'm down. I've got some ace tunes in store too!

  7. Something's happening https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. Komorebi


      Sweet! I just poured myself a drink lol

  8. That spam in the general section though.

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I reported it twice!

    2. enyx


      Staff are probably all asleep, or just busy. They'll sort it out when they get online.

  9. enyx

    The only person to get your own personal MH birthday banner, let that sink in :P

  10. enyx

    What the fuck is your signature? O_O

    1. Chi


      i had a bad experience with a pervy neighbor!!! >w<

    2. emmny


      the truth

  11. You know what to do. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. CAT5
    2. Atreides


      Why not dubtrack? I can't fuck with plug.dj

  12. enyx

    Your username. It is red.

    1. Atreides


      Niiice! :X'D:

    2. togz


      It is red! Is CAT5 heaven back?!

    3. CAT5


      tadaima,  bromodachiz. u_u

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