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  1. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    It’s a tough listen these days, yeah. It’s got some of my favorite DEG songs on there, but I rarely listen to it in its entirety anymore.  As far as “classic” DEG goes, Macabre is the winner for me. 
  2. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Unplugged version of AsoM sounds like Kyo was inside the piano screaming while someone played it. That thump at the end is Kyo crawling out and slamming the lid closed. 
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    TMOAB is so underrated. I loved the visceral and violent production and there were a lot of killer riffs on a good deal of songs like Grief, Disabled Complexes, Rotting Root, and Repetition of Hatred. It's nothing special, but I don't think it's as bad as people discredit it. And I don't care what anyone says, Agitated Screams of Maggots is a jam. 
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Ito in Dir en grey   
    The only logical conclusion is DEG is starting a daytime children's show.
  5. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in Dir en grey   
    I love how WTD lands a rolling stone japan top-100 rock albums feature, but u step into a Dir en grey thread and suddenly the Koons is western fan opinions
  6. wtf?!
    nullmoon reacted to Ozileras10 in Dir en grey   
    A sign that they'll become PG-13 soon
  7. Yikes
    nullmoon got a reaction from platy in Dir en grey   
    What's with this trailer? XD
  8. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Ozileras10 in Dir en grey   
    What's with this trailer? XD
  9. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in Dir en grey   
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Manji 卍 in DADAROMA new mini-album 「This is “LIVE”」release   
    So,it seems the Dadaism series of mini albums ends at the number #3 at last
    hope their music can change as well from the jazzy/half-heavy/ballad to something more exciting,because they have quality on their music,
    but since Dadaism #3 i can't get rid of this "meh" feeling. judging by the usual "circus" concept on their new look,the flow won't change much...let's see
    but......KIDS WAR!!!!!!!!!
  11. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ShanethVarosa in DADAROMA new mini-album 「This is “LIVE”」release   
    They're really doing the most aren't they. I hope this has some variation and some interesting aspects. Definitely at least one particularly heavy song, one good ballad. I feel like they're really throwing together a ton of ballads that sound the same.
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to saishuu in Dir en grey   
    holding my hopes up for a SERAPH cover of Agitated Screams of Maggots
  13. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    I don't care what they release as long as it's shot in one take.
  14. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    I've seen a copy of girugamesh - now on Amazon for a literal million USD. I actually messaged the seller asking why it's so expensive and they never answered back xD
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    Also, Obscure.
    Except I hate the re-record and the fact that it replaced the original for lives.
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Nowhere Girl in Dir en grey   
    Undecided, though.
    Also Bottom of the death valley is way better in the re-recording, imo.
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    But not necessarily a good Dir en grey song. 
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in the GazettE   
    I actually kinda wish they would do a mini-album instead. I think more than a change of style or instrumentation, they need to just focus on solid song writing. Dogma was good but it was too long,  a lot of the songs were either repetitive or sounded too similar, and the production gave every song the same character. I think they could've played more with the production to give some songs ( like "wasteland") a different feel and break up the tone of the album. 
    But, they found a great new sound and I'm interested to see if there's anything more they can push with it. I think them working on just a few songs and coming up with some real killer riffs and melodies would be so much more interesting. 
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in R-shitei new single 毒廻る (Doku Mawaru) release   
    I thought it was girl from first PV has child as a result of her father raping her and this is the continuation of her story. She meets a man that rapes her and abuses her daughter, so she kills him much like she killed her parents. It’s really a story about the cycle of abuse. 
    This is more or less R-Shitei’s version of Revelation of Mankind. 
  20. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Manji 卍 in Dir en grey   
    Talking about the new three re recorded tracks,just hope that fukai goes like" The Final" re record.same structure but with their current production,and beautiful dirt sound like a violent deathmetal like the re record of Zan was. And The lllD empire I really don't know what to expect,just wanna get really surprised by this one
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Ro plz in Dir en grey   
    Marrow of the Bone is my fav. 
    I wouldn't give a shit about DIR EN GREY if not for it and some of my all time fav performances are from that album.. 
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to EzraEroguro in Dir en grey   
    I voted for MACABRE, cause that album has the best melodramatic aesthetics. Myaku, Riyuu, egnirys, Hotarubi, Berry, and Zakuro are, in my eyes, probably some of the most incredible pieces they've ever written. And of course there's the title jam it's self...it's just an incredible album.
  23. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Nowhere Girl in Dir en grey   
    Also perhaps because THE FINAL is on it. Probably one of their most popular songs alongside OBSCURE.
    I voted for Kisou. It was between that and UROBOROS remastered. Really tough decision as I like almost everything they've put out aside from MISSA (and even that's good). Very surprised that DUM SPIRO SPERO is the top-rated album; that would be bottom of the pack for me. DEG albums for me are like different kinds of chocolate. Sometimes 100% cocoa is just a little too much.
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Dudemanguy in Dir en grey   
    For me, Kisou tries to be more aggressive/nu-metal, but it didn't quite make it there. So it's like in a weird middle ground, and I find the compositions there to be a lot simpler than the previous two albums.  Still, it has some great tracks like 'Mushi' or 'Embryo.' I do actually like the nu-metal/j-rock thing Dir en grey had going on with Vulgar and WtD so both of those albums I find entertaining. Even simple stuff like 'Garbage' (insert the obvious joke here) is fun just for Kyo's silly vocals.
    Arche is definitely my favorite Diru album though. That one strikes a perfect balance between their latter-era heaviness, lighter ballad side, and their progressive tendencies. Yeah, I'll grant you that 'The Inferno' is kinda lame, but the rest I love.
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Dudemanguy in Dir en grey   
    Really? I find WtD to be a lot of fun. Probably in the middle of the road for me. My least favorite Diru album would be either Kisou (probably an unpopular opinion) or Marrow of the Bone (maybe more popular?).
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