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  1. LOVE!
    nullmoon got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Show Yourself (again)   
    (yay! It works!) 
  2. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Marchen in Show Yourself (again)   
    FYI this is totally me. 
  3. LOVE!
    nullmoon got a reaction from ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    (yay! It works!) 
  4. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in Show Yourself (again)   
    FYI this is totally me. 
  5. LOVE!
    nullmoon got a reaction from saishuu in Show Yourself (again)   
    (yay! It works!) 
  6. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    You can double click the image to adjust the dimensions. But I for one welcome nose pics.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Show Yourself (again)   
    Upload your image to an image hosting website (Imgur is probably your best bet), then copy the BBCode (on Imgur, there should be a dropdown arrow thingy on the image with the code there) and paste the link directly into the text box and the image should appear in your post. I'd preview just to make sure though. Also, don't worry about linking it; you can just post the link directly and it should work.
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Marchen in Show Yourself (again)   
    I was celebrating my birthday on sunday o3o
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nomemorial in Show Yourself (again)   
    made sure to go buy beer on the way back from drinking beer 😬
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to -Tetsu- in What's your longest/shortest relationship?   
    shortest was about 7 month, longest little bit more than one year. were my only relationships too but I'm pretty sure that I didn't have any feelings for the guy I was together with one year tbh but I kind of do miss waking up to someone laying next to me. Won't be in a new relationship that soon tho, I have no clue how to get to know someone, wasn't lucky with talking to guys yet 🤷‍♀️
  11. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Dream last night involved the same ex sitting next to me and I apologised for how things ended etc. 
    In the same dream I made friends with otters in my back garden XD 
  12. 悲しい
    nullmoon got a reaction from lichtlune in What did you dream about last night?   
    I had a random dream where I was going down on an ex, but she wouldn't let me move my head to breathe? I literally 'drowned in pussy', as it were 😅
  13. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    I had a random dream where I was going down on an ex, but she wouldn't let me move my head to breathe? I literally 'drowned in pussy', as it were 😅
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Azaeroe in What did you dream about last night?   
    There was a pretty German girl in my class, and I used to draw illustrations of her all the time, until a teacher saw and told her.
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    They told her? That's such a childish thing to do. If I was a teacher and I saw that, I woulda just found it cute and left it at that (provided it wasn't getting stalker-ish).
  16. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Haha agreed. Even Vincent cracks jokes. If they take all of the humour out of the game it just won't be the same anymore. 
    I also hope they have Barret swearing like a sailor like in the original. I loved how constantly irate he was 😂
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I'm also worried they'll make it all a bit too sombre. They'd better not take out some of his most golden lines, such as "let's mosey".
  18. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    FFVII looks great but I'm concerned that Cloud will be all mopey and boring like in Advent Children as opposed to his badass, wise-cracking original self. 
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Tanishi in NAZARE   
    Funnily enough the messiness is what made me like it better, it makes it more engaging, at least to me than standard (even decently composed) deathcore.
  20. Like
    nullmoon reacted to YuyoDrift in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Honestly, I'd say the TOXIC era played a BIG role in the birth of the new/current generation of VK fans, solely by this song being in that anime.
    After the concert the other day and seeing the fans and hearing their little knowledge of the scene itself,  this statement is very accurate.
    Early Oshare Kei was actually pretty goth and unique. An Cafe, Aile, and Lolita 23q were pretty good imo. LM.C was ok too.
    edit: forgot about baroque and ayabie my god 🤦‍♂️
  21. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in A9 will release best-of albums「風月ノ詩」and「花鳥ノ調」   
    I didn't bother with listening to the entire albums, but his singing manner in the previews is so creepy tbh
    bitch is in his late 30s, but the imitation teenager vocal pitch is so confusing honestly;
    I thought he's gonna evolve into the hyde LARP act he's always aspired to be by now, but this is smth else entirely and it does not sound good
    I literally can't believe their pursuit of becoming a kpop band has molten ha brain so badly
    so is this their last live as a9 after which they reform as nine time-limited idol-kei bands called alice one, alice two, ..., and alice X — 1 (since alice9 is copyrighted by PSC) produced by A9 members?
  22. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from chemicalpictures in A9 will release best-of albums「風月ノ詩」and「花鳥ノ調」   
    Finally! I was waiting for a voice of dissent as everything has been so positive on here. 'Butchered' echoes my thoughts exactly. I listened to the Gemini trio and Velvet as they're some of my favourites and the new arrangements left me confused. Also why is Shou singing in such an over the top manner? I haven't listened to their newer stuff but is that what he does now? He sounds like he's trying way too hard to imitate himself. 
  23. I feel ya..
    nullmoon got a reaction from EzraEroguro in A9 will release best-of albums「風月ノ詩」and「花鳥ノ調」   
    Finally! I was waiting for a voice of dissent as everything has been so positive on here. 'Butchered' echoes my thoughts exactly. I listened to the Gemini trio and Velvet as they're some of my favourites and the new arrangements left me confused. Also why is Shou singing in such an over the top manner? I haven't listened to their newer stuff but is that what he does now? He sounds like he's trying way too hard to imitate himself. 
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to chemicalpictures in A9 will release best-of albums「風月ノ詩」and「花鳥ノ調」   
    I've listened to the gemini trio and was disappointed as fuck, they've butchered some of their best work ever, I couldn't even bother giving a chance to anything else
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to colorful人生 in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    After dealing with depression for a few years, I'll give some of my pointers (that worked for me.)
    Seek Counseling/Support Group/Family
    When things got rough for me, and I was feeling my worst; I felt like the last thing I should do was to "push" my problems on someone else. I would conflate that idea to completely isolating myself from friends and family, not making contact whatsoever. In that distorted mindset, you feel like everyone is better off without you and no one should worry about you, etc., but that is not true at all. Everyone still worries about you, and you're making it more difficult for yourself to get the help that you need.
    We spend a lot of time thinking about ourselves, and our own failures/problems, so we have a tendency to think that others are thinking the same about you. That's absolutely not the case. Try your hardest not to dwell on the past b/c ultimately it's about who you become, people can change. Your past doesn't have to define you, in your eyes.
    I was especially scared to tell my parents I was dealing with depression, b/c they didn't really "believe" in it at the time. I too convinced myself I was purposefully being lazy and neglectful, but when you spend a lot of your day sleeping/not moving/ignoring hobbies... that's not normal...
    Like a couple others in this thread, feel free to inbox/dm me. I'm not a professional, but I certainly don't mind giving advice/people talking to me.
    Please seek guidance from another individual, that one person or persons could be the catalyst for you to get better. Don't be ashamed of seeking counseling. I think more people need counseling, it's extremely helpful.
    Getting a Physical/Blood Work/Medication
    I ended getting up getting blood work done after coming home to find out I had a sharply elevated red blood cell count compared to previous tests done. Turns out that was from my lack of oxygen b/c of constricted nasal passages -> poor sleep, hence my constant tiredness (a sleep study might reveal sleep apnea, but losing weight & allergy medicine (helps passage constriction) has worked like a charm so far.) I was pretty sedentary for a long time, so I was severely out of shape too (which exacerbates said problems.) So while I was gradually becoming more fatigued (lack of oxygen/poor sleep, shit diet, no exercise) I was also taking on more classwork/work which caused a snowball effect.
    If you can, seek your primary physician and get yourself checked out, you never know if it could be something else. Otherwise, don't be afraid of medication. Just make sure if you have any side-effects that make things worse, stop immediately and  seek your doctor for alternative options. 
    Diet & Exercise
    Yes, I did get a gym membership... I know there's a lot of hesitation b/c of costs, but I can assure you it is wholeheartedly worth it. I worked with a personal trainer for a few months and lost about 11kg/25lbs in that time-frame. I still have a lot more work to do, but I'm getting closer to a healthy weight. I feel better and I look better which has made me much happier :D. 
    Stop the soda, stop the fast food, take vitamins/supplements, and cook for yourself. Drink water, drink water, drink water, drink, water... It seems like a hurdle at the start, but trust me it gets easier, so much easier. Also, go outside and get some fresh air, it helps too. You are what you eat/do.
    Getting Organized
    So once I got into an exercise/dieting routine, that helped kick-start my organizational tendencies.
    If you make a daily planner, it helps put "meaning" into everything. It helps you inject more discipline into your life, which I find much more effective than looking for motivation. No, don't wait until someone tells you to do something, or you're prompted to do something -just do it, no excuses. It might seem cumbersome at first, but it helps structure your life tremendously.
    You don't have to follow this in verbatim. Ultimately, everyone is their own and different things work for different people... But, I think these choices can help dramatically improve your quality of life.
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