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    nullmoon reacted to Kyo_Toriko in Disbanded bands that you wish were still together?   
    For my opinion, definitely D.I.D. , though they stated themselves as indefinite hiatus,
    but I think they seem to never gonna come back, because other members now are in the other bands or other projects.
    I really like Akane's voice and his unique insight and the ideology,
    and I think it affects me a lot, no matter the positive side or negative side! (Laugh)

    And also Pay money To my Pain, I found them because I saw Akane's tweets about them,
    then I started to listen to them. At that time K is already gone, so I was too late to find them out!
    But their songs really encouraged me when I was in the bad time! They have a special place in my heart!
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in Favourite Dir en grey song from each album?   
    nnnn taste
  3. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to sleepy coffee in Favourite Dir en grey song from each album?   
    MISSA- Garden
    Gauze- Raison Detre
    Macabre-taiyou no so
    Kisou-that keloidmilk track
    Six ugly-umbrella
    Vulgar-Asunaki Koufuku, Koenaki Asu
    Withering to death- kodou
    The marrow of a bone- clever sleazoid
    Uroboros- red soil 
    12012- Suicide
    Dum spiro spero-diabolos
    The unraveling- macabre
    The black diamonds- Rosario
    Madrigal de Maria- Madara
    Arche- revelations if mankind
    The insulated world-Zetsuentai
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Mejibray: Terrible or Overhated?   
    It’s not even by age. I remember I wore a My Chemical Romance shirt to school and this close minded asshat says stuff like “oh no your gonna shoot up the school” and “haha that shit is emo. Listen to good music”. Like shut your fucking mouth. Just because I like MCR, Panic! or any other “emo” band does not make me “emo”. It just makes me a fan. Ugh
  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Original Saku in Do you feel people have an unfair racial bias against Jrock or other "Asian music"?   
    Definitely the language barrier, people just don't understand the concept of vocals not being the only part that matters in music, there's this weird perception (at least where I'm from) that the most important part of a song is the vocals and if it doesn't have vocals or it's in another language then it's not worth their attention... I can't even begin to explain how backwards this is, music is made up of more than just the vocalist and the lyrics, but people are hard pressed to listen to a pure instrumental song around here, it seem no vocals = boring music that's not worth the time. Not to mention there's a little something call vocal melody that you don't need to understand the language to hear.
    then there's the people that see VK bands and it turns into a sexism thing.
  6. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    The trick to avoiding social shame is to have two completely separate music libraries. One is essentially "J-rock and visual kei" and the other is "everything else". When I'm given the aux for a car ride, or asked what I listen to, I pull from the "everything else" group. When someone is feeling adventurous, or I know the tastes of the person I'm talking to, or I'm on MH, I go into my J-rock collection. Every once in a while I'll sprinkle in some visual kei/J-Rock with other international recommendations, people fall for it, and are none the wiser. I keep up on contemporary music just enough to hold a conversation about Green Day or J-Cole, but that's it.

    This separation is more logical than physical, but it helps a lot. It's almost a non-solution to your issue, but people are never gonna stop teasing you for liking visual kei, so the best you can do is give off an image that you listen to music from all over the world so you can lose that weeb label.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to frayed in Mejibray: Terrible or Overhated?   
    Mejibray is a very important band to me, but I’ve said before that I can understand the haters. Originally, Tsuzuku’s voice did not do it for me: it took me seeing them live on a whim to get into then, and I still maintain that a good chunk of their songs are better live than they were recorded.
    That said, I think Mejibray may draw excessive vitriol due to the amount of exposure it had and the kind same of younger fans they attracted. I’m pretty sure this has been the consensus every time the discussion has cropped up.
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to platy in Mejibray: Terrible or Overhated?   
    They have some incredible songs. There's a raw emotion to mejibray, sometimes it doesn't get translated well into their music, that's when you get the worst of them. But when it hits, it hits HARD
  9. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Mejibray: Terrible or Overhated?   
    That’s...an interesting way to describe them but ok
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to colorful人生 in random thoughts thread   
    glad my favorite gen 2 boi is getting some meme love
    Unless those comments are satirical/ in humor, those aren't real friends.
    To be honest, I realized very early on that completely divulging to others (or pushing) my Japanese hobbies without context would really come off as weird and awkward to most people. Luckily, in high-school I perfected the craft of introducing my friends, who had varying levels of interest in video games or anime, to j-rock & visual kei. While I wasn't as successful a vk missionary in college (immediately got the "hurr durr are u gay" question), I figured the more genres I had in my "repertoire" the better I could connect w/ people and possibly introduce them to vk. To this day, my wealth of music interests has been the king of icebreakers.
    Some successful examples:
    Late 00's - Early 2010's metalcore and post-hardcore was still huge, so I showed my metalhead friends the Crossfaith - Blue live clip (only their first album was out at the time), and they dug the shit out of that. Promptly blew up w/ their second album a year-and-a-half later. A friend of mine at the time liked the 14th opening to BLEACH, which was guess what, ViViD - Blue. Ended up getting him and a few others hooked on DIV. Friend of mine who mainly liked VGM (Video Game Music) found my earllly visual kei YouTube channel and really liked the SolariS tracks I posted, which was really interesting. I got him into the Raid.'s first mini and xTRiPx. Helped that he had a Korean-Canadian friend that introduced him to vocaloid/utaite stuff.  
    While K-pop isn't for everyone, it has made strides to change the perspective of androgyny and masculinity in the U.S, and elsewhere. I had friends who were only into K-pop be completely accepting of visual kei aesthetics b/c they had that frame of reference.
  11. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Extremely rare item that you would love to own?   
    "Hey guys so remember the time we sold our album Gauze on vinyl but it was limited to 100 copies?"
    "Yeah, why?"
    "Well we're just about to release our new album so let's do the same thing, but get this, let's only limit it to 10 copies"
    "Great idea management! I'm sure we would love to give out ten LPs to people who will definitely sell them for a ludicrous price which will end up being scratched and then fuck over everyone else by not releasing all our albums on vinyl for the near future and the albums that are on vinyl now are too expensive"
    Diru please re-release every album on vinyl plz. Kaoru senpai plz I want WTD on vinyl plez
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Extremely rare item that you would love to own?   
    Nope! Just looked it up. It did exist and they probably smelt wonderful 
  13. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from FOSCOR70 in Hello Folks I'm Kiwamu's Bitch   
    I listened to the secret acoustic chorus track of D'espairsray's Yami ni Furu Kiseki and it gave me all the goosebumps ❤️
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Single People Thread   
    For me I've found that the best way to deal with being single is just accepting it and finding other ways to fill that void. I've spend my free time learning new things or building on my hobbies. And in between, spending time with friends and family. And if all else fails, I find that music is the one thing I can always go back to in any number of circumstances.

    Dating apps are fun from time to time, but there's just this ambiguous wall that I have a hard time getting past when I match with people. I try to just have fun with it and use it as a platform to meet interesting people, even if we don't meet irl. 

    You figure with a population of over 5 billion people and a large number of those people seeking a relationship, finding a potential mate would be somewhat within the realm of possibility 😂
  15. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to platy in Single People Thread   
    Agreed. The thirst is real and it can be off putting. We're not gonna get married in the next month or so, chill. 
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to CELESTIAL CIEL in Show Yourself (again)   
    Moshi moshi, Doppio desu
    i'm trying to act like an adult... but fckn jojo
  17. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to daintypersnicketydingo in Family planning and the lack of it   
    When I was younger I thought having kids would be neat, I don't know when that changed to noooo, I definitely don't want children. The most frustrating thing about this is the rare times when I talk to my mother and she inevitably brings it up. I vaguely wonder if she'll pressure me to adopt instead once I'm past the age for having children of my own.
  18. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from Lestat in Family planning and the lack of it   
    Kids seem to really grind my gears. I'm reluctant to have them for their benefit as well as mine. I don't think they'll be too pleased about me chokeslamming them out of exasperation. 
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Single People Thread   
    I think that whole "standing out" thing really depends on the kind of people you're trying to get. The kind of guys I like tend to be shy to the point of being intimidated by that. I'm pretty shy around new people myself, and personally, I would much prefer it if someone went up to me and said "hello" instead of "what did you eat for breakfast this morning" or something along those lines. Granted, I get that just a simple greeting might come off as bland to most, but if they're not expecting it, it could actually be the best way to go about it, provided you have something to follow up with and gradually build it up.
  20. Thanks
    nullmoon reacted to Zeus in Single People Thread   
    Please don't be discouraged. @Disposable is right, but there's something to be said about the dynamics of online dating to begin with. Studies have shown more men use online dating then women. The divide is so big that some sites (like Ashley Madison) had to create bots and have employees pretend to be female so that male users would continue to frequent the site! Tinder must be similar. Your observation proves it. She may get 4 matches in 30 minutes but they're probably not quality matches. Focus on you and standing out and I promise something will work out

    Here's a link on the Ashley Madison thing I'm talking about: https://gizmodo.com/disgraced-cheating-site-ashley-madison-claims-it-has-mi-1795436093
  21. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Single People Thread   
    Aaaand that's why I can't get the guys I like X)
  22. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to platy in Single People Thread   
    To expand on the post above,  the most interesting message I ever got was someone sending a picture of their spice and seasoning collection because they saw that I enjoyed cooking on my profile. We're irl buddies now. 
    "Hi" is the driest conversation starter anyone could send. "How are you?" is barely any more stimulating. People will get hundreds of those a day, so really aim for something unusual. But not the weird kind of unusual. I was trying out this app and it'll send ice breaker questions when you match someone. It asked "how did you come out to your grandparents?" and this chick just replied that her grandparents were dead and even if they were alive (good thing they weren't) it'd be none of their damn business. The only reply I could muster was "damn". That ended right there. lmao
  23. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to Karma’s Hat in Single People Thread   
    Tinder is great, and just like irl using it requires a certain finesse and understanding of the code of conduct that applies there. You can’t just walk up to every 10 on the street and be like ”hey baby do you like dir en grey?” and expect them to care. My tip is to set yourself apart by expressing yourself and being a little weird. That way you’ll automatically eliminate all the basic bitches from the equation and you’ll remain with the peolle you’d actually fuck with, with who you share interests and a sense of humour. 
    Tinder is objectively a million times better than daygaming random people like a jerk off creep or rubbing yourself against someone’s ass on the dance floor.
  24. Thanks
    nullmoon reacted to platy in Single People Thread   
    I should've stated, I'm not a man in the previous post lol But I know what you're going through. Don't take it personally and maybe don't spend so much time on the app if it's making you feel like shit. There's always that feeling of "the one I'm looking for could be the next match or swipe" but it probably won't be, that's how they keep you swiping for hours.
    Just to test it out, I liked every person I came across until I ran out of free likes and matched back with everyone who liked me. Out of hundreds, maybe 15 made the first move to talk, 5 of those were able to actually carry a conversation. Out of those, one might lead to a coffee/date. It's rough stuff. 
  25. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to platy in Single People Thread   
    Tinder is always harder for men. There's studies on it lol There's 10 guys to every woman, so women can be picky.
    I'm not single, but I am in the dating scene and fuck, apps like this really knocked my confidence (and patience) down. It feels like people simply don't know how to socialise anymore and everything is very superficial. In any case, you're not the problem. 
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