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  1. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Puriwate in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    I just want the 8 second sample teaser that drops 3 hours before the release
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to platy in 30 Day Challenges   
    I've done two exercise challenges this year. Both involve doing 100 reps of an exercise that targets a specific muscle group every day for a month. In January it was abs and more recently it was glutes. The ab one helped me gain a lot of core strength and I can keep up an exercise routine much more easily now. 
  3. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to secret_no_03 in Minimalism   
    Minimalism has become a bit of a trend in the United States with the rise of Marie Kondo's Netflix series about helping Americans tidy up their homes, several years after she took off in Japan with her two books and Fumio Sasaki's hit book Goodbye Things as well as the Minimalists documentary on Netflix as well. I've watched Marie's shows, watched the documentary, listened to the audio book and read Goodbye Things as well as the two Minimalists books, their podcast, Matt D'Avella' s YouTube channel and podcast (he directed the minimalist documentary and their sequel that's coming out next year.) as well as several Japanese youtubers like Shibu, Takeru, SHOPPIN, MIYOSHI and more.
    Along the way I've gotten rid of hundreds of DVDs, CDs, at least fifty items of clothing, a few game consoles and all kinds of games and more and I've begun to read a lot more, listen to a lot more podcasts, movies and other things that I used to not have the patience for, so I suppose you could say to take a phrase from Jordan Peterson, I "cleaned my room" and my mind cleaned up with it. It makes sense because it's a proven fact that clutter can make you depressed, and over the course of several months my girlfriend and I have gotten rid of plenty of things we don't need, constructed a whole new cleaning routine and are enjoying each other's company and appreciating it more. I still have hiccups from time to time, but I haven't purchased a video game in probably six months, only splurged once on CDs, but I have had a few impulse buys; but it's a process. Over time I've also learned that you don't have to throw everything away because the point is to get rid of what doesn't have any meaning or value to life and replacing it with things you actually care about and bring joy and meaning to your life. Minimalism isn't the solution, it's a game plan and a template to becoming a happier, more fulfilled, and content version of yourself. Minimalist isn't your identity, just like your objects are not your identity either. The whole point is to find out who you really are when things are stripped bare and you remove all of these things that you THINK make you who you are. 😊
    -I've attached a talk that Fumio Sasaki did for the New York City Japan Society in 2017 where he talked about his journey and his book.
  4. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from LIDL in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    I'm constantly pining for their Vulgar/WtD sound to come back. Something like Filth or Child Prey would be fucking immense but I know it would never happen.
    It's funny that they're so hellbent on being heavy now and yet even the last Gazette album is heavier than what they're putting out. Hell, most bog standard VK bands are now. I feel like they were at the forefront with TMOAB but now they're just...there. 
  5. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to LIDL in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    Maybe they'd finally go dance metal, taking example from MUCC, girugamesh, and BABY METAL
    Wouldn't mind a more aggressive version of FILTH or child prey kind of sounds.
    What they did lately just same old shit, though I enjoyed it, but I need them to try Industrial Metal again.
  6. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    japanese parents actually have a sense of embarrassment for their children, and if little brats don't know how to behave they get put on ritalin and everyone lives a normal life again.
  7. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Tokage in Rich people in vk?   
    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to pawzord in ex.-OZ- members band, ジプシー (Gypsy) one day revival   
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Furik in ex.-OZ- members band, ジプシー (Gypsy) one day revival   
    DEAR OZ,
  10. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    I am no longer going to start using that tiny feet line XD 
  11. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    It didn't work, I might add.
  12. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Both the dream and real life anecdote are incredible XD I'm going to start using that tiny feet line XD 
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to spockitty in random thoughts thread   
    I wanted to say "air" but I suppose that's not true anymore either~ 
  14. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to spockitty in random thoughts thread   
    anyone else gets stuck on one song, and then proceeds to listen to it on repeat until they hate both themselves and the song? 
    that's also why I don't like having passengers in my car, because I can spend a 40 minute drive listening to the same song on repeat~
  15. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to TheZigzagoon in random thoughts thread   
    On Monday I got high and I started having a panic attack and instead of telling my friend I just knelt down further and further to the floor until I was almost sit/squatting and I got major giggles when I realised this and it calmed me down 
    Fun times 👌
  16. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    in todays "gifs that you can smell"
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to saishuu in アリス九號(Alice Nine) will resume their activities   
    how long until the recycle continues and they move on to alice nine.
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to IGM_Oficial in アリス九號(Alice Nine) will resume their activities   
    Aaaahhh, yes.

  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in How do you stream your own music collection?   
    I have both an my old IPod 5 for my music and my phone for just social media and texting
  20. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Reminds me of when I was out for a walk and saw a guy shredding on a sitar. He was great, I sat and watched him for a full hour and a guy sat next to me tried to get me to go on a date with him right after telling me I had tiny feet. And that wasn't even a dream!
    I did, however, have a weird (yet relatively mundane) dream last night. I'm going to a convention today and I dreamt that I was living with my grandma and she kept giving me weird useless things to pack that were mostly food. I remember her giving me a lunchbox full of milk chocolate and white chocolate buttons and a bag of kale. Y'know, in case I started craving kale. This is the best way I could sum it all up:
    Here's hoping I won't need my angry eyes.
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Komorebi in How do you stream your own music collection?   
    Same as some above, I use an iPod on the go and iTunes at work. I still have my old mp3 around too.
  22. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from ghost in What did you dream about last night?   
    Vivid but not exactly cohesive.... 
    -Driving around the West Midlands (the county where I live in the UK), complete with potholes, grey weather, and bad drivers. 
    -Walking around and coming across some random field with a play area in the middle. Pretty sure this was from another dream. 
    -Walking around a bustling town centre. There was a middle Eastern dude busking. He was playing deathcore shit on drums, it was great. 
    -Speaking to one of my friends (an ex girlfriend) about relationships while we're in an arcade. 
    -My brother owns a horse in this dream. I plan to give it a three course meal (an apple for each course) for its birthday. Of course apples come in all sorts of flavours in my dream. I decide on apple pie flavour for dessert. Cut to me in the back seat of a car, feeding a horse an apple in the passenger seat of the car. 
    -I wake up. 
    What? XD 
  23. LOVE!
    nullmoon got a reaction from spockitty in How do you stream your own music collection?   
    Holy cow! Thanks for the help everyone!! There's a lot to digest here
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to secret_no_03 in How do you stream your own music collection?   
    I despise streaming, but I store my music locally or on mega.
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to colorful人生 in How do you stream your own music collection?   
    There's also Subsonic and Tomahawk Player (although it's been abandoned :/.) Like @Original Saku mentioned, there's a lot of media server options in both the paid and open-source realm. I know you can use Plex for your media library as well. If you aren't anal about metadata and correct artist art, Google Music has a 50,000 song limit (300 mb per song). If you strung together whole albums into a continuous .mp3, you could end up w/ a shitload of stuff hosted freely by Google. On a slight tangent, the chinese vk netizens have taken to Xiami to upload just about everything vk. They're a bit controversial b/c of their paid options, but anything HQ is freely available. You can straight up pull the 320 mp3s that are uploaded (* or whatever quality it was uploaded at) w/ a bit of devtool knowledge.
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