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    nullmoon reacted to cheesy_VK_Freak in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    my expectations are high
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nick in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    The title should be changed to "The World of No Mercy" according to their new look.
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to EvilHippy in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    10 minute single? Fuck yeah!
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nick in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    Album arts for the new single have been revealed.



  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Nowhere Girl in Dir en grey   
    Everyone has a different opinion and that's fine.
    For me, TIW is an album I really want to like, but I don't love it.
    The production is fairly poor for them, the mixing is shoddy, and the mastering is just godawful. Seeing the material live shows it in much better light. It's frustrating that they essentially ruined their studio versions like this, but they are what they are. I'm looking forward to seeing it live on Blu Ray. I figure that'll be more enjoyable than the garbage-disposal sound the album has.
    It feels like they tried to make a TMOAB2; it's as though they forgot that they released the last three albums and went straight from TMOAB to this.  Despite this, some songs seem repeated from those previous albums, which to me shows lack of creativity. For example, Zetsuentai = VINUSHKA, and Keigaku no Yoku = DREAMBOX.
    The pacing is also bizarre, with the first half of the album being utterly relentless. I found it hard to distinguish anything noteworthy in those first six songs on first listen, and it's taken until now for me to digest that material. I've gotten used to the sound now and have accepted it. However, I really hope they don't continue in this vein with poor mixing/mastering (point of contention; I actually feel that everything else in the catalogue sounds at least okay).
    Regardless of how negative/critical I may be here, I do like all the songs on the album with the exception of Celebrate Empty Howls, which I just cannot seem to get into.
  6. Like
    nullmoon reacted to LIDL in Dir en grey   
    Hmmm, so you counted out Gazetto like that? 
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Nowhere Girl in Dir en grey   
    They aren't remotely similar aside from the types of instruments they use... which are typical of a metal band anyway.
    Deftones is excellent, though.
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in Dir en grey   
    toshiya finally looking snatchedT again
  9. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to saiko in Dir en grey   
    Is Toshiya returning to his 'band-whore' looks?💜💜💜
  10. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Dir en grey   
    New band pic and single pics to commemorate the new single's release:

  11. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Zeus in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    That whole album was recorded on $10 earplugs Die picked up at the corner store.

    Someone passed me a copy of The Insulated World that they did where they adjusted a few things and the end result was so much better. Not good enough to fundamentally change opinions on the album, but enough to make me wonder why that wasn't done before the album was pressed. It only took ten minutes! For fuck's sake, if I can sit down and take a compressed MP3 version of the track and make it sound better than the studio master, there's a problem with the production part of the pipeline. Do any of their ears work? I haven't revisited the album since I got this copy, since tracks like "Devote my Life" hurt to listen to, and I still think the second half of the album is stronger than the first half, so in essence I guess I agree with your hot take???

    Despite my high end equipment, I'm also terrible at noticing these problems in the moment, but I can very easily A-B them if someone gives me a cleaned up version, so if I start noticing issues almost instantly then that's real bad. Real good example of how ignorance is bliss.
  12. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to SubThatSong in random thoughts thread   
    Weekends have mysteriously been the most full of anxiety for a few months now, and it's trickled over into weekdays. I guess I'm officially in a worse place again, without proper reasons why. Woosh, feelings of being useless and aimless. Screw you irrational feelings that won't be swayed by logic.
  13. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    why does being around people hurt so fucking much, i feel so out of place
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to frayed in HIZUMI (ex-D'espairsRay Vo.) new band NUL. has formed   
    Idk why so determined to prove that Hizumi’s project is crap based on the encore, did he hurt you or something? Lol.
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to WhirlingBlack in HIZUMI (ex-D'espairsRay Vo.) new band NUL. has formed   
    Girugamesh played Omae ni Sasageru Minikui Koe twice during their last live. Two and a half times even since they had to restart the second time.
    It might not be commonplace in the scene as a whole, but it happens. Especially with newer bands before they have enough material to fill the setlist, repeating their most popular track(s) in the encore is not rare. Look through various setlists for bands first oneman shows if you want.
  16. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to YuyoDrift in HIZUMI (ex-D'espairsRay Vo.) new band NUL. has formed   
    You guys are clogging up this thread.
    Take it to PMs if it's really that interesting of a side-topic.
  17. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in What did you dream about last night?   
    Ok, I won't ; D
  18. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to spockitty in What did you dream about last night?   
    Jeez man, is it just me or are you dreams getting progressively more morbid? R u ok? ^.~
  19. Yikes
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in What did you dream about last night?   
    Had a dream I died last night.
    Me and a whole group of people were standing at the bottom of a rocky valley. There was a sun like object floating above us and as it got closer everyone got pulled up to it. I was anxious as I saw the people in front of me getting engulfed by it.
    When it finally reached me I closed my eyes. I wasn't afraid to die but it was the anticipation of pain that frightened me. As the light engulfed me though, it didn't really hurt. I lost all feeling except for the sensation of searing on my body. I tried opening my eyes and all I saw was this yellowish/white brightness. And at this point I gave in to the light.
  20. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from ghost in What did you dream about last night?   
    Another random one but I remember less. Get deciphering! Overall I get a sense of wanting connection with someone? 
    -Met a friend I haven't seen in around 15 years. I was helping him with his break up (the break up did happen in real life but probably a few months ago?) 
    -Watching a remake of some movie again and again, but leaving early on each time. 
    -Going to said movie with someone who I knew in the dream but don't know in real life. I think it was a friend in the dream but there came a point where we nervously kissed each other and then she cuddled up to me to watch the movie? (To clarify, this is the kind of relationship goal I have in my head so I guess that influences things!)
    -I then watched We Are X with my dad (who doesn't understand my interest in VK) 
    -Digging up the top layer of soil to rehouse it. This layer was totally covered in freeze-dried coffee. I spent time picking out all the worms from each clump but they were more progressively getting more like witchetty grubs? 
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in HIZUMI (ex-D'espairsRay Vo.) new band NUL. has formed   
    I have no idea what exactly you're arguing over, but a 5-6 track set-list + 2 tracks going on repeat for encore is a normal debut performance for a vk band;
    those guys either debuted an entire album or 4-6 singles worth of material at that live; the encore tracks will probably be either the lead singles, or one of them will go as an album PV track.
  22. Like
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Karma’s Hat in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I don't know if you've someone's alt or have been lurking here for how long exactly, so in case you were not aware I was referencing the way people here write circles around the production of some shitty Japanese mallcore as if dicking around with a few sliders and switches would've made it any different. Even if The Insulated World didn't sound shitty it'd still thoroughly retain it's fundamental essence, which is shit. 
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to hopefully_benign in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I'll listen to music recorded on a 4 track tape in an outhouse if I like the songs. My issue with DEG is that they actually seem to jump through expensive, time-consuming hoops specifically to make their albums sound shitty. Egregiously fake, soulless sounding drum trigger samples and Death Magnetic-tier compression isn't some romantic case of off-the-cuff, spirit-over-professionalism passion or whatever, it's not fucking lo-fi black metal, it's just good* songs turned into plastic by shitty production/mastering. People here aren't audiophiles for being bugged by distractingly shit sound anymore than you'd be a snobby food critic for not wanting cat litter poured on your spaghetti.
    * Well, some people seem to think so. I'm a lot more impressed by their 'generic vk' era than their middlebrow Mike Patton-meets-shitty-deathcore era.
  25. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from hopefully_benign in Dir en grey   
    Cool? The album sounds like a damn double-glazed window emporium XD 
    And don't get me started on that album cover... 
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