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  1. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to nick in random thoughts thread   
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to CAT5 in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Been playing Soul Calibur 6 on and off, and I love it. Always been a huge fan of the game, though I'm a bit disappointed at how slowly they've been adding new content to the game.
    Anyways, here are come characters I created. Character creation is always one of the coolest aspects of the game for me;
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in the GazettE 2 new live DVD/Blu-Ray release and 18th anniversary oneman live   
    I'm glad they arent pushing out their own 『 from depression to mode of . . . 𝛟𝛜𝛈𝛐𝛍𝛆𝛈𝛐𝛈』concert collections but tbh I feel like they released like 10 live dvds over past 2 albums and only the halloween ones were at least creative conceptually
    give us some new music ffs
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to AwesomeNyappy in Dir en grey   
    1. Withering to death
    2. Vulgar
    3. Gauze
    4. Uroboros
    5. Macabre
    6. Dum spiro spero
    7. Arche
    8. Kisou
    9. The marrow of a bone
    Vulgar and withering to death keep changing places, I can just never decide which one I find best. Kisou has some amazing songs on it, but in general the sound is just....too much? If I liste to the whole album, I usually get a headache. Embryo, Mushi or undecided are great songs (and Zomboid is super fun), but in general I would put it last with the marrow of a bone (which had the same problem, basically.) Arche and dum siro spero are very well put together albums imo, I can just listen to them while relaxing on the train, the beginning and endings of songs are seamless. However, some of their older albums such as WTD had more highlights for me.
  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to LIDL in Dir en grey   
    Feels like we talk about these "rate your DEG albums" topic every other weeks. 😂😂
    nullmoon reacted to libertine in Dir en grey   
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to saiko in Dir en grey   
    I'm a HARD stan for Dir, but I must agree on TWOM being pretty uninspired. It's not bad, nor in terms of production either in terms of composition. Rather, it's actually good, but still isn't something I would add to my playlist ever. For that kind of doomy ballads that are a trademark of the band I have already several, starting from Mazohyst of Decadence.
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in Dir en grey   
    I'm listening to the world of mercy rn and tbh it would slay as an opening TIW track
    (and they optionally could've scrapped the first two or three shit songs or idk release them as singles later, ending the album with ranunculus and everything would have been better that way)
    but I'm p sure they didn't have enough rejected ideas ready to get rearranged at the time album was produced.
    I'm trimming it to 6:20 for my playlist lol idc papa kaoru's composing genius up his ass again
    nnnnn @ takumi's shitty new synth jumping out again I hate it sfm I literally can't, another reason to end this thing early
    does anyone else think the way they recorded the kyopera around 09:00 sounds p similar to studio fuckery that yomi from nightmare and hayato from duel jewel were resorting to shortly before announcing their hiatuses/semi-retirement? thots?..
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to sleepy coffee in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    rewatching breaking bad (again) in preparation for the upcoming movie. whats everyones expectations and excitement levels for it? typically these "sequels" can be a real miss but assuming its all the same people in charge of writing and stuff i have all the faith in the world for it 
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Edit cuz double post, also just cuz an album has two or three bangers doesn’t mean it’s good
    also also Kisou is DEG’s worst sounding album. It’s the aural equivalent of chewing foil and sandpaper 
  11. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    See, but I wonder if it's a matter of stylistic choices or poor production choices. I've heard other bands I like with lots of music industry experience (Japanese and other countries) release albums with some very questionable audio quality. Like, it'll be their 6th album and their album will be brickwalled and have clipped audio everywhere, or instruments balanced poorly. To me, those things are not a stylistic choice but amateur audio production. I haven't followed the release of this album at all so don't know anything about what the band has said about inspiration for the album or any production decisions, so maybe they did consciously decide on this sound, but just from my listening experience that's not the feeling I got. I may not be able to, but it's great you're able to overlook the production aspect of music since it allows you enjoy more music.
    Is that a "Fantano" rating I hear?
    Yeah, I agree their discography is really solid. There isn't anything I absolutely hate (except R to the Core) and they experiment a lot so they have a wide range of material.  But I still think World of Mercy is a burning Rubbish Heap 😂
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Dir en grey   
    The thing about Diru is that their discography is so wildly diverse so your bound to get some weird rankings. 
    They’re one of those bands were no one is settled on a best album or one that’s a masterpiece above the rest. 
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in Dir en grey   
    withering to death gave y'all dead tree it literally never been more obvious their current pedestrian stans don't understand ART
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Dir en grey   
    Dead Tree goes hard
  15. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    Think u mean garbage 😉
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Kirito in Dir en grey   
    Withering to death
    I miss the catchiness and simplicity of Withering to death. I think i don't really like the extremely low tuning of their new albums. It makes everything more muddy.
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to FOSCOR70 in Dir en grey   
    Ugh you guys taste fucking sucks. How dare you rate TMOAB so low...tsk tsk. 
  18. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    Withering to Death
    Dum Spiro Spero
    Kisou *Side note, gyakusou tannou keloid milk is so good and they should remake it.
    Marrow of the Bone
    I think it's fine. But even when compared in a vacuum, I personally don't think it stacks very high next to their previous efforts. I know it's a matter of taste, but from the other albums I can find at least 1 or 2 tracks I like. Whereas, with TIW, I can't remember a single riff even after listening through it 4 times. Granted, I haven't sat down with it as much as their older work. But there's just something missing from it compositionally and sonically for me that fail to grasp my initial interest.  I found albums like TMOAB and DSS much more challenging to get into, but they had my attention and I wanted to revisit them. TIW is not bad by any means, but if I'm being honest I think it's just not what I was hoping for from the band. But a lot of people like the album and they can't please everyone right?
    Right here fam. Love that shit. This album has such a strong atmosphere (although Tue Madsen absolutely murdered some of songs here which is sad. Tragic what happened to album versions of the singles). Ruten no Tou is one of my absolute top Diru songs.
  19. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from ghost in Dir en grey   
    Mine is ever-changing but at the moment it's (from best to worst) 
    Withering To Death
    Dum Spiro Spero
    The Marrow Of A Bone
    The Insulated World
  20. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Dir en grey   
    How would you guys rank Diru's albums?:
    My ranking from best to worst
    Gauze/Withering To Death
    Dum Spiro Spero
    The Insulated World
    The Marrow Of A Bone

  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    TWOM really does sound like a mash up of several ideas. It's pieced together so poorly though with no real cohesion. Cool sounds here and there, I like the doom-metal vibes in the first third of the song and the more post-metal-y vibes in the latter third. But, this might be one of the worst songs they've released. 10 minutes of no direction and no real hooks or riffs. No offense, but next time please kindly leave your ideas at the door Kyo.
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to heresytrash in best jrock cd cover   
    Kagrra, always had lovely album covers but San and Shizuku have to be their best. 
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Furik in Dir en grey   
    I... hate to say it but I agree that the single is boring. If I wanted something that was identical to this song in terms of length and experimentation, I’d go and listen to anything else they’ve put out in the past 10 years or so. This single was honestly probably just a Sukekiyo outtake and decided to release it as Dir en grey just for the sake of keeping the band name still relevant.
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to dannemannen in Dir en grey   
    Damn the new single is boring.... literally nothing stood out to me. How many songs like that haven't we heard from DEG before?
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Tokage in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    ''Objective decline in quality'' can't even be called an opinion anymore at this point if you take the amount of live houses, vk stores and publications that have shut down over the course of the last decade in Japan into consideration, not to mention the way in which the stream of notable acts & dedicated fandom events happening abroad have p much entirely dried up at this point other than the occasional bouts of Satsuki descending upon some poor Ukrainian village to spread his seed Genghis Khan-style or some local z-rate band of weebs dredged up out of the abyss to play at some derelict anime con. 
    I wasn't just talking about the quality of the music itself, the (foreign) scene as a whole is absolutely in much more of an anaemic state than it used to be back between, say, 2005 - 2010 or so, and that sorta shit inevitably does affect the music as well what's w/ musicians trying to cling onto whichever formulas still do work to bring in that drug money/pussy/anime op contract even if it means you end up w/ a scene that's nowadays comprised of  like 25 ''mystery bands'' playing the same tired style of metalcore & disbanding after their second single.
    To deny that any of that's been happening or even try to play it off as ''woooow stop being so elitist'' is just willful ignorance 
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