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Status Updates posted by Ito

  1. Tomb Raider time!

  2. Trying to find a new anime to watch from the last year or so. Any suggestions?

    1. DeithX252


      try Chihayafuru, underrated anime about karuta card game, it's very good

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      psycho-pass is ok? i only watched the first 2 or 3 episodes and ditched it, maybe i should pick it up again...

    3. Gaz


      ^yeah, there will be really hot in the end of series. and chihayafuru is good too ^^

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  3. VVVVVV makes me so angry...but why is it still so much fun?

    1. Ito


      I was playing it at my girlfriends and I quote: "Can you stop making so much noise? It sounds like you are dying over there."

    2. Eraser


      You should give a try to Super Hexagon (a much harder game by Terry Cavanagh). It's like you wanna punch the screen every minute, yet you can't quit cause it's so good. I'm still struggling at the last level. :\

    3. Ito


      omg, that made my head hurt just watching the small preview on steam XD

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  4. What did I just watch -

    1. ghost


      Wat the ffffaaadge? I d...I don't think they're doing the whole GWAR thing right.

  5. What in the fuck did I just watch? (NSFW) - http://animatorexpo.com/mememe/

  6. While listening to Best of Tornado, I am reminded of the thought that I would enjoy them so much more without TK's vocals.

    1. Tokage


      wow can a mod pls ban this guy or something

    2. Seimeisen


      When I listened to Best of Tornado, I learned that ALL of Inspiration is DEAD needs a fucking remix/remastering job, instead of just two songs. XD

    3. saishuu


      I actually like them better because of TK's vocals. His over the top and high-pitched vocals do it for me.

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  7. Why does trying to find a decent apartment need to be harder than Yoshiki when he is thinking about himself?

  8. Yeah, because nobody reads newspapers anymore! :D

  9. 10 years, guys! 10 fucking years!

    1. YuyoDrift


      Let's shoot for 20!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      We did it!!!! Now for 20!

    3. herpes



  10. Happy Birthday, newest supreme overlord!

    1. doombox


      Ayeeeee, thank you! #redteam4lyfe

  11. How the fuck can people stand synth violin?

    1. fitear1590


      Are there any songs that are particularly egregious for you when it comes to canned strings?

    2. nekkichi


      that bitch STOLE yohio's signature singing manner and you're complaining about cheap arrangements, what's wrong with u goddamniT!

    3. Zeus


      if you don't know what its supposed to sound like you won't notice the difference. i used to be ok of it but after rookie fiddler i'm much more demanding like you

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  12. I just found out that ACME is playing at my local con (Anime Milwaukee). I guess I am going now? lol

    1. Ito


      You guys are killing me. The entire reason I want to be in Colorado is because the mountains and the snow.


      I still need to listen to ACME's new album. I've listened to a couple singles and mildly enjoyed them.

    2. Biopanda


      I've been thinking about going to the con as well now that I'm like an hour away, but it feels bad to drive all that way for one day of a con.

    3. Ito


      @Biopanda Honestly, I really don't think that drive is bad. Perhaps I biased as I spent like 3 years where my commute to work was an hour one way lol. To me I feel like the main question is "is it really worth paying for $45 for a badge to just see a band." If you are planning on doing other things at the con or you really love ACME, I would say yeah. But otherwise, nah. I haven't been personally in several years to Anime Milwaukee (it's usually the same weekend as Katsucon, which is waaay better, but I am not going this year to save $$$), but my wife and friends have, and they will tell you it's a very average midsized con.

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  13. Looks like Lynch has continued their trend of good album followed by a bad one.

  14. Monochrome Heaven Panel at Anime Central (in Rosemont, Illinois) has been officially set for May 21st at 6:45 PM!

    1. doombox
    2. YuyoDrift


      Yay. Are you gonna ask for ideas again?

    3. Ito


      @YuyoDrift I am not sure if I am officially going to ask for member suggestions, but I certainly wouldn't mind any input you have for me! I'm changing the format this year from those 2 one hour slots to just a full 2 hours.

  15. of course I get incredibly sick while on vacation...

    1. tetsu_sama69


      this is my true fear this next week

  16. Old school and hardcore TW/MH members - message me if you are interested in be involved in a short project. 

  17. Sorry I haven't been around in the forum much lately. In related news, I'm getting married in 6 hours!

    1. saishuu


      ayyy congrats, man! <3

    2. ghost


      Congraaaats! Excited for you!

    3. YuyoDrift


      You should be married by now, congrats!

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  18. Welcome back to Catochrome Heaven!

    1. YuyoDrift


      "What do you meeaaaaan?!?!?"

  19. Who am I seeing at the ACME concert at Anime Milwaukee tomorrow?

    1. Ito


      @YuyoDrift lmao, I go up to them and be like "hi, I'm the founder of Mononchrome Heaven."
      I wonder what the chances are that they know about the forum?

    2. Ito


      And I was always planning on going - I was going to be at Anime Milwaukee anyways.

    3. YuyoDrift


      You'll either be shun or offered a partnership lol

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