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Status Updates posted by yakihiko

  1. Today was a boring day, just like all my Sundays.

    1. yakihiko


      It was raining all the day :(

    2. Tetora


      Ah, it was cold as heck here today.

    3. yakihiko


      Here it was warm with rain, not a good combination to me. I like cold :DD

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. Doctor gave me a bunch of medicines :/ hope it can help.

    1. CAT5


      take care, yakihiko. wishing you well!

    2. doombox


      Get well soon! :(

    3. yakihiko
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Parabens Licio! :D

    1. Jun_


      Parabéns, manolo~~

    2. ricchubunny


      Feliz aniversáriooooooo

    3. Licio123


      Valeeeeu pessoal and thanks Tetora =D

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. 19 days till Develop One's Faculties, I'm so excited for it lol

    1. Tetora


      Will check out.

    2. beni


      Will also check it out. Sounds great. x3

    3. Shir0
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. I just have to cry and accept that all my favorite bands are ending.

    1. Zeus


      it happens to all vk fans eventually

    2. freesia


      some members may recycle into new bands

    3. togz


      That happened to me pretty much by 2010 so I just followed the memmbers in to new bands and now those keeps disbanding. It's the VK way.

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  6. Happy Birthday Mi'ihen \o/

    1. hiroki


      happy birthday <3

    2. Tetora


      Happy birthday brah! 22 years old, I think that's 11 in Visual years?

    3. Mihenno


      thank you everyone! :D

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  7. I got red screen on my W8, should I press "run anyway"?

    1. Zeus


      red screen of death means there's a problem with your graphics card. it won't always happen. reboot in safe mode and when you succeed in getting to the desktop google for more instructions. rsod is a pain in the ass but it seems fixable.

    2. yakihiko


      Really really thank you <3

    3. Chi


      ah qndo eu tive problema com isso foi qndo atualizei meus drivers de vídeo. entrei em safe mode e reverti os drivers. se tiver o numero do erro joga no google.

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  8. commemorative avi for Star Wars is up :3

    1. yakihiko


      I should watch only next week:(

    2. doombox
    3. beni


      You are brilliant, yaki-kun

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Today I feel like listening "Romancé" by THE NOVEMBERS all day long.

    1. yakihiko


      Yes sir, pls.

    2. Chi


      the kobacrew grows

    3. fitear1590


      Amazingly dreamy song! Nice choice!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. I didn't see this coming... How am I suppose to handle this... I don't know what to say, just feel...

    1. Licio123


      Força, yaki!

    2. Valicious


      Yeah... I didn't expect Magistina Saga to go on hiatus either. VK won't be the same without them :(

    3. kyoisKILLINGME
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. "What's on your mind?"


    1. yakihiko


      I want to see the day Fuma saw it all   :parapls:

    2. colorful人生


      I love how fuma can represent both rejection and inquisitiveness all in the same image 

    3. hiroki


      You are only allowed to give 30 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today. :parapls:

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  12. Shogo owns a dark hair now *-* I didn't expected this

    1. yakihiko


      Do you think it will be a darker vibe from what we know? *o* 

    2. hiroki


      possibly. i think it'll be something different from their 'usual' sound, but i also have complete confidence that their composers won't push them too far in a direction that doesn't play to the strength of the band. we'll see! :)

    3. yakihiko


      I'm already waiting for some previews :DDD

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. Is this Koba on your avi?

    1. yakihiko


      A rare and cool picture, is very difficult to find a picture that you can notice his forehead while in a long hair ;D

    2. yakihiko
    3. togz


      That's a pretty true statement there. It was between him or Machiya lol

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  14. Did someone has the skill to record a broadcast from a NicoNico in good quality ?

    1. DESTINYGUY0316


      I hope someone can take songs from NicoNico ... 

    2. Biopanda


      I can?

    3. DESTINYGUY0316


      What the fuck 


      You are God from NicoNico @Biopanda

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  15. MBHI's I HATE SUNDAY and Tokyo Drift?! Are you playing with my feelings? xD

    1. yakihiko


      Better, imagine Tenten driving one of those cars while singing! This would be so marvelous!


      I still haven't watch the last FF :'(

    2. Shir0


      Hoooly- that would make such a good PV for the next re:mbhi release D:


      DOOO IIIT :DD yet alone because of Paul Walkers fighting scene

    3. yakihiko


      Yesss ;^; for I HATE SUNDAY or my head bursting open call a doctor... Tenten are your hearing us???


      I will do it someday very soon, I just got the FF feels again :D 

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. happy birthday nightmare fellow, hope that on your next one they be playing together again.

    1. yakihiko


      I hope that at some point between this time, Yomi really try to get improve on his voice's health and leave his solo project for the good, otherwise, I think their hiatus would be kind non sense.

    2. madygrain


      I've been thinking lately if Nightmare could work with other vo. (or if there is any other vo. in the scene that could replace him... like him or not he's kinda unique). I imagine Asagi could somewhat work...? but I am totally not convinced.

    3. yakihiko


      I couldn't imagine the band playing without him or without any other members, there are bands that really "lost it's true soul" when any part depart/got replace. Yeah, It's so bad that he didn't got enough work to keep it clean :<

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  17. I have a file in pan baidu from a single I want, but the baidu site don't open in my pc, some good soon to help me, and upload in another server like Mediafire. File: Fo'x Tails/GLITTER DAYS

    1. Minami


      i have this... ill upload here in 15 minutes

    2. yakihiko


      Thank you a lot, I like their music while watching Kuroko no Basket :)

    3. Minami
  18. Arrived from dentist, I hate it.

    1. Tetora


      How do the dentures fit you?

    2. beni


      Hope all went well. ;;

    3. yakihiko


      @Tetora Dentures? Lol I'm not an old man XD

      @beni All went well, thanks :)

  19. テキーラ??京 to release Kung-Fu Lady at 17th June. \o/

    1. Tetora


      Can't wait.

    2. yakihiko


      They already have two fan boys :D

    3. Tetora


      Yep, no music out but already die-hard fans, hehehe.

  20. Help, I can't stop to listen MBHI since yesterday!

    1. Elazmus


      No one can save you now

    2. Aferni


      no one can save you now[2]

    3. lollipopmonstar
  21. Happy Birthday to BORN! Happy 7th Anniversary.

  22. "The file selected is too large. Max 1024kB" :///

    1. yakihiko


      The profile photo changer is bullying me :(

    2. nick


      i'll fix that for you asap. i need some sleep now. ;_;

    3. yakihiko


      Thank you, sent a pm back.

  23. Biopanda was a cat, now is a dog... but I never seen he with a panda :D

    1. Biopanda


      One of the eternal mysteries of life.

    2. yakihiko


      Of course XD

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Next he should become a rat.

  24. The Square Enix Presentation will be at the same time I will do a test at Uni... Love my Life

    1. Tetora


      What games will they speak of? I am hoping that Rampage Land Rankers is there. A surprise would be nice like a nee Type Zero, but they save most stuff for Japanese events.

    2. yakihiko


      They released a Hype video, but is highly mysterious lol

      I'm want to see DeusEx and hoping a teaser from KH3 and something from FFXV

    3. lichtlune


      You could pretend that it didn't happen while you were away and just watch the twitch recording after your test.

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