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Status Updates posted by Elazmus

  1. So this 「SECRET No.03」. Idk what you all are saying, but this is instantly the most interesting PV track since RAVEN.

    1. Mihenno


      koichi so cute <3

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Somehow this band is just killing it without making particularly good songs I don't know how that works

  2. Who is your primary Halloween artist for today MH? I've already played DDRM's Halloween for kicks. Playing some Dead Children now!

    1. yakihiko


      My entire Halloween is like watching JOJO. I have forgot what music is.

    2. Elazmus


      Haha that also sounds wonderful

  3. RenYuS (.....?)

    1. Seimeisen


      Not sure how to pronounce it, but it's a damn awesome track!

    2. Elazmus


      agreed! was more looking for thoughts than explaination :]

  4. Finally got my copy of XisDead, irrelevant to everyone else now but I'm happy lol

    1. Shir0


      You bought XisDead and I didn't know??? :o fucking awesomee tho

    2. Elazmus


      Yes see on INSTA haha.

  5. cocklobin dark design catalogue <//3

    1. chemicalpictures


      their absolutely best release <3

    2. Elazmus


      I used to listen to it all the time but it only just occurred to me last night it was via a megaupload share that [was from here] but I found on byouto when I was like 15 :[

  6. anyone's Q: Is it easy to get an outpatient prescription for opiate painkillers in nihon? lifestyle inquiry..

    1. nekkichi


      idt anyone over-prescribes percocets as much as north america does it.

    2. Elazmus


      Absolutely true, world champs.

  7. I've always wondered about Kairi's first band ヴィシュヌ(Vishnu), I'm not sure there is even anything to find online, knowing even GaNesha had just the one release. It's weird not to have the hindu theme continue in his current band lol

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      They were on a few omnibuses, including one that was shared here, and at least 1 tape.




    2. Elazmus


      @Peace Heavy mk IIthat's awesome thank you! :] lol also this 2002 band pic I remember seeing it when I was trying to learn to SIVA were when I was like 15!

  8. In the end I'm actually kind of looking forward to playing FFXV when it's finished in 2018.... '19?


    They're adding a lot of bullshit but also clearly some story material and even some new, much needed mechanics to the core gameplay.


    I'll wait till they tell us they are REALLY done, and I've forgotten most of my first playthrough.. there might be a misconstrued epic on the horizon!


    Square, I'm truly sorry you had to give us what you did last year :( take your time.

    1. The Bread Wolf

      The Bread Wolf

      Don't worry, unless you plan to play comrades, I think they'll be done with story updates next year.

    2. Elazmus


      I might, but it would be after I've seen everything else lol. Yup I'm hoping so!

  9. Someone please help me identify this manga character that Tenten keeps sharing on his story. I'm so intrigued for some reason..


  10. Hey do we not have an Alice Nine discog on here? I'm somehow missing almost everything before Alpha (Minus Zekkeishoku). Anyone have 華想夢想紙, Kowloon or TSUBASA for instance?

  11. A bunch of my mp3 from like 10 years ago still have the problem where they skip back and repeat the first 3 seconds of the song 2 or 3 times before playing as normal. Anyone have experience with this and know if I can repair these files somehow? Or might I have to start lurking around requesting certain re-ups lmao?

    1. Ikna


      I had that problem with a few files too, never found a way to fix it though. It annoyed me with some releases so I grabbed the CDs and ripped them 😕

    2. Elazmus


      ahh thanks anyway, glad it's not just me! I know I gave up on fixing it once already as a teenager so I suppose I'll get by lol

  12. DEZERT, man...

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      first listen and im pretty impressed w/ the album myself

  13. Cannot even enjoy music I need a break

    1. blackdoll


      something like this

  14. Some help?: Certain albums in my itunes will not play on my ipod, they play normally through itunes but when you try to play on a device it just skips though all the tracks and comes back to the menu. I haven't been able to listen to Sadie's GAIN in years...

    1. Elazmus


      Nah nevermind I fixed it lol

  15. Quick, someone who watched THE THEATRICAL SHOW tell me in the next 10 min, was Nepenthes good?

    1. Tetora


      It was expulsionously splendificent.

  16. I'm gonna get back in bed, wake up again and come back online. hallucinating things in the news section.

  17. Huppy Berthday!!

    1. jduv86



  18. Log in. See MIMIC in the 'upcoming' box. Go to sleep happy.

    1. togz


      UGH I still don't have their last single. =___= Need to keep up with their releases.

  19. Some Prominence Inc. first thing in the AM. All morning every morning

    1. Aferni


      GOOD MORNING MOTHER FUCKER for those drowsy mornings <3

  20. Hmmm. Ex-THE KIDDIE members forming 3-man band called "GUTS AND DEATH" not sure what to expect but I liked them back in the day haha

    1. beni


      Saw that news elsewhere and got excited, then forgot about it. XD I miss THE KIDDIE, so I wonder how these'll sound this time.

  21. Really brightening up today, guys. Thanks for all being you<3!

    1. Shir0


      made me somehow think of this pic: http://weheartit.com/entry/140144136/in-set/23166181-quotes?context_user=ppeanutofficial

      fuck society


  22. Oh look, SHOXX featuring Kiryu on the cover and a double-artist segment on Tenten!?!? Paired up with... RUKA(Nightmare) Oh yeah.. it's SHOXX.

    1. Elazmus


      Obv. Still the worth[1]. 己龍 poster insert is quite pretty <3

  23. KRAD is doing everything possible to make me fall for them.

    1. lichtlune


      I'm liking them too.

  24. :[ Ohkay I did that thing I said I was gonna do..

    1. yakihiko


      Elazmus for Orange staff :D

  25. A9's 「Spiegel」 PV is great...

    1. togz


      I agree with this so much <3

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