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Status Updates posted by colorful人生

  1. It's always a treat seeing him on my twitter feed, lol. 



  2. Should have been KH3's opening ;P. Reminding everyone this still exists, lol. 



  3. Glad I wasn't in public when this popped up in my feed. Nice photobook... I guess? 🧐



    1. suji


      now this is the vk merch i wanna buy

  4. Did Sumerian let Denis in with another band after he ditched the last three? Label must be desperate at this point, lol. 



    1. Seelentau


      I actually really liked The Black, but Denis does seem to have an unhealthy attitude.

    2. Axius


      I liked the black i just wish denis wasn't such a prick he has good talent in his voice i just wish he would use it for singing and not money

  5. "2019" backwards looks like "eros" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Happy New Year! 

    1. Gesu


      Damn, now I can't unsee that. Memories of Lycaon come flooding back! Happy new year~ ^_^

  6. 🎄 Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Miku70


      Merry Christmas to you 😊

  7. those feels when you're off your A game and miss ultra-rarez 💀. Belated congrats to whoever got the Ray C stuff on Mercari.

    1. hiroki


      what was it?  o.0

    2. colorful人生




      That last CD ; ; . It was 2~3 months ago, but I haven't searched for zigzag stuff in a while :/. 

    3. hiroki


      fuckkk i wish i never saw this .____.

  8. Anon who tried to brute-force my patreon account can eat a dick. Shoutout to sites that have multi-factor & email authentication 👍.

    1. xriko


      And patreon doesn't have any protection about brute forcing ?

      No limit of login tryin' ?

    2. colorful人生


      15 login attempts in 2 minutes (likely less b/c the email notifs. were delayed and were in a barrage) by unique IPs only locked the account for an hour. Indiv. made 15 more attempts in the same timeframe, but one of them was a successful login by me. I went in and disabled the account b/c I hadn't used it in a year. Luckily I've made unique passwords for all my active accs. 

  9. Jesus fuck, lol. What did they do to Sonic?!


    1. colorful人生


      Pretty much my reaction to all this. Since SEGA THEMSELVES brought up concerns about the face, I'm terrified about what Sonic (+ the rest of the gang) in the actual trailer is going to look like. 

    2. Aferni



    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It's a bad franchise hope it kills it x

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. gigabit is finally installed ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

  11. In a weird twist-of-fate and lacking headphone jacks, I'm using my iPod Classic on a regular basis again. I miss the PMP days.

  12. ppl need to accept that 2010s post-hardcore & crabcore are dead, just like other (micro)genres that have come and gone. just b/c bands adopt genre-fusion and/or give up the emo sweep & skinny jeans doesn't mean they're suddenly "radio-rock" sellouts, lol. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I forgot Crabcore was even a thing. Nowadays it sounds like some sort of meme

    2. Tokage


      that emo sweep & skinny jeans shit isnt even 'og' post-hardcore sweaty ;) 

    3. colorful人生


      Yeah, I forgot about the earlier eras. I'll just refer to them as 2010s or "mainstream". 

  13. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - "Carol of the Bells" is my fucking jam, every single year. A close second is "Jingle all the Gay!", lol.

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Right their concerts are always awesome.

  14. Well, these guys are on my radar now. 


  15. Someone made a 90s vk essentials chart on r/visualkei... I haven't listened to any of these releases *whistles loudly*, so I guess this is a good place to start (?). 


    1. Zeus


      i'm gonna have to agree with @nekkichi on this one this deff isn't exhaustive

    2. IGM_Oficial


      I'd kill some people if "Sculpture of time" wasn't there

    3. YuyoDrift


      Hey thanks for reminding me I have a low quality rip of that D≒SIRE album lol

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. Happy Halloween 🎃


    1. DESTINYGUY0316


      i die now ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. It's that lovely cough-drop/lozenge & humidifier time of the year.

  18. mah zigzag bois on TV ❤️



  19. When did words like "default", "NPC", and "normal (normie)" become insults? lmao

    You know society is ass-backwards when we can't even let people be lame in their own free time w/o insulting them. 

    1. platy


      Never saw anyone use NPC as an insult lol. Unless you spend your free time learning the didgeridoo or going obscure kink parties, I guess you're a normie. 

    2. colorful人生
    3. platy


      That's a pretty useful term for people actually. 

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. Yikes. Anyone in the path of Hurricane Michael, stay safe!

  21. lol, so TinyPic (and Photobucket) is down which basically hosts all the images I've put up on this forum. Hopefully they'll be back up...

    1. platy


      They go down often, won't be long 'till they pop back up.

  22. nice to see the coming together of western & japanese artists over a.. r63 of bowser... and all the other nintendo characters... may god help us all...

    1. tetsu_sama69


      internet needs to simmer down just a bit

  23. TIL you can have an "@" symbol on your license plate... Shoutouts to C@LDF@GS  because idk what that even means.


    maybe some chilly 4ch anon, idk.

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