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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. 6 minutes ago, God said:

    it’s the mapping.  x and circle aren’t doing anything at all?  traingle and square are doing smth other than what they’re supposed to and so are the shoulder buttons.  i’ll try the update thing tho.  hopefully that’s the only issue.  

    If nothing changes after updating, try uninstalling and reinstalling DS4Windows and either use the Default profile or do what you did before where it worked. One thing to pay attention to is when you start DS4Windows. Maybe the PC version of FXVIII is arbitrarily mapping the buttons of your controller b/c it's not going through DS4Windows. So start DS4 long before you start the game.




    Or just get one of the subreddits involved. They'll probably sort out your issue.


    38 minutes ago, God said:
    • anyway, maybe in october i pirates a copy of ffxiii.
    •  i got ds4windows so i could use my dualshock 4, and it worked well. 
    • now my controls are weird?
    •  i checked my profiles and made sure everything was mapped correctly,
    • i reconfigured the controller...and, it’s still weird.  
    • it works in my emulators just fine.
    • Try running DS4Updater.exe just to check for any updates
    • Then, try to change the order in which you start DS4Windows (if you are not starting it before the game.)
      • Make sure you launch DS4 before the game itself. The game might be recognizing the controller straight away rather than emulating the Xbox 360 controller like DS4 intends.
    • In what way are the controllers weird? Is it a mapping issue of the buttons or the directionality of the analog sticks?
      • If it's just the analog sticks, it might be more of a hardware/drifting issue. However, you said other emulators work atm.
    • Sometimes there's issues with Xinput vs. Dinput. It seems like you had it working before, though.

    I use DS4 with CEMU and a few pirated PC titles myself and DS4Windows works fine for me atm. Try following the above, and if it still doesn't work maybe consult w/ r/PiratedGames or r/Piracy.


    *Forgot to mention, if it worked and then you played w/ some settings/profiles afterwards and forgot what they were, try reinstalling DS4Windows.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    The FBI never found any indication that Michael Jackson was a kiddy diddler. Like, nothing at all. The entire thing is something fabricated by money-hungry people and their lawyers, in unison with the media's thirst for drama.

    And Denis is just a dick, or did he do anything comparable to what Watkins did?

    Oh, I don't think they're on the same level, of course. Those are just artists/bands I listen to that have had some sort of controversy (or supposed contv.) attached to them (that I thought up on the fly.) Things like this aren't cut-and-dry and are part of a spectrum, so I just separate the individual's actions from the "product". Tried to represent varying degrees of contv.


    Denis is/was a dick and a scammer.

    Ian Watkins is obviously a pedo and is serving jail time for it.

    MJ is meant to be a more convoluted example.


    I just separate from the get-go.


    *I spot a 🍈 in the thread :-D

    1. Lostprophets, bands w/ Denis Stoff, Michael Jackson... there's a bunch tbh.
    2. I do think it's a legitimate argument. A voice is an instrument, people are canvases, and a song is what you make of it. 
      1. However, music and performance is interpreted from individual-to-individual differently. If someone is uncomfortable with a band, artist's, or community's actions because that's what "makes" the experience for them, then that dislike is reasonable.
    3. One person's actions shouldn't generalize a whole band and said person's success (or the band's success) shouldn't be blamed as the reason for "x". Individuals (or multiple individuals) are culpable for their own actions. Bands have many, many individuals behind them when it comes to production, post-production, advertising/marketing, stage preparation, etc. that attribute to their success. I'm certainly not going to hold all those individuals accountable for one person's misdeeds.

  4. The only thing I can recall w/ AKB related to scandals of this nature was this. Take it w/ a heavy grain of salt, as the book being referenced in the article was written w/ an agenda in mind and not very "source-driven". This is besides the plethora of other issues w/ handshake events, hazing, etc. Those aren't of sexual nature though and really stem from the rabid fans.


    One of the more substantial confessions that was pretty recent was a round-table interview w/ some execs/producers and a woman who is in the AV industry. She claimed that w/o a doubt that one of the companies behind a major j-idol anime (V.A/seiyuu) was implicated in makura eigyo/"pillow sales" b/c she had a friend who is part of said group. She was immediately scolded by one of the other interviewees. I wish I could find the article, but I forgot the name of it :/.  Here it is (in the middle of typing this up): https://kotaku.com/adult-video-star-talks-about-the-casting-couch-in-the-a-1835319789


    Anyway, this kind of deviates from the main topic.

  5. I see multiple parts to this:

    • I think it's a perfectly normal response to get upset about the unabashed racism that spews itself after every casting decision w/ a PoC. I usu. back off and let the trolls do their work, but the response was lightning quick. Kinda speaks to those welled up "feelings" coming to the forefront after a certain presidency o3o.
      • ... or maybe a chunk of those comment trolls are bots/paid *wears tinfoil hat*
    • Everything seems more profound on the internet than it actually is, and no one cares after a month anyway. Also people exist outside the U.S.
    • I notice a lot of people who denounced the "whitewashing" for the GitS adaptation but supported this. I never had a problem with GitS, and as long as you're not using the actor/actress as a direct fill-in (like someone pretending to be of "x" race), I think all is good. 
    • Some of the same people who just had a handful of Disney movies as their "childhood" also called the shit I watched as a kid growing up weird b/c it was foreign. It's not my obligation to watch "your" favorite movies. Naturally, it's fine to like whatever the fuck you want.
    • This casting decision was (whether we want to see it that way or not)  for marketingbux, and will probably continue as long as people take the bait. Maybe the racism we should be paying attention to is using PoC as outrage marketingbux. If studios really wanted change in perception, maybe create or adapt franchises that celebrates cultural uniqueness (like they've done on the animated front.) Though it's been proven to be a safe bet financially to adapt existing franchises than create new ones : / . 

    One question, though. I haven't used FB since 2014/15, has it really gotten that bad, generally speaking? I know it depends on your friend groups, but I didn't know there was such vitriol (especially when there's no anonymity involved.)

  6. If there's anything positive coming from the HAKLO news, at least I've been introduced to a bunch of neato artists. I've played rhythm games for years, and I'm shocked I haven't heard of any of the artists involved. There's too many artists, I suppose.

  7. An important piece of news:


    Full note:




    Three of their SE tracks (which are all of them) were infringing on copyright, therefore they've halted sales for "This is HAKLO", "真紅の糸", and "シリアルキラー・ガールフレンド"... basically their whole discography aside from "Another". They can't communicate with the contractor involved in the infringement notice/request at the moment. Here's the SE list w/ the respective infringed songs:


    • WhiteKEY  -> Diverse System 様 / Feryquitous - Shakah
    • Invisible truth -> S2TB Records / Akira Complex & Camellia 様 / Reality Distorton  
    • DepartureEVE -> Iriss-Frantzz 様 / Upshift




    Apologies have been made by the band and members. They strive to do better and be more aware of these matters. Additionally, they intend to include more trustworthy people in production (which is how the problem arose in the first place.) This is one of the reasons why 曖昧アイデンティティ has been delayed, and why they emphasize that RED CURPET(SE) has been done by a trustworthy individual.


    Tweets by the band members:




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