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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. Pixel 2 XL. I like my phones without bloatware (I like having a near-vanilla experience), and I've been using Android well over a decade now. It's convenient b/c most phones that have come after mine don the dreaded notch. I also like rooting and ricing my phones, which I did a lot of w/ my previous phone, the Samsung Note 4. One complaint is that I fucking hate using dongles w/ a phone and Bluetooth eats my battery. Camera is fantastic, though.


    After being in an IT environment for a while now + interacting with graphic designers, I have a newfound appreciation for the iPhone (and other Apple products.) Now, their products are still expensive, but I can understand why you would want to be in that ecosystem w/ how streamlined everything is.


    I'm not in mobile development, but PhoneGap is also really convenient on Android since I can make my own little web apps and install the .apk right on my phone. I've also recently got my hands on an old iPhone 6. I might use it for testing, but right now I'm using it to install ios-only rhythm games, lol. 

  2. Seems like a lot of my favorites are trying out unconventional concepts this year.



    I'm still not sure how I feel about this, but I like it overall. I still need to get around to listening to the rest of the tracks, but I prefer this to "Fingertip" when it comes to their "off brand" concepts. The chorus is a bit underwhelming and I feel like the track doesn't have enough "bite", but that's just a product of their vocal styles. On the other hand, the melodies are really nice and they all look absolutely stunning. Yerin's blush-and-green-contacts look (pardon my lack of makeup expertise) is really good on her.



    WJSN's latest mini-album "For the Summer" in in the same vein as "HAPPY MOMENT" for me. It's not really my thing, but...


    This has a really neat electro-swing/dance vibe to it that's really nice.

  3. 2 hours ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Love that projection there about this being posted because of racism, virtue signaling just makes you look desperate for wokeness points though...😯

    It has nothing to do with you posting, I never insinuated that you posted it b/c of "racism". It's the attention that's being garnered toward the headline and the source. Though, I'm looking at more than just this article.


    Also, unironically using the term "wokeness points", lol.


    It is, however, my mistake for bringing that conversation into this thread where a misunderstanding could develop (I should know better, given the other drama on the forum.) I got pretty irked going through some of the article (and other article's) comments, so intended on referencing that here. Would rather not stir drama in an entertainment thread. If I come off that way, my apologies.

  4. 1 hour ago, secret_no_03 said:

    This is the entertainment section, last I checked, a movie is entertainment, even if it's an abomination compared to the original animated one. The Lion King looks pretty good, but I didn't like the remake of Beauty and the Beast.

    It's not the entertainment part. I usually find that casting decisions go under-the-radar until it's someone who's a different race or gender from the original.


    In this case it's a Disney film and a lead role announcement, so all eyes are on it regardless. I found there was elevated attention b/c of the decision itself, but that's not connected to the amount of articles or the substance of the articles themselves.

  5. "Oh, they're doing a live-action remake. This should be a pretty innocuous article, why is it being posted here- Oh, she's black..."


    ^ I worded this too vaguely. I assumed this got posted because articles bubbled up over the actor/actress casted. I also assumed this was in the current events section. I tend to attach your articles to controversy, so I made that connection at the start.


    Referring to the Variety.com article comments:


    People get ruffled over the dumbest shit. 


    *If you're up in arms about how this deviates from the source material, you might want to read the original Danish fairytale. Works are constantly reinterpreted/re-imagined... It's like talking to a wall, we've been through this over-and-over again :tw_pensive:.



  6. Two that come to mind at the moment:



    Mr.Davinci is better known as Mr.Davinci空想学園 w/ their older vocalist. They ended up releasing 3 50-limited one-coin singles w/ the new vocalist before disbanding. After a few years, three of the members got back together for a jam session and uploaded some videos of them playing over instrumentals on the bassist's YT channel.



    Phase Faith isn't only obscure, but still active playing their old tracks. They've had several releases, but all of them are fairly difficult to find. I have their best-of album and a demo compilation, but that's it. 


    *Oh, there's also Xirclett. Though, Rihito was the vocalist for ラベリ and Celestial Garden (w/ now-Royz members), so I guess they're kinda obscure.




    First time I "Shazam-ed" a call wait this morning while scheduling a doctor's appointment, lmao. Also, shoutouts to the individuals who put anime backgrounds on random unrelated 80's love songs and piano instrumentals... Great for family gatherings...


     The cursed contrast between users lamenting the loss of a loved one or a sentimental note on an ex with an image of a character that gets railed in a budget eroge.

  8. Baptized in PH, raised Roman Catholic by my mother (father's Atheist), best friend was Christian who constantly invited me to his clubs/camps...


    Too bad I became obsessed with Discovery and The Science Channel w/ childhood idols like Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking b/c space is (and looks) fucking cool to an 8-year old. Began to understand that the frameworks of our religions could only be realized within history that would only be a sliver of paint on top of the Empire State Building if the building represented earth's (it puts things into perspective.) You can extend that even further to the history of the universe. Learning about general relativity helped me grasp the point of theories like the Big Bang. With that gained perspective, it would be impossible for me to be religious again. It's like when you learn the tooth fairy isn't real or that Santa isn't real. We are so infinitesimally small in the greater universe, if there were some greater power (or structure) it couldn't come close to anything we could imagine or exist with any morality reflective of ours. Simply inconceivable by human standards.


    Now, I understand the issues with Abrahamic religions that have a central figure that dictates any and all reasoning, but religion itself was inevitable. We can't help but question who we are and what our purpose is, and in many ways religion provides that stability and comfort in the face of uncertainty. Our path to the sciences was not without religion, so I give credit where credit is due. While I can certainly say I'm past religion at this point, I'm not opposed to others practicing as long as their practices don't become hurtful or forceful...


    Which itself becomes difficult to judge, since children are always indoctrinated into religion by no choice of their own (likely not knowing choices exist.) Then there's the whole, "Which doctrine is the true doctrine?" problem and moral spectrum that all the religions/practices fall on relative to other people w/ their own morals... possibly founded from their own religious beliefs... yadda yadda


    Well... I don't think there are any right answers, but only ways to keep enough people purposeful and happy in their lives  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 


    *I feel like this might come off a bit r/iamverysmart at the beginning with a certain mindset. I don't claim to fully understand subjects, since learning never ends, our endeavors in science never end, and I'm no genius by any standard, haha. The scope of religion v. the scope of science, our reality, is what i'm getting at.

    **It's a bit late, so I might come off a bit scatterbrained. I don't mean to offend anyone.

  9. Started playing Micro Mages which is really fun.


    Also learning/playing Dead or Alive 5 and 6... *w/ cracked DLC b/c why the fuck would I shell out $100+ for costumes* Fanservice aside, I actually enjoy 3D fighters like Soul Calibur and DOA. I used to play a bit of BlazeBlue and Fighting Climax, but I never got used to the fast-paced 2D stuff. I like the strategy and movement involved with 3 axis of movement.

    • In any situation I usually lean towards more experimental (and progressive) bands, even if they're experimental to a fault.
    • I don't know how much of hand Lime has in composing, but when he was in LEZARD all their songs sounded like variations of the same song. Since Sora took his place their sound has become much more diverse (whilst keeping their signature melodies.) I'm noticing the same thing playing out with Kizu, but it's not like consistency has ever been a bad thing.
    • Kizu provides a solid live experience for bangya, while DIMLIM's target audience isn't as focused (a mixture of gya and metal doods.) They might fare better if they dropped the vk look, but they're too stylish to give that up T_T. I think if Deviloof can pull it off, so can DIMLIM.
    • Kizu is probably going to last longer, but DIMLIM is too much fun. I like surprises, Kizu doesn't give me surprises. 

  10. We need more people like Sonny Cheeba (formerly in Camp Lo) in the current scene. "Cool", a word I don't find many uses for, pretty much exemplifies his style/flow. Really completes this track.

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