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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. Untitled-Panorama1.png




    can't sleep, so i post


    pc is just left of memetop + ps3 and ps4 on the bottom two boxes

    check out my janky-ass setup w/ my magni 2 feeding into my old receiver, lol


    the headphones not pictured here (hanging below my desk) are my Mr. Speakers Mad Dogs, SPH9500 w/ my old Alpha Pads, and ATH-M50s


    *also my mic's pop filter is retracted b/c I don't really use it anyway ;;

  2. 2 minutes ago, spockitty said:


    wow, I'm saving this link for future use, google could never o-o 

    what even is this, just a search engine?


    The image search function (basically drag & drop or click the magnifying glass on the folder on this page) works similarly to Google's, it's just a LOTTT better at finding stuff.

  3. Yea, nyaa.si is the best public tracker at the moment, but you'll probably find a bunch of dead torrents (no seeders) on there for older stuff. AnimeBytes is the best private tracker, but you have to get in through invite or Red. I used to be on Baka-Tsuki (another pt), but my account got neutered after they went down b/c of inactivity ;;. AnimeKayo is a pretty decent DDL site, if you're not into torrenting.


    *cough* trading JPS invite for AB invite *cough* not like everyone and their mother has a JPS account on here already peepoSAD

  4. for the uninitiated "Chris Gaines" was the edgy alter-ego of Garth Brooks (country singer). he even featured in a "Behind the Music" mockumentary w/ completely fake details, a few MVs, and he donned the whole emo shtick.

  5. Yeah, aside from those w/ Asperger's, some ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), or a handful of other issues (anxiety, etc.), I tend to look poorly on those who can't "read the mood". While that can be alleviated via improved social skills (and empathy), the real damaging thing is when that individual doesn't take the effects/criticism constructively and warps those characteristics into their personality. Either evolve into edgy at lv. 25 or use the Dusk Stone to evolve into full neckbeard incel. As a reminder, just because you're contrarian doesn't make you some elevated being (as the undersized trilby gently falls from the sky and graces his/her head.) 


    I get that not everything is "clear-cut" and people can be real douchebags, but it's not like life was fair to begin with. You either roll with what you have or take the time and effort to become a better person. Just don't expect things to fall into your lap when you don't make the effort yourself.

  6. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Definitely a popular opinion for the more seasoned anime otakus like moi and people around the 30 year age.


    I didn't know that the 15min episode thing was a trend right now, wtf? I was playing that Saiki-K in the background and noticed that, but I didn't know other shows are doing it now, ughhhh. I always thought it was some terrible method to present children's anime shows from 20 years ago (like shin-chan or whatever) that would only stay in that area of anime.

    Yea, it went from children's anime -> quirky plots & 4-komas -> series that don't have enough content to flesh out a 1-cour but "we do anyway".


    I know anime is no stranger to downturns b/c there was the extremely poor shift to digital animation from cell in the early 00's that caused quite a stir. I'd probably be leaning a bit contrarian when I say that this current problem is not one that gets alleviated over time. Studios need to make the collective, conscious decision to "do better" or this trend will continue unfettered.


    *namely investing in good "anime originals", which to my understanding Netflix is trying to do (?)


    I will also admit that I've indulged in a bunch of isekai and have fallen into the gacha traps myself. It's quick and fun (instant gratification), and it doesn't take a bunch of time out of my day. However, whenever I read an actually good series or reminisce over one of the anime greats, I'm reminded of the journey. I don't feel like I get that anymore, and I wonder if it's because I'm jaded and getting older or it's really getting as bad as I suspect.

  7. This might be more appropriate in the "Anime Shit Talk" thread, but I think that anime and manga have objectively gotten worse over the past few years (when it comes to new franchises.)

    • Sharp increase in 15 minute and sub-15 minute-per-episode series. It would be acceptable if the quality increased w/ the shorter length, but most are still budget-tier.
    • There's been a colossal increase in isekai manga, and they're starting to be adapted into anime at an alarming pace.
      • I find a majority of isekai "low-effort". Instead of creating interesting backstories w/ character growth you pretty much lean all in w/ the escapism fodder.
        • Really indicative of the current moment + shitty working conditions/long hours of the Japanese populace.
    • A lot of this has to do with trying to push more and more series per season. Meanwhile a bunch of the work gets outsourced and everyone is being overworked. Of course all of this stems from $$$.

    On a similar note, mobage + gacha games are cancer w/ the micro-transaction model. They've flooded the market and have partly contributed to the decline in story-based vns (and a lot of long-form content) which have been overtaken by shit-tier nukige. Again, it's about turning profits, so I get it.

    • There's also Subsonic and Tomahawk Player (although it's been abandoned :/.)
    • Like @Original Saku mentioned, there's a lot of media server options in both the paid and open-source realm. I know you can use Plex for your media library as well.
    • If you aren't anal about metadata and correct artist art, Google Music has a 50,000 song limit (300 mb per song). If you strung together whole albums into a continuous .mp3, you could end up w/ a shitload of stuff hosted freely by Google.
    • On a slight tangent, the chinese vk netizens have taken to Xiami to upload just about everything vk. They're a bit controversial b/c of their paid options, but anything HQ is freely available. You can straight up pull the 320 mp3s that are uploaded (* or whatever quality it was uploaded at) w/ a bit of devtool knowledge.

  8. I don't think at any point in the last 5+ years I've had any urge to eat at BK other than today. The closest location to me was part of the "Impossible Burger" locations, so I grabbed one. As someone who doesn't regularly eat burgers, I found the whole thing indiscernible from standard fast-food fare aside from the lack of grease (which was a positive for me.)


    So yeah, I dig the fake meat.

  9. I don't want to make this exclusive to YT since there are other streaming sites out there, hence the parenthesis. While the "what are you listening to?" threads are more "appropriate" for MVs, they are welcome here too. Share your favorite content creators! (or memes if you're so inclined)


    I don't have a computer engineering or physics background, but this was fascinating to watch.






  10. 1 hour ago, spockitty said:

    Can't watch the videos you posted @colorful人生 :( 

    Yea, avex hates embedding ;;. If you click the title, you should be able to watch/listen to them.


    1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Whoa, @spockitty you just helped me find the original song to this lol



    I was a crazy fan of these compilation albums more than 10 years ago.

    Never knew that it was Eiko Shimamiya's ひぐらしのなく頃に.

    WOW, so I have heard of her apparently lol.

    yoooooo- exit trance was my jam too. I'd rock that on my iPod Classic until iTunes zapped them from my library, luckily I grabbed them all on JPS again. 



  11. Eiko Shimamiya, MELL, Mami Kawada, and KOTOKO were all part of the same I've Sound generation which produced a ton of the major anisons, visual novel songs, and techno/trance stuff at the time. I'd reckon the I've Sound omnibuses are my most-listened-to albums because they're fantastic on long commutes. 詩月カオリ (Kaori Utatsuki), Mami Kawada, and KOTOKO are my favs of that generation.







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