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Sakura Seven

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Posts posted by Sakura Seven

  1. Son... Its disrespectful to call your mum or dad an alien even when their marriage breaks up and one of them ends up trying to sneak you across the border of a foreign country telling you that mommy or daddy will come and join you for the 'holiday' later on.


  2. haven't had any supernatural encounters before, but i have been abducted (multiple times) when i was younger by what i believe are aliens. i've done the research and the skeptic side just doesn't add up to what i've seen personally. 


    as for ghosts, cryptids, etc, i'm open-minded but i haven't had any experiences with them. fun to read about though and a big hobby of mine. if you're interested in this kind of thing, i really suggest the podcast "mysterious universe" - they're open minded but they don't tolerate quacks. perfect balance of skepticism and belief. good stuff.

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