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Sakura Seven

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Posts posted by Sakura Seven

  1. Listening to this single.....I miss Mejibray's earlier works when they didn't make generic shit. Nepenthes is okay but everything else is just...ew. I wish they'd make more shit like Distance.exe or even Divergence for christ's sake. Tsuzuku's voice has imo changed for the worst


    Divergence is the most generic, safest song they've ever done. 


    I don't get why people like it.

  2. it's kinda annoying how some posters imply that appreciating a band's visuals is "creepy" or writing dressing-up 100% as a gimmick. to make a badass costume takes talented designers, make-up artists, MONEY, and vision. they're legit pieces of art in their own right and i think it's rad how (SOME - host-kei is an exception) are able to deliver great music and good visual concepts. i always look forward to what moran, mejibray, etc, bring musically but i'm also stoked to see how they're going to present it. nothing wrong with that and i think its something the scene does better than most. 

  3. It seems Karma (AvelCain) and Ryuka (SAVAGE) might have a bit of a rivalry going on. A few days back, I was going through tweets and found this interesting exchange.


    Tsuzuku Cosplayer Ryuka and Depressed Chanteuse Karma both posted these tweets on the same day (January 23rd, 2015):



    What do they say? My Japanese Speaking Senpai Ritsu had the answers :


    "Happy people pretending to be depressed - It's like they're attacking me. Die."


    "They made fun of me. 

     I didn't do anything wrong.
     They're the ones going around, making people feel uncomfortable.
     They're the bad ones.

     I'm doing this (music) seriously, so why bother me?"

    Karma didn't stop there: in another tweet..(also on January 23rd..) (Translation by me)


     "You're awful.
      Your band is pathetic.
      Screwing around like you do bothers everyone else.
      Do it alone."

    Do you think these tweets are related? Is Ryuka jealous of Karma's impeccable キャラ? Will SAVAGE ever make a good song? Discuss.

    (disclaimer: the tweets are most likely unrelated but i think it's a funny coincidence!)

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