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Sakura Seven

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Posts posted by Sakura Seven

  1. They decided to hold a party in a club to celebrate Ko-ki's birthday, where they would play as DJ.

    Well, first the fans had troubles to get in because of their ages (they didnt say anything about it before start selling tickets) and also the police went there.


    After the members played in a relllllllllly boring way , and they all got drunk and got crazy. They weren't nice with the fans and just wanted to flirt with their gurls in front of the fans.

    So everyone was like "did i pay for this shit?" "its okay to have a private life, get drunk and flirt around but why invite fans to see that?" "i didnt want to see the members like this"

    Result, 80% of the ppl there left ViViD fanbase (which wasnt big recently) so i wonder how they'll leave this situation now.


    Im not accusing them or anything, just heard that this tour wasnt selling well so it sounded like a  coincidence to me.


    That is hilarious. 

  2. The problem is that most discussions centered on visual kei (especially by non-vk fans, or anti-vk ppl) are often slathered with frightening helpings of overgeneralization, made worse by a common stereotype of vk fans that's, let just say, not too charitable. People need to realize that not all visual kei fans are (or come anywhere near to) immature, rabid fangirls who creepily stalk twitter/ameblo and hyperventilate at their bandomen's zettai ryoiki 24/7. Oh yes, of course, there are those (and btw I don't believe there's anything wrong with that, but that's going off-topic). And there are also vk fans who refuse for whatever reason to listen to anything else but vk. So what? This "snobbishness" isn't even something peculiar to vk - just take a look at people who exclusively listen to classical music, or trance, or hip-hop, or whatever - and in my view, not necessarily something "bad".

    The thing is, contrary to common presuppositions, some of these people who swear by vk have actually explored other genres, found that they didn't like them, and returned to the "sanctuary" of vk music where they feel most at ease. There's a very common tendency to feel that simply because I found a mind-blowingly good band, people are "missing out" on this gem because they don't know about it (and if they do know, then they're not being critical!). I used to feel the same way sometimes, but I've come to accept that isn't the case at all. For every 1 person who's interested I can easily find 100 others who quite honestly don't give a shit. In my case I've also occasionally checked out purported "albums of the century" (hurhur) and didn't know wtf I was listening to. But this is just as well; if there were any place for aggressive musical evangelism, all of us would be listening to AKB48 and Arashi and nothing else.

    A final point. Let's face it: the music industry today is staggeringly huge and there are way too many bands/artists for anyone to listen to. For most people who are neither NEETs nor retirees, their "exploratory" phase must stop (or at least slow down) at some point. To put it crudely some sacrifice has to be made between breadth and depth of music: because no one has infinite time to sit down and listen to music leisurely, people who have less diverse tastes can channel their time to further exploring what they really like. It's not so much that vk music is irreconcilable with other genres of music; it's the practical constraint of time where spending a month to explore other genres means they will have 1 less month to explore vk bands they like. Not everyone is willing to make this sacrifice. As an anecdotal aside, I'm just a rather casual listener of classical music but I have a good friend who listens to almost nothing but Chopin since he was 14 and has developed an unbelievable familiarity with almost every single Chopin specialist from the 19th through the 21st century (he even knows who are the Nocturnes specialists, Mazurka specialists, etc. within the Chopin repertoire). I hardly think it would make any sense for me to inform him that he has wasted his time and suggest that he'd have been better off if he had traded 50% of this expertise to explore rap or J-indies instead. And if I wouldn't say that, why would it be easier to say the exact same thing to the obsessive vk fan, if not for the derogatory (and often incorrect) stereotypes usually associated with vk fans I've mentioned at the start of the post..?


    This truth.

  3. Anyone with X/Y want a code for Diancie? If you transfer Diancie to ORAS once they come out next week you can get a mega stone for it in game. My gamestop hooked me up(since they didn't have any mega shiny Gengar codes left) so I've got 5 codes available. :D I'm not sure if the codes only work for US games or if they'll work in games in other countries though. 


    Can I claim one? 

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