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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. That's goofy. I wonder if any of the others have decent voices, though.
  2. fitear1590

    ...Who is PLUNKLOCK?
  3. fitear1590

    Pretty much this. I don't think any of the American bands I listen to really do singles with b-sides, but plenty of the UK ones do. And some of my favorite songs tend to be b-sides.
  4. fitear1590

    What a special couple: http://www.usmagazine.com/stylebeauty/n ... n-20113110
  5. fitear1590

    TheUnfoundMusic uploaded the PV for kyousei: gafWHgff7uw The guitars are really tasty.
  6. fitear1590

    Great idea!
  7. fitear1590

    Yes. Yes!
  8. What the fuck... Jiminy Cricket is one of the better new VK bands. I hope they'll get through this or find a new drummer.
  9. I can hardly "decide" what my favorite bands are when people ask me, let alone albums. That said, no other bossa nova album so far has given me the same joy/pleasure as Astrud Gilberto's debut album (cleverly named "The Astrud Gilberto Album").
  10. fitear1590

    Sorry to double post, but you can see the cover arts now: Regular edition Limited edition Also, the live digest DVD for the limited edition will include the following 5 songs: 1. ミドルノート 2. Ms.Fabbit 3. 提案 4. 絶望クリエイター 5. U -s m e h- Source: http://unite-jp.com/discography/
  11. fitear1590

    Taken completely out of context, this is probably the greatest quote ever!
  12. fitear1590

    I really enjoy Kaya's voice, but I wish he diversified his music a little more. He can do so much more than just electronic stuff. Call me crazy, but I LOVED his chanson cover album (need a volume 2, please). And on Turntable, rarez train played some bootlegs of Kaya's rock-oriented session band and he sounded great there too.
  13. fitear1590

    E2kaTsMxUHQ Watch the new PV before it gets blocked! What does everyone think of the song? Seems that there's mixed feelings in the last.fm shoutbox. I personally enjoy it (harp action, woo!) but I always love super-orchestra-Ringo. It is a bit too short though.
  14. fitear1590

    Dammit, blocked already? Luckily I saw it yesterday. Though I must admit, I found it hilarious that the teacher said those two were the worst in his class. That was certainly the case with the extreme anime nerds in my Japanese classes.
  15. fitear1590

    So, memorial? They're disbanding?? I guess it's more original than the "best-of" aka "our whole discog" thing, but it's still pretty damn goofy.
  16. fitear1590

    Pretty sure you've always had 0 plays in your library peace
  17. fitear1590

    Interesting! Aside from his power metal shrieking during lives, I really enjoyed his vocals. Glad to see this band is still continuing.
  18. fitear1590

    Hizaki's last contribution for Kaya still remains a favorite of mine! Looking forward to it!
  19. fitear1590

    I Think... I am extremely excited for these! I've been waiting for another release by them. I wish they had a better website though, to keep us updated more. Anyway, thanks for the news Trombe!
  20. fitear1590

    The French Passion of Animality Opera - Foxy Shazam What is the stinkiest thing?
  21. fitear1590

    Looks like CDJapan now has this for pre-order: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=NEOUCP-48
  22. fitear1590

    Sorry to continually revive this topic, but I found another one in our favorite location: TD_KalVcT-I This one is actually from 2009, so I apologize for letting it slip through the cracks. This brings us to at least 9 PV's in this location so far, hehe!
  23. fitear1590

    You should post youtube links to specific songs. Of course I agree with Versailles, but I'm trying to think of my other favorites.
  24. fitear1590

    Hands down favorite Japanese release this year, ねごと's "ex-Negoto" album. Other favorites of mine have been: -東京事変: 大発見 -ユナイト (UNiTE): UNiTE. greeting single -dry as dust: ノンフィクション (not my favorite release from them, but solid enough) -ジミニークリケット (Jiminy Cricket): 色の無い向日葵 (this band might be the second coming of Moran, but in some ways they're doing it even better!) -네미시스 (Nemesis): The Piano -女王蜂 (Ziyoou-vachi): 孔雀 -caroline rocks: parallel -Lamp: 東京ユウトピア通信 (Relaxing and lovely, as always) -Adele: 21 (I think I still like the first album better, but this one along with all the b-sides and random live covers this year has been spectacular, as well) -己龍 (Kiryu): 夢幻鳳影 (Kiryu are one of the last remaining saviors of VK!) Looking forward to: -Scarlet Valse: The Name of Valse -The Raid.: Starry Heavens (guilty pleasure VK pop rock!) -ユナイト: STARTiNG OVER'S -椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo): Carnation -RED SUN: ロマンチック☆スター and others
  25. fitear1590

    *insert disappointed/ embarrassed meme image here* Just out of curiosity, what ad is he talking about?
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