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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. fitear1590

    Everyone be sure to check out their new live PV, 天啓の瞳. It's a redone version of "古の刻より舞い降りし者たち" from the first album, which happens to be my favorite song. Epic shit! Love how whimsical the flute makes them sound, haha. Apparently they're really trying to get views for this video, so check it out!
  2. fitear1590

    No problem, Kai. Champ's wizardly method works just fine as well! Thanks for the replies everyone.
  3. fitear1590

    For reaaaaaal??? :/ I'm so tired of English songs. They haven't gotten any better since Revenant Choir. Just curious Hyato, when/where did they say that they would be doing more "songs with english lyrics"? I think Kamijo has undoubtedly improved his Engrish since the first version of Revenant Choir. That wasn't even Engrish, just ingurishu. I could at least understand a few lines in "Love Will Be Born Again." HOWEVER, it's still not on a level (imo) where I think he should be singing full songs. It's still waaay too clumsy sounding. In any case, I've been re-listening to Versailles (it's been a while) and I'm definitely looking forward to the new stuff. I hope we get the official announcement soon though. April is just around the corner.
  4. Just a random idea that popped into my head today, so it may not be fully thought out, BUT: I was thinking it might be a cool idea if you could "subscribe" to certain users' posts. It would probably be only useful for the download section, but think. Certainly you know of some particular users that you share similar music tastes/ you know they always post stuff that you are interested in checking out. But if it's a release that no one replies to, it can easily get flooded out by the more popular releases that get constantly re-bumped, soon disappearing into oblivion. If you could "subscribe" to users' download posts, you could get an email (or something) and be notified. That way, if you take a "hiatus" or don't CHECK THE FORUM ERRDAY, you still won't miss out on some awesome stuff from your favorite uploaders! It might be a nice way to get some of the less popular releases some more publicity (provided you have some loyal subscribers, ) Any thoughts? /is it even possible to implement such a thing?
  5. fitear1590

    I kinda lost interest after the awesome demos and first single. Shame to see them go, though.
  6. fitear1590

    Better to have low expectations and then be surprised if they're good. Hype isn't usually a good thing. Cautiously looking forward to these, myself!
  7. fitear1590

    I thought this deserved an update. Rubik FINALLY has a proper website! Check it out.
  8. fitear1590

    I learned (more like affirmed) that google is bullshit. fyi, if you accidentally create a gmail account (i did), don't try to delete the account, or you might end up deleting your youtube account and everything else google "incorporates" as well. On a more positive note, while looking up the sun bear, I came across the insanely cute "red panda":
  9. fitear1590

    I much prefer them in the form of rolls!
  10. fitear1590

    My Dad recently started watching BBC world news "for a new perspective," since during election year, the US media shuts itself off even more than usual. Anyway, they mentioned the ACTA protests in Europe and my dad asked me if I knew about them. I said yes, thanks to a little thing called MH! Then I told him what I knew about ACTA and showed him a few videos on youtube.
  11. fitear1590

    LOL, or worse. Kiryu disbands and My Dragon takes it place!
  12. fitear1590

    Hold the phone, am I reading this wrong or did a VK band actually not pull a dicky marketing trick for once? According to their website Regular type (2800 yen) has 12 tracks. Limited type (3500 yen) has the same 12 tracks+1 "bonus truck"+DVD. SO YOU MEAN I COULD JUST BUY ONE CD AND ACTUALLY GET ALL THE CONTENT, FOR ONCE??! I'm shocked. In any case, I might have to pre-order this. I'll need to hear some samples first, but I'm definitely looking forward to this! And is it weird that they are "re-visualizing" their looks? Compare the no-makeup/ not that fancy (by VK standards, of course) looks of smile and calling, compared to the very stylized ones for 美しきREDRUM and now this. Very interesting.
  13. fitear1590

    Yusa looks good as a Marlboro man with a mustache!
  14. fitear1590

    Yeah, imo it looks pretty tacky. And is that preview an actual song? It sounds like Sono is singing over a midi-file...
  15. fitear1590

    Indeed, if it's anything like their last two (longish mini-)albums, it'll be one of my top releases of 2012.
  16. fitear1590

    Oh man, that would be really fun too, Miasma!
  17. fitear1590


    Welcome welcome! Hope you enjoy it here. So what bands do you like?
  18. fitear1590

    I would be down for a more general "Pop Rock" night. (I think we can only play so many songs by one artist per hour on TT. Or am I just making that rule up?)
  19. fitear1590

    Damn, I didn't expect so many replies already! Thanks for the recommendations everyone! But please, if you have any bands that you're looking to get into, please post them as well! I don't want people just replying to me, haha.
  20. fitear1590

    Help! Where should I start listening? I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I get very nervous about bands with big discographies. If I'm just discovering a band and they already have 5 albums out and tons of singles and mini's, it's extremely overwhelming. I don't want to pick a random release and it turns out to be their worst one, or not very indicative of their overall style, and then I judge the band based on that particular release. Since there's not too many in-depth review sites for japanese music to turn to (that I'm familiar with), it's not always easy to know which releases are the best. SO, that's the point of this thread. If you've had trouble finding the right "starting point" for a particular artist/band, post them here and hopefully someone can provide a good recommendation of which release to listen to first. Let's help each other out! For instance, here are a few bands that I've definitely wanted to listen to more, but didn't know where to really start: -cali≠gari -lacryma christi -Inugami Circus-dan -JUDY AND MARY -9mm Parabellum Bullet
  21. fitear1590

    Thanks for YOUR update, d00d! I'll be picking up the regular edition, since the limited edition seems to have mainly filler stuff in the tracklist/ i don't care about Gundam, haha.
  22. lol, Maiku. How baked were you when you wrote this??! I haven't had time to fully watch it yet, but I've skimmed it and I was pleasantly surprised. They can hold their own live!
  23. fitear1590

    Thanks for the tips, guyz! Okay, I'm all caught up on the Kiddie's major releases and I must say... I enjoyed the full singles much more than I thought I would. Tbh, their title tracks (smile, calling, Nutty Nasty; and that abomination "God bless you!!!") are the worst things they've done since going major, but the b-sides were awesome! Sure there's some filler, but I found just about every track to be at least decent. As you mentioned, shooting star is beauty. Other new favorites are 泡とサイダー, グリムキャット, the entire 美しきREDRUM single, and shockingly Sun'z up! Definitely have a newly rejuvenated love for the Kiddie/ i hope the album is gonna be good, even though the title scares me!
  24. fitear1590

    Omg, worst news of the year! I hate 2012!
  25. fitear1590

    Hey sumire, I was in the MH room yesterday too! Nice to have you officially join. I hope you'll enjoy the forum! Even though I don't like Paradeis much, I must admit the song that was played yesterday was probably the best I've heard so far. But don't mind the haters, haha. What other bands do you enjoy?
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