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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. fitear1590

    Concerning digital music... I want to purchase the new Versailles digital single. Are there any digital music experts here? For instance, do amazon mp3 and iTunes sell the same quality (bitrate) music? Which would you recommend? (Or maybe there's another, even better place to buy such digital stuff)
  2. FEEDBACK!!! I bought two tapes and a CD from biopanda. Easy communication, let's you negotiate prices, quick shipping (at least in the US). Also provides rips for the tapes, which is much appreciated! Great seller! I'm already going in for transaction number 2, haha.
  3. fitear1590

    (Damn, I thought I left a comment already) Anyway, I'm actually loving this. Those creepy crawly guitar riffs, woo! Reminds of Aicle, in the good way (when Rubi's doing his crazy, awesome thing). Plus, though the song has a lot of Mahiro's growling/grunting, I think he's learned to channel it a LOT better than that mess of a song, Kisai. I'm really looking forward to this album. Could be quite dynamic with extreme songs like this and the softer (but still great) Kyousei.
  4. Cool list! Just curious which Deshabillz release(s) you might have...
  5. Um, holy shit. Going through the list right now! Hope I can "help you out," haha.
  6. Can't hear it that well, so I can't judge it really. But is that girl Gogo from Kill Bill?
  7. fitear1590

    Will it be on your Youtube channel or will you upload it here in the video section ? Actually, I uploaded everything I have (including this new single and live DVD) into the discography section: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=15536 Please check it out!
  8. fitear1590

    I got my copy of LOST CHORD! Here's a song from the bonus live DVD (also track three of the single): tjs1TVQGzks (I'm in the process of uploading everything, so look forward to it in the next day or so)
  9. fitear1590

    Well, I was never one who downloaded everything anyway... But now, I certainly don't have the time/patience to sift through too much crap, haha. Of course, I try out the releases of bands I already know/like, or new bands featuring some members that I know. Plus stuff that's recommended to me, that gets a good review, or anything else that "catches my interest" somehow.
  10. fitear1590

    Since you're the indie-king, be on the lookout for more Yasu!
  11. fitear1590

    More Kiryu flawlessness to convince you: 6Gp5JtWIZYQ 1UHUvDpior0 This one SLOD song: 8zRTl1m5xbw
  12. fitear1590

    Ito splurging on that fancy camera stuff! I recently ordered that new Zephyr "LOST CHORD" single and I'm too excited for it to finally arrive here. Also pre-ordered the new vinyl from one of my old favorites, Belaire. They haven't released anything since like 2007, so that's also exciting!
  13. fitear1590

    The 10th PV! (Actually from June of last year, but I didn't see it until today) bL1A-kA_534
  14. fitear1590

    Pretty much agree with Maiku, although less AIVIE is a nice song, though I didn't love it on first listen. Fortunately, it grew on me and now it's tied with "TORIKAGO like obligation" for favorite of the single. Composed by vocalist Yui, I think he improved over his last track "U -s m e h-," which was a tad messy and had some meh rapping parts. This song is a lot more balanced. At first, I thought the chorus was a bit overproduced (Yui's voice sounds especially "clear" during the first part), but now I just find it extremely catchy, haha. The second time the chorus plays, it has a different drum beat (for the first half), giving a new feel. The only part of the song I'm not too crazy about is the post-second chorus "repetitive riffs" section. Something better could have been there, but overall, this song is awesome and shows improvement in Yui's songwriting. Next up is プレテンス, composed by drummer Yukimi. He's only written a few songs, but he seems to like incorporating some aspect of heaviness (save for the album track 答え無いコトバ) and this proves true here as well. The song opens up with a nice poppy keyboard section that then leads into some heavy, chuggy riffs. The transition isn't perfect, but the song soon returns to its lighter side and delivers a dramatic, beautiful chorus. Later, there's a short and sweet guitar solo. Thinking back to songs like Canzel's 永劫回帰エレメント, which was also one of those part-HEAVY! and part-really awesome poppy, I think Yukimi is definitely better at the lighter, poppier side (see: 答え無いコトバ on UNiTE's album for flawlessness). I'm convinced he can make the heavy side work and mesh a little better. Once again, another good track, with an excellent chorus. Now for ハイスピードフェイスレスネス, composed by guitarist LiN. The song opens up abruptly with the song's chorus... That was something that kinda irked me during last year's singles (U -s m e h- and Middle Note), because it was done on a lot of the songs. Fortunately for this single, it's only on this song and the chorus is cool. LiN definitely brings a different perspective to the band, adding a slight funky edge sometimes. As Maiku said, the little piano parts underneath it all are great. Yui sounds just awesome on the pre-chorus part from about 1:09-1:20. The song is VERY speedy and sometimes I feel like Yukimi almost couldn't keep up! I'd be convinced though, if he could do the song live. There's a bit of a jarring heavy breakdown in this song, but like all things that I complain about at first with this band, even that's growing on me, haha. A cool, yet imperfect song that has the band trying out some new things. Finally, 鳥籠好餌責務 -TORIKAGO like obligation- is by the lead composer and guitarist, Mio. This is like a sequel to 絶望クリエイター or 失踪インマイルーム, being one of those chuggy pop metal tracks. The title is really weird, but this song is quite awesome. Fortunately, it isn't marred by any tough rapping parts or anything. As Maiku said, the breakdown is extremely nice. Whenever I listen to this in my car, I headbang as much as possible, without seeming too goofy to pedestrians. The post breakdown part has some nice vocal work. Tied for favorite song of the single! I feel like this single shows the band overcoming a lot of the things I didn't really enjoy in their singles last year (the rapping, songs lacking a good intro, etc). And overall, I just like these songs better! Perhaps the only complaint I have is that the heaviness, although satisfying and fun to listen to, sometimes comes off as slightly lazy (like in AIVIE) or a bit jarring (in ハイスピードフェイスレスネス and プレテンス). In 鳥籠好餌責務 -TORIKAGO like obligation-, where the whole song is heavy though, it works very well! For some reason, I'm sounding more critical of this single than I actually feel about it, because I really enjoy it! STARTiNG OVER'S is still my favorite release, but this is definitely my favorite single of theirs so far. I'd give this an overall 8 or 8.5/10 I'm hoping the June single will be even better!
  15. Break out that wax and construct yourself a god-tier beard:
  16. fitear1590

    Wow. So many of you are so OCD, with your perfectly uniform lists, complete with release dates, haha. Looking forward to: new Zephyr single (First release since early 2000's! Already ordered, but I can't wait to listen!) 己龍 - 朱花艶閃 album UNiTE. - 約束 single Versailles - "Rhapsody of the Darkness" single plus upcoming album new Ziyoou-vachi release new ハイスイノナサ release new MUNIMUNI album And hopefully there's something coming up from Lamp. They're definitely due for a release. PS: cat, your drake avatar is disgustingly great.
  17. Damn, their last single was pretty good.
  18. fitear1590

    HOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!! Zephyr is one of my absolute favorites from the VK pantheon. This is such crazy news. I'm ordering that single as we speak. The fact that the website has been all updated is a good sign. I wonder if they are back for good? Thanks for providing this magnificent news. Also, nice look:
  19. fitear1590

    Thanks trombe, I was just searching today for a tracklist. So... only 2 old songs right? Awesome!
  20. fitear1590

    Oops, a detail I forgot: It's gonna be 1,890円! That's not bad for a mini-album! Your pocket should feel a little better now.
  21. Czecho No Republic is releasing a second mini-album on June 6th. It's called "DINOSAUR" and features 8 tracks. No other details yet. Here's a short clip for it: sP0L4AQVeKs
  22. fitear1590

    Yay, a UNiTE fan! Please, feel free to share your love for them here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=13346 Welcome to the forum.
  23. fitear1590

    Wow, good for them! I hope they can improve their recording quality a little bit, though. The new track with Toshiki sounded cool, but if I recall, it seemed like they went back a step in recording quality.
  24. fitear1590

    (referring to xTripx) For me, the rapping was a huge turnoff. For instance, in Dreamcatcher, I felt literally embarrassed for the lead singer, because the rapping was so atrocious. HOWEVER, the straight-up rock sections were "ace," as you'd say! I really enjoy the chorus. So the song is half-great and half-unbelievably bad (imo!), haha. After that, I never really bothered with their other releases... But that's just me. I practically never enjoy when VK bands incorporate rap. They way they manipulate their voices to sound "tough" (i guess that's what they're going for), never works. This DIV bands seems... okay, so far? Idk, the preview's too short.
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