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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. fitear1590

    Welcome welcome! We have high compatibility on last.fm, haha. Nice to see another fighting game fan. Feel free to make some posts in the fighting game thread I made: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=18070 Enjoy!
  2. fitear1590

    Not sure if you're still looking for their CD's, but Puresound has them. http://www.puresound.co.jp/script/makel ... oix&whdb=0 They're not an ideal shop (I remember it took a while for the payment to go through the one time I used them), but they often have used items for low prices. And they DO ship overseas.
  3. fitear1590

    Most weekends are fine with me. This coming weekend would probably be good. What does everyone else think?
  4. fitear1590

    Maybe periwinkle?
  5. fitear1590

    I really like the idea of this topic! Some of mine would be D and NoGod. Granted, I probably haven't given them enough chances yet, but both bands have musicians that are pretty talented. For whatever reason, outside of the occasional song here and there, their stuff doesn't really click with me in a way that gets me excited about them, craving more. NoGod, in particular, is interesting because I actually generally love male singers with high-pitched soaring vocals, but something about Danchou (that's his name, right?) slightly annoys me. Another artist is Cornelius. I love this guy, because he part of the guitar-pop dynamic duo known as "Flipper's Guitar" of the early 90's. I respect the hell out of his experimental electronic stuff, even if it's the polar opposite of his guitar pop masterpieces. I don't "not like" his electronic stuff, but I'm hoping one day it'll click for me more. There's definitely a few more, but my brain is in death-mode.
  6. fitear1590

    I don't know anything about boogieman, but I'd say they aren't necessarily over. Kazu is also in DIMMDIVISION. and The God and Death Stars currently and those are still around (in fact, Trombe just posted today that DIMMDIVISION. is coming out of hiatus the same month this band starts). Interested in hearing this band.
  7. fitear1590

    YES!!!!!!! This is excellent news. I hope we can expect another release from them, soon after their return.
  8. "BURN ONESELF OUT Live DVD, w/ bonus bootleg live DVD" and "Masquerade maxi-single CD" by ハートレス (Heartless) are both on hold!
  9. fitear1590

    So... we should do a MH-Turntable-sanctioned "Halloween Night"! Focusing on (but not limited to) "Halloween" type music, obviously. I'm pretty sure we did one last year. It doesn't necessarily need to be on Halloween, but it could be any weekend leading up to it. Who's up for it?
  10. fitear1590

    Crazy shampoo sounds pretty cool, Slsr! I had to check out that release and I'm pretty impressed. Haven't really encountered many Finnish artists before Allisapp, but this is nice. I can see myself getting into her music. Qko9qd1egPQ
  11. fitear1590

    Macau must be harboring some extreme anti-Adele sentiment, haha.
  12. fitear1590

    7HKoqNJtMTQ Adele sings the theme song for the new James Bond film, Skyfall. I think the song is... pretty damn good. I just wish it had more of a classy spy-jazz style, because her voice would go so great with it. But it's awesome to hear her voice again!
  13. fitear1590

    Surely you know some bands who impressed you from their very first release. You thought, "Wow, these guys are great" or "Damn, they've got some potential". Yes, those exact phrases, haha. :staru: So, let's discuss some of our favorite debut releases. :staru: (For the purposes of this thread, use your own discretion about what you consider the true debut release of a band. For instance, I wouldn't count mega-limited live-only demos as a debut, but a commercially released CD, yes.) _____________________________ (In no particular order, some bands that impressed me right from their debut:) キャンゼル (Canzel) - FiRST STEPS E.P. (single, March 2008) http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/fitear1590/Snapshot_20100124.jpg Ironically, the band's very first release includes my favorite songs by them, though admittedly track 1's "Allegro" has a better re-recording on another release. However, for 夢喰いバレヱ, this is absolutely the definitive version for me; still one of my favorite songs ever. Even though they're gone now, this band remains special for me, because it was probably the first VK band I really became a fan of that wasn't one of the "gothic"/tanbi/victorian-type bands. Also, extra sentimental value, because I found this CD signed by the members! F-N8WVw7Rag the cabs - 一番はじめの出来事 (mini-album, April 2011) http://f0.bcbits.com/z/26/42/2642546520-1.jpg Some excellent math rocky technical prowess provided by a trio of talented musicians. I'm not sure if this is their first band or not, but these guys are good. Nice catchy moments, combined with impressive time-signature fuckery. 6qsXxKawUos ねごと (NEGOTO) - Hello! "Z" (mini-album, September 2010) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41USK%2BYWD1L._SL500_AA300_.jpg An awesome release that instantly put this major-label all-girl band on my radar. They make nice keyboard pop-rock with some indie sensibilities and occasional quirkiness. Actually, with their subsequent releases, they've continued to improve and most are much better than this CD, haha. But you gotta start somewhere and this was definitely a great start. Zephyr - Plumeless Eyes (tape, October 1999) http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSeJUu2t0wSNe4JfYPAcHyrJWneC519m1rSzFkSzMjdLWYFp0ljPqEbbqVR7Q Zephyr is now one of my favorite VK bands from the 90's/early 2000's. The tape starts off with a genuinely nice "SE" track and leads into 2 totally solid melodic, fluffy VK soft-rock tracks. Though Caim's voice is an acquired taste for many, I love it; thus, I love Zephyr! J01OWY1Hxcc The God and Death Stars - addle apple (mini-album, September 2011) http://www.wakesidevision.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/addle-apple.jpg I got into this band pretty recently and this is a stellar release. Love the "nagoya" style, whatever that truly entails, haha. Excellent atmosphere and aie has a pretty good voice. 2DhV9J9PSwQ And of course there's others, but please share some of your favorite debuts!
  14. fitear1590

    Not sure if you're still looking, but this may be relevant for you: http://jmusic-cheki.livejournal.com/
  15. fitear1590

    ^ Yeah, Neon... I didn't really like that one very much either. I just saw Looper last night. REALLY interesting; one of the coolest plots I've seen in a while. And a great performance by the child actor. The main thing that annoyed me was Joseph Gordon Levitt's weird lips, haha. Didn't look like young Bruce Willis, haha.
  16. fitear1590

    I feel like I haven't heard a proper release from them in 2 years. It's just been live-only and digital singles lately, right?
  17. fitear1590

    I only listened once, but I'm a fan of the song. In the verses, it has kind of the Lareine-y feel that Illusion had, or am I crazy. I don't want to spoil the (limited amount of) new material of the album, so I'll wait to listen again, haha. As far as the PV quality... I don't think Warner has ever given them too big a budget. Don't know why, since they're major. I thought Destiny's and Philia's PV were simple, yet cool and well-done. Vampire's PV was bad (like it was only an afterthought) and Masquerade's PV had the potential for big budget elegance (the dancers, the extras, the big set) but was also poorly executed and strangely edited. I don't think the Truth PV was noticeably "worse" than those latter two. Still sad they never got to do a PV at the gardens/palace of Versailles.
  18. fitear1590

    "Simulated reality" tracklist: 1. 1秒間で君を連れ去りたい 2. Mr.Scary 3. novel 4. アステリズム 5. unknown justice 6. carpe diem 7. navigation 8. twilight museum 9. selfish 10. astray Well, they're not visual band so mayb that's why . Zing! But srsly Nero, you should just try out their PV's. They have a pretty cool sound.
  19. fitear1590

    14 songs?? Even if they're dipping into their Railtracer discography, I don't think they've released 14 songs yet... I might have to try to get this.
  20. Great news for the few people that actually care about NEGOTO here: 4 months of new releases!!! Here's the schedule: November 2012: 4th single (11/7) December 2012: 5th single January 2013: 6th single February 2013: 2nd full album As you can see, only the November single's specific release date has been announced so far. I'll update as I tracklist and other info becomes available. In the meantime, rejoice and hope the world doesn't end in December 2012. I need to hear this new album!
  21. fitear1590

    "Only 40 minutes? Weak." said the elitist metal douche. I wonder if they can pull this off... They're already quite a novelty in VK, so this will only strengthen that, haha.
  22. fitear1590

    Does this mean Kaya in a rock or non-electronic sound? (*knows nothing about Meties*) Either way, pretty curious about this.
  23. fitear1590

    Oh, not too shabby, I'd be interested to hear more. Can you recommend a good release to try out first?
  24. fitear1590

    ...sai, you break my heart. I still can't believe you didn't like their album... But I'm glad you liked the singles afterwards! @saishuu, I second CaRan, their first album is a good starting point. Or if you want their more recent stuff, go ahead and check out the AIVIE, 約束, and イオ singles. (The title tracks will all be included on this upcoming album, btw). Either way you'll be getting about 12 songs, so you should know by then whether UNiTE is something you'd want to look into further. Some additional PV's and songs to preview 340ZZEyaxX4 zGMcNlfDIIo ft8MZpYGy3Y
  25. ユナイト (UNiTE.) announced their 2nd Full Album "MEANiNG" which is to be released 2012.12.05. It comes in 2 types. Limited Edition (CD 12 Songs + Bonus Track 1 Song + DVD) ¥3,780 DCCL-63~64 CD 01.grow into UNiTE.  02.Meaning  03.失望エミュレイター  04.約束  05.L for U  06.可塑性MAGIE  07.cinema verite  08.イオ 09.Cocky-discuS 10.アポカリプティックサウンド 11.青と白のコトバ 12.AIVIE Bonus Track 13.AIVIE pf ver. DVD 20120917「UNiTE. ONEMAN LIVE[U&U's -meaning-]AT 東京国際フォーラムC」のハイライト映像を収録予定 __________________________ Regular Edition (CD 12 Songs + 2 Bonus Tracks) ¥3,150 DCCL-65 CD 01.grow into UNiTE.  02.Meaning  03.失望エミュレイター  04.約束  05.L for U  06.可塑性MAGIE  07.cinema verite  08.イオ 09.Cocky-discuS 10.アポカリプティックサウンド 11.青と白のコトバ 12.AIVIE Bonus Tracks 13.life time relation 14.クオリア Here is the band's new look. Needless to say I'm beyond excited for this. I loved their first album and so far, they have yet to disappoint me. I'm really happy "Eniver pf ver" is being included, since that's a cute instrumental. I hope "grow into UNiTE." will also be a good SE track, because I genuinely like "melt into UNiTE." The tracklist looks excellent, only 3 repeated tracks and we've covered our goofy title quota with "Cocky-discuS". "クオリア" (Qualia) makes me wonder if the song will be something LiN wrote for his old band LeMpicka? because they seemed obsessed with that word.
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