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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. ...not to contradict your 2012 stipulation, but isn't Blu-Billion from 2010 or 11? Anyway, mine would be: the Raid. - somehow, I was excited when I heard their (debut single "Starry Heavens") but everything afterward has totally bored me. My patience wore very thin, very quickly, haha. The vocalist, who I thought was good at first, now just annoys me and the music is the same ol' stuff. This is all just based off the previews, because I haven't even bothered to download any of their releases since their second single. Synk;yet - They started off with a fairly unique style, thanks to some nice guitar playing (see [Re]:birth or Fatal Lovers). Very promising! But the mini-albums since then have been kind of "meh." A good song here and there, but too many ballads I think. Perhaps the most evident proof of their decline is the on their newest mini-album; it sounds hollow and honestly like the guitarist can't hit the notes as fast anymore... Now, it's very apparent there's only one guitarist, whereas I never felt that before. This is a fun topic. Surely I can think of some more, haha.
  2. fitear1590

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XddjNoMWcyk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbEoPzeDD2Q
  3. Every now and then, they'll make a nice song for me to guilty-pleasure enjoy (like "Emerald"), haha. Nice to see they finally up'd their production values (music AND PV-wise). This is so cheesy, but it's kinda nice.
  4. fitear1590

    Hmm... unexpected. At least we'll hear one more album though!
  5. fitear1590

    This was honestly the most ambiguous review thread until Deith posted, haha. (Cat's 5 stars with no explanation could've easily been trolling!) Looking forward to listening to it, because I've found some of their releases "a'ight", so it'll be nice to hear some improvement.
  6. fitear1590

    wooohooo, finally!! [2] The regular edition is pretty moderately priced, if it's a full concert. But hmm, depending on the tracklist of the limited edition, I might have to get that one!
  7. fitear1590

    Hmm... Spezialitäten in meiner Stadt? Kenne ich keine, aber in Washington DC (nur ein paar Stunden entfernt) gibt's ein berühmtes Cupcake-Geschäft, das eine blöde Reality-Serie "DC Cupcakes" hatte. Deswegen will jeder die Cupcakes ausprobieren. Weil ich mich oft in DC befinde, besuchte das Geschäft zweimal und man musste ungefähr eine Stunde Schlange stehen. Ich muss zugeben, die Cupcakes waren SEHR lecker. Der Kuchen war völlig feucht (moist? sagt man feucht?) und der Guss hatte auch die perfekte Konsistenz. Aber sind sie SO lecker, dass man (für eine Stunde) Schlange stehen muss? Nein. Es gibt andere Cupcake-Geschäfte (und einige sind in der Nähe) und die Cupcakes sind fast so gut wie DC Cupcakes. Hauptsache, es gibt überhaupt keine Schlange. Wie gesagt ist es nur "Pflicht für Touristen." Und "Curry 36" in Berlin?? Ich kenne nur "Curry 76" in Karlsruhe, haha.
  8. fitear1590

    So, for overseas orders at Closet Child CD, you're supposed to use the shopping cart, right? Well, I have 3 things I want to buy: 2 used CDs which are listed on the site and 1 pre-order CD which is NOT listed. I know the CD will be for sale there (it's a common enough band), but does Closet Child usually list CDs for pre-order?? I don't remember... In any case, how do I pre-order this one CD using their shopping cart method?
  9. Okay, now that we've heard more than a 1 second preview of ZIN's singing, I'm about 99.9% certain that he's the SLoD guy. I like it. Somehow, just changing the vocalist does give it a fairly different vibe imo. Hopefully, their other songs will show more variety in the music, so we can get past the obvious "Versailles with a different vocalist" comparisons.
  10. fitear1590

    You will probably find some additional stuff to try out in the Japanese Jazz thread: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/4315-the-japanese-jazz-thread/
  11. fitear1590

    No, that's okay! I just wanted to make sure I understood correctly
  12. fitear1590

    Lol, Currywurst hat diesen Faden zum Entgleisen gebracht. Meine Schuld...
  13. fitear1590

    Cool, always nice to have a second guitarist. Am I misunderstanding or are you saying Kakeru is a girl?
  14. fitear1590

    I think I'm okay with this.
  15. fitear1590

    I won't even bother checking last.fm. I just know there's probably at least 3 metal bands that already have this name. They should have fit in ✝ somewhere in the name for good measure, haha.
  16. fitear1590

    I generally try to get 2-3 CDs at a time. I can only remember maybe 2 times when I ordered like 5-6 CDs at once. Speaking of which... I haven't ordered any CDs in a few months and this money (and good yen exchange rate) is burning a hole in my pocket!
  17. Looks like the US dollar is finally getting the upperhand on the yen. The dollar reaches its highest value in 4 and a half years compared to the yen. A few months back, the dollar was really sucking, making importing CDs especially painful. I remember it being as low as 78 yen to 1 dollar at one point (maybe 6 months ago?). Then in January, I noticed a sharp rise in the value of the dollar. According to a post I made on January 2, it went up to 87 yen. NOW in May, it's about 102 yen to 1 dollar. That means you're getting over 20% more bang for your buck (or yen), when you're importing CDs, compared to just a few months ago! The Euro also reached a 3 year high against the yen recently. How are other currencies doing against the yen? SOURCE: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-05-13/news/39228846_1_yen-currency-intervention-aggressive-monetary-easing-programme
  18. Danao is no longer the top user. Things changed while I was away this weekend, haha

    1. stylelover
    2. Catness



  19. fitear1590

    Moment mal, ich suche ein Currywurst-Profilbild... Ich scherze nur, so weit ist es nicht.
  20. Taste of Life turned out to be my favorite release by them, so I'm looking forward to a new release!
  21. fitear1590

    Dammit! I really liked their mini-album... Was thinking they were due for a new release soon, so this sucks.
  22. fitear1590

    Sai, since you said Rin Toshite Shigure, you should go ahead and try out HaKU. They're like if Rin Toshite and caroline rocks had a baby. This song is pretty great:
  23. fitear1590

    God, I was worried when I didn't hear any "singing" (just yelping to the crowd) until the halfway point, but then Kazuho actually sounds nice.
  24. fitear1590

    Just a superficial comment: "GLARD" is one of the most unpleasant words I've heard in a while, haha.
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