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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. fitear1590

    OMG, thanks Miasma!!! This is ri-goddamn-diculous. I wonder if we can get to 10! Once again,
  2. fitear1590

    No fucking way!!! A 6th PV has surfaced in this freakin' frackin' location. a99uGxNU-xA
  3. fitear1590

    Woo! Can't wait for more noisy tranny punk. Thanks for the update, Trombe
  4. fitear1590

    Visual kei "jazz". It causes some to do this: And others this: I'm somewhere in the middle of the --------- scale. I think the idea is nice and find a few of the bands nice, but they're definitely getting a bad name nowadays with Lycaon ~"sexy kei" edition~ mucking it all up. Of course many of the bands don't come close to "jazz," but I still find the swingy/rocky/ska-ish hybrid sometimes pretty cool. (Btw, relating to the ska aspect: see the recent Lycaon shoutbox for Zesshoku's lengthy owning of a certain someone.) I don't think just because it's not jazz, it's automatically bad, just misnamed. If nothing else, usually the basslines and drumming are better than usual. Still, plenty of bands don't exactly pull it off in any aspect, haha. The thing that tends to piss me off is when bands that are generally rock/alternative oriented throw in one of these so-called "jazzy" tracks on a single or album, just to show how "experimental" they are (D is actually an exception, see below). It's not experimental when so many other VK bands do it. It's about as experimental a creaking floorboard/thunder SE track or the repetitive heavy track with lots of growling that switches to a poppy chorus. Anyway, enough ranting. Like I said, I actually like a few bands/ songs, such as: モダン組曲 HPads0EPaHg Rubik (ルービック) kIsAA8Ibpnw Moran ryKHo9AnhXA DQDj4HomzTo As mentioned above, D SMJJ1e658IA _______________________________________________________________________ Post your favorite (or least favorite?) songs that tend to be lumped into this category! What are your thoughts on the whole VK "jazz" thing?
  5. fitear1590

    I just recently discovered this German treasure. I won't spoil anything, but please enjoy this informative video! pVssz2VMJVM
  6. fitear1590

    Nice post, Maiku! I'm not familiar with them, but if the song you posted is any indication of the rest of their music, I can see them being an easy new favorite.
  7. fitear1590

    Damn, they're looking spiffy as ever. Can't wait to hear what they come up with next.
  8. fitear1590

    OMG, that disgusting video Furik! Also, any video that Arithmetica posts should be in this thread, my favorite being: N7bwbl6UHU8
  9. fitear1590

    LOLOLOL, my thoughts exactly. But yeah, this is disgusting if she really is 16. I weep for the future.
  10. fitear1590

    I'm not sure if this has already been posted, but here's the live performance of "episode.0". Thank you Mina Cross from Bonjour Honey for pointing it out to me! ZsLwL-gZKKc
  11. fitear1590

    2OxWD85Ngz4 Haters, said I'll see you later.
  12. fitear1590

    A little more than tolerating actually, yes! I have a few favorite songs, but their releases still seem to be kinda hit-and-miss for me, like Matenrou Opera.
  13. fitear1590

    I'm pretty sure any band that's ever had a "heavy" moment has played that exact riff. Don't get too excited. But the rest of the preview sounds alright to me.
  14. fitear1590

    Yay, I'm glad you like them too, D.L.S! Their second album Introducing (the album where that song is from) is probably a good starting point, since it's like the middle-ground of their loud, experimental side and their softer, funner side.
  15. fitear1590

    c5NJNiTti7k I don't think this has been posted yet, but here's the PV preview for the single.
  16. fitear1590

    whoa, thanks for the tip sebbivism! I didn't know the US would be getting it. I'll have to check it out when I return.
  17. fitear1590

    You always find the trippiest videos!!!
  18. fitear1590

    Here's a live version of their single from last month, メルシールー. d7kzU4Y9kH8 Also, I found this interesting. SEKAI NO OWARI's guitarist did a "remix" of their previous single Charon (This is actually track #4 on that メルシールー single). The style's a bit softer, but it's still a great song. NrfEUiPucb8 _____________________________________ And here's the tracklist for their album which comes out tomorrow, "ex Negoto" 1. サイダーの海 2. ループ 3. カロン 4. ビーサイド 5. メルシールー 6. ふわりのこと 7. 七夕 8. week...end 9. 季節 10. AO 11. 揺れる (apparently, this song is being used for a drama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQE187gCXuM) 12. インストゥルメンタル (here's a live version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKi36AV-dBg) As you can see, their previous singles are on there (and the b-side "ビーサイド"), but otherwise it's new songs! I'm so excited to listen to this album. I've been more and more impressed with them, with each release. We'll see, but I'm thinking this will be a great release for the "The Non-visual Promotion Thread," hint hint!
  19. fitear1590

    Yeah, what does it even mean to be a rental CD?
  20. fitear1590

    They're just trying to steal South Sudan's thunder.
  21. well, I see tokyo sky tree was a complete cocktease. they're back to ho-hum safe pop rock. what a waste. not looking forward to this.
  22. Wow, zesshoku. It's amazing how crappy that first Jeniva single was (mainly due to Sono, though), compared to how awesome the "sou mei kuru hi no tsuki" release was.
  23. fitear1590

    I know it's "V-ROCK" but damn, how I would love for Shiina Ringo to do her crazy super-produced orchestral stuff with Saito Neko for some Disney covers, haha. Looking forward to how much supercali-etc will be butchered!
  24. fitear1590

    Takatori Reiji kinda touched on it in his post, but just to give a firm update. According to rikic at the undercode LJ page:
  25. Why... did they actually have kind of a budget? The film quality of the PV looks okay.
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