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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. YFgDhvxCKMw Preview for world wide wish has been posted on their official youtube account. This one seems to fall in the "play in abandoned warehouse" category, haha.
  2. fitear1590

    Dang, I hope you'll come around to it then, Cat! As for me, I am absolutely loving this album. The entire thing is solid to me, but my favorites are: 禁じられた遊び (dark opening, facking awesome chorus) 風に肖って行け (wtf? how the fuck is this so godly?) 恐るべき大人達 (I get into the beat a LOT on this one) and 新しい文明開化. Such a great upbeat track! All the previously released tracks are still fantastic, but kudos on the new versions of Tengoku and the swingy-Dopamint. So much better! 女の子は誰でも is still great as ever, despite the weird transition, as herpes mentioned. An entire SR album of that+ 都合のいい身体 type songs, please. I relistened to ADULT after hearing this album and I had a newfound appreciation for it. That and this album are now tied for my favorites by Tokyo Jihen. Added Daihakken to my next CD order! I'd say, only because of my slightly lower level of enthusiasm for 2 of ukigumo's tracks, this gets a 9.5/10
  3. fitear1590

    Oooh, definitely a welcome idea. Nice thinking Furik!
  4. Damn, I'm legitimately saddened trombe! You seriously were a big contribution to the forum! You always kept me up-to-date on all the latest news on lots of my favorite VK bands, stuff I never would have seen without you. Anyway, I hope you'll come back as well.
  5. fitear1590

    Awwww, I feel so bad, haha. They probably spent a lot of time on that, but gah! In other news, I'm legitimately impressed by this one: Z7bSScEveHU
  6. Damn, she listens to literally 375 Japanese rock bands? I need to step my game up; I'm at 374!!! Also, lolz: "I don't believe in God, although I do think ther is a God"
  7. fitear1590

    Wow, I had no real doubts that the album would be good, but it's nice to hear such a positive review from you herpes, haha. (I know you've said some less-than-stellar things about their first album) And I'm glad to hear they've improved their Sweet Spot-ish style songs. That was probably my least favorite from the otherwise awesome Sports. Anyway, gonna give it a listen now!
  8. fitear1590

    Hmm, I think his sound is at least interesting. Definitely preferred to shitty "hip-pop" that dominates the charts nowadays, as old cheesey said, haha. But, I kinda lol'd at this interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN5Alud0G6s Doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the bunch. "Like a 'bitch' is a pregnant dog. That's a 'pregnant gold retriever'!" How clever! I think it sheds a little light on the situation though. He still seems young and immature, so he probably doesn't realize the repercussions of using words like "f*ggot" and "gay" pejoratively, that no matter how unintended his usage of those words were, they will always come off offensively to some people. I'm not excusing him at all. I'm just saying, I believe that's probably why.
  9. fitear1590

    False! Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the best character! But, I really do like Sheldon. Does anyone here really dislike Leonard, though? I think he kind of drags the show down. Whiny and that fake voice the actor does is just annoying.
  10. Oh dear god, haha. The idea of attending a canzel (and now UNiTE) show has always scared me, because I know everyone would be doing these little synchronized furi-dances. However, I like Yui's voice a lot in the sample!
  11. fitear1590

    Lol! Thanks for the tip sai. Just downloaded this baby. Why is it that games featuring rainbows and animals are automatically good?
  12. fitear1590

    Damn champ, you are so logical, haha. Need to get me some of that. But seriously, I'm glad you mentioned the "in the box" thinking about "vk/non-vk". It's really starting to irk me that I see that so much. All of Japanese music to you is either "vk" or "non-vk"? Really?! That's a problem...
  13. fitear1590

    té hwsAuL5ff2o 7Di8DJUyQBc I've only heard one album, but it's good stuff! If you're like me and you can't concentrate with music that has vocals, this is some good study music, haha. RED SUN Jdpk_VmksW0 IC3GuINTdVE I think that description is a bit exaggerated, but definitely a great band, if you're looking for something relaxed, yet catchy.
  14. fitear1590

    Haha, funny thread. I got glasses about 8 years ago, because my eyesight was garbage. I wore them (full-time!) for 6 years-ish and then tried out contacts. I made a slow progression alternating between glasses and contacts, until switching fully to contact lenses. Once you get over the grief of touching your eyes to put them in, they're more comfortable and you don't have to worry about smudging and stuff. And you have better peripheral vision, woo! But when I came to Germany for my study abroad, I kinda stopped wearing contacts and switched back to glasses! Now it's at the point where if I wore my contacts, everyone would say I look weird without my glasses, haha. Guess I'll switch back, when I return to America, lol. So I don't know really, I like them about equally! (And poor Kitty5, I remember when you posted in the shoutbox about sitting on your glasses!)
  15. fitear1590

    lJpz92BUGzI Peacock is only made good by this video
  16. fitear1590

    Indeed, furik.
  17. True, I wonder if they filmed something a little more exciting for World Wide Wish... In any case, we'll find out soon too!
  18. PV Preview for Eniver: Ku3AmgY5Mgg It's simple, but an improvement over Canzel's twilight video i guess!
  19. fitear1590

    Yes, please!
  20. fitear1590

    I agree! Fierte/ Never Cage are pretty good, but as you said, I skip the Kamijo solo Lareine. Have you tried Blue Romance, though? That's actually where my favorites are. And the Metamorphose single. Metamorphose/ Gerbe are awesome!
  21. fitear1590

    Lol, this is so weird. "Limited period" aka more than 2 years! ANYWAY, glad they didn't "disband" per se. Looking forward to new songs. Thanks for the info, master trombe!
  22. Have you guys heard tokyo sky tree? It wasn't exactly old aicle, but much better than their second album. "cautiously" looking forward to this, haha
  23. fitear1590

    Woo-hoo! Hope they don't tone down the noise/ weirdness! And maybe now we'll get some more info on them! I'm still really curious about the member's nationalities and stuff.
  24. fitear1590

    Yeah... unfortunately CDJapan's "samples" are just the first 45 seconds of the song. Still, glad to hear something! I won't go into any spoilers, but I'm really looking forward to the full tracks.
  25. fitear1590

    You got frownie faced by your mom... I hope you're okay!
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