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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. fitear1590

    Damn, they never stop.
  2. fitear1590

    I'm not up on new anime (like anything in the past 5 years or so), but here are some old favorites: gvks5APtYSs Because it's hilarious. JLKinNz3_OI Because Taku Iwasaki makes great spy jazz stuff.
  3. fitear1590

    Kind of want.
  4. fitear1590

    Maiku is my hero! Blood brothers indeed ruled. Insane vocals and crazy music. Awesome. I still haven't heard all the albums, but Crimes and Burn, Piano Island, Burn both impressed me. Anyone know any Japanese bands that are in the same vein as the Blood Brothers?
  5. fitear1590

    Whoa, lots of new tracks! Excited. And chemicalpictures, who knows, since 失踪イン マイ ルーム was released, maybe some of the others will be too. (or have already been released under other names) Lol @ "walpurgis" Lol @ Yukimi's hand on hip
  6. fitear1590

    Naomi & Goro is pretty good! And Chianti introduced me to Lisa Ono. A lot of her stuff has more of a smooth jazz feel to it, but she did cover a few bossa nova classics like "desafinado" and "corcovado," so the bossa influence is definitely there. But I wanna hear some more good japanese bossa too!
  7. fitear1590

    Huzzah! Agreed with synthelement, I'm definitely glad they're releasing an album this early. Hopefully it won't be padded with too many of the songs from the singles. And awesome, Kud' will be on there! Thanks for the wonderful news, trombe.
  8. fitear1590

    You should see this thread then: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=10941 They want to buy tapes, so you may be in luck!
  9. Kaya? Singing Shiina Ringo?? My brain does not compute, but I hope some kind of live video or SOMETHING will come of this. Need to hear it.
  10. fitear1590

    Haven't heard a disappointing release yet. Definitely looking forward to it!
  11. fitear1590

    Glad to hear Erin! Any particular favorite songs yet? Also, I must revise my previous above statement. Sports isn't my favorite TJ album anymore, though I still really enjoy it. Probably a tie between Adult and the new album.
  12. fitear1590

    MOhPxGNs1HA Found this PV preview, just in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.
  13. Pretty much. The song title should have been your second hint.
  14. fitear1590

    I'll go ahead and instead, comment on the guy named "glycogen," haha. Kudos for "creativity" I guess, but wtf??! Also, based on the preview, this just sounds like REALies... Not really interested.
  15. fitear1590

    CDJapan link: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=AICL-2292 I was looking for it before too. I couldn't find it, so I searched using the catalog number. And I found an short interview with Avu-chan: http://www.sexandfashion.net/2011/05/ziyoou-vachi/ You sure are a crafty one. Thank you for the CDjapan link, as well as the interview!
  16. fitear1590

    Can anyone find this on CDJapan? I've tried "ziyoou-vachi" and nothing. (I can find it on Neowing, which I thought was just the japanese version... So shouldn't it be on CDJapan as well?)
  17. fitear1590

    YES! I love that song. Saw it on a live video and was hoping it would be released. Funny/colorful PV! Thanks for posting about it, tssugakulow!
  18. fitear1590

    yXSqI_a_oz0 Here's a video of the track "Dejavu," from the BLACK MOON session.
  19. fitear1590

    DISGUST! off topic, though. Chianti, your katamari avatar and sig are AWESOME!
  20. fitear1590

    & how do u know that argument couldn't have been about musical differences? the band's musical style has made a pretty serious change. so it's really not that hard to believe that one of their members wasn't comfortable with the direction the band's taking now. Agreed, I'd say for once, "musical differences" actually seems like a plausible reason for a member leaving!
  21. fitear1590

    Yay, another fan! And tell me about it, this hiatus sucks! Do you know when they plan to come back?
  22. fitear1590

    No offense to PIECElang fans, but I'm hoping Hikaru will get into a better band next time. He was just wasting his time here from what I heard. Izabel Varosa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PIECElang
  23. fitear1590

    Everyone seems to cream their pantaloons over Chemical Pictures. And I agree with fat girl party, Secilia Luna CAN be really good. They just suffer from really terrible synths on some songs. I also have a soft spot for RailTracer, as far as super indie bands with like 40 fans at shows.
  24. fitear1590

    Wear your spf like a good boi!!! Enjoy teh sun!
  25. fitear1590

    Man, it's already hard enough to take vk bands seriously. Now, this name???
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