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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. fitear1590

    These are masterpieces. I request a Kiryu picture! (or do I need to fill out your official form??!)
  2. fitear1590

    LOL! "SHUT YOUR FESTERING GOB, YOU TIT!" I'm definitely going to import this phrase to the US.
  3. fitear1590

    Haha, no worries. It wasn't too long. Have you heard of 関西耽美系~Lily project~ or Lacroix Despheres? They seem like they could fit into your taste in visual kei.
  4. fitear1590

    Welcome Corronum! So what bands are you into?
  5. fitear1590

    I've only heard a single or two by cinema staff, but indeed, the vocalist is pleasant and the music is a'ight. But, as petty as this is, I watched some PV by them and I got this horrible vibe of douchiness from the guitarist, haha!
  6. ......... Live-only. Guh!
  7. Well, here's some good news at least. Mio announced this on his blog. Can't believe they're having a oneman already! Congrats to them. And as shitty as live-limited stuff is, I'm glad Kud' is being released, because I liked the little instrumental demo for it. (But "original edit" is a little worrying. Does that mean it's still not getting a proper recording? Just the demo version?) Also, new look! I had to printscreen the thing but here it is! Lol @ hipster Yui!
  8. fitear1590

    Such a devious smile, haha. I'm scurrrred!
  9. Wow, lots of variety. And omg, I can't believe he did ErecSia!!! I can't imagine his current self doing all the screaming and creepy breathing that he did in that band, haha. Do you know if he just sang over pre-recorded music? Or was he accompanied by a band?
  10. fitear1590

    When will Zephyr have a revival?!
  11. fitear1590

    Pssh, noooo idea! My rule is more like "as long as it doesn't sound bad, or go home" A decent 128, but preferably 192 is all I ask for! In fact, because 320 and 192 make no difference to me, I usually end up converting 320 rips to 192. Let's see how all the audiophiles do.
  12. fitear1590

    Versailles should just stop releasing previews of their PVs, as they only serve to cause controversy! (Their choruses tend to be the weakest parts of the song) Imo, that was one of their most creative/dynamic songs in a while! I've only listened to it twice, but I'm hooked. I'll be looping this sucker for days. I was already looking forward to the album simply because it's Versailles, but now I'm utterly stoked!!!! The PV was a tad goofy (mainly the fast-motion parts), but the song was incredible. I love how long the intro was. I love how many solos there are. Gah, must listen again.
  13. My brother introduced me to this Finnish band the other day, Hooded Menace. I know nothing about the intricacies of metal genres but most people say it's "death doom". Anyway, I thought the riffs were really interesting. Anyone here like them? WxnPcTkLt88 NvsOghA2Rrs
  14. What is happening? Is this a one-time thing or could he make a comeback (please, say yes!)
  15. fitear1590

    And dear god, precious kitty is a big Camera Obscura fan too??!
  16. fitear1590

    Compare to PERESTROIKA's mini-album: 5 songs + PV for 3,150 yen. And remember that one of the PERESTROIKA songs is an SE--I'm pretty sure Megaromania's mini will have 5 full songs, for only 210 yen more. I mean, it's definitely expensive (God help anyone who plans to buy all three), but it's actually just a little bit more for an extra song (instead of an SE). (Of course, if one of the songs is an SE, then I have no idea why they're charging more than usual!) That's ridiculous! Is Japan the only country that gets away with charging such exorbitant prices for CDs?
  17. fitear1590

    Most expensive 5 songs + DVD, EVER!!!! Seriously, this is totally a "full album" price.
  18. fitear1590

    Jeez, it's been really sad to watch this band die such a slow and verrrry painful death. This already seems like a pathetic release. But hey Zesshoku, what's your problem with suckin' on a lollipop??! (the song, haha)
  19. fitear1590

    The "asthma attack" line is undeniably cheesy, but the overall music/voice and everything is actually kinda nice.
  20. fitear1590

    Saw this today: http://shattered-tranquility.net/index. ... t-artwork/ Apparently in addition to this new single, they are doing 18 re-issues of their last nine releases (2 types for each release). I love the comment "It’s also surprising that they release these again, when previous editions haven’t been sold out yet." Well, I don't know how this is a good idea at all.
  21. fitear1590

    Hell yes. Canzel all the way! Pop-rocky and lighthearted, without rainbows spewing from the anus. But can also be pleasantly heavy: If I have to pick between Ayabie and An Cafe though, Ayabie. Only because the An Cafe's vocals are unforgivably bad and ducky.
  22. fitear1590

    Yeah, I already know and enjoy haisuinonasa. But thanks for the cabs! Sounds promising.
  23. fitear1590

    Yeah, I enjoyed it. The softer "Lareine-y" sound is not an issue for me!
  24. fitear1590

    Awesome thread, re-confirmed awesome! I also really enjoy Kinoco Hotel! And thanks for posting about ぐしゃ人間, littlelamb. It sounds kooky as hell, I love it! I also am liking pezite, six, and the mornings. Need more of all these bands. Can anyone recommend anything "math-poppy"? If that's not too clear, I mean something that shows some of the interesting rhythms/ time signatures and technical savvy of math rock, but has a overall "pop sensibility" as well. CAT5 might know what I mean. Something like Tubelord (I know that's one of our few common bands on last.fm, haha).
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