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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. Thanks trombe. So it's official now! How weird, I didn't particularly like him in ALiBi (or the band at all for that matter) but as "yui," he sounds great now.
  2. Just out of curiosity, how did you find out he was from ALiBi?
  3. Honestly, the people who don't know them (and are vehemently complaining) are probably just those whose music taste doesn't extend beyond whatever the radio or MTV shoves in their faces. I legitimately saw someone arguing yesterday, that popularity DOES in fact equal talent. Because they wouldn't get popular if they weren't talented, right!??! Nevermind the fact that the media could literally market us a turd on a plate and people would eventually start eating it up!
  4. Well, it's pretty good. I just wish "world wide wish" didn't have that silly heavy part, because I think Mio's great at the softer stuff. I personally don't find the music boring.
  5. fitear1590

    I think overall, Kiryu has some of the most consistently awesome outfits in VK. Especially Takemasa! Other bands should take note.
  6. fitear1590

    I agree Cibicco-san. The new boris one is neat. And yours is really surreal/cool too, asakusa!
  7. fitear1590

    pffffpfpfpfpfppfpff LOL! Very nice, haha. I support the use of "occidents" But in lady gaga related things, I finally got around to listening to the song. As neither a particular gaga fan nor hater, it's definitely one of my least favorite songs I've heard by her (I've heard mainly her "hit" songs). To me, it's not so much of a song, as a blatant speech she wrote and then put to music. Really generic, sub-par music. There was nothing particularly interesting, poetic or subtle in the lyrics for me so it just seems kinda cheesy. Idk, that's just what I think. Doesn't really appeal to me at all.
  8. Shame Janelle Monae didn't win anything... Yet Usher gets it? Really?
  9. Yeah, just to interject, I can't speak for others but I certainly do keep the obi's
  10. fitear1590

    I agree with you Peace. Fu~ki is intolerably bad in Blood, imo. He also ruined that Hizaki solo song, "Tragic Serenade."
  11. fitear1590

    Hey kay! Welcome. I think we met before actually. I sold you the PIECE CD's, right?
  12. fitear1590

    Great post. I will DEFINITELY be checking this stuff out. Such great atmosphere!
  13. fitear1590

    WtelKJYV4zg (in case anyone else hasn't seen it) Yeah, I'm really liking it as well! The vocals, the keyboards, the drumming... everything is working here. Great song. I'm-a gonna buy this single!
  14. Btw, any idea what the countdown on the OHP might be? 8 days till "something".
  15. fitear1590

    Cat, how did you become such a PV master?
  16. fitear1590

    Is it sad that I only know Metric because of the film, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World? (They provided the song "black sheep" that the movie band "The Clash at Demonhead" sings) DGB4VDQI6XM I'll have to check out these other songs though. Thanks erin!
  17. fitear1590

    That sounds insane! In a good way! That's so cool that you were able to see sooooo many bands. Anyway, welcome!
  18. fitear1590

    Lol, nice. I love cheesy early 90's Jackie Chan movies like Operation Condor and Supercop.
  19. fitear1590

    The tracklist has been released: 1) Philia 2) Judicial Noir 3) Desert Apple taken from http://www.versailles-wfc.com/public/
  20. fitear1590

    Wings of Desire / Der Himmel über Berlin
  21. fitear1590

    I don't know about all the other countries, but the US Dollar is in the toilet right now, so I definitely spend too much when I buy my releases. My currency converter says it's about 81yen per 1 dollar. I remember freaking out last year when it was 90yen per dollar... Then again, when 3500yen really was about $35, it was still quite expensive compared to the CD's here in America. Now such a CD would cost like $42... Add shipping and soon you're spending 50 plus dollars for an album. Pure insanity. In summary, I have definitely been cutting down my purchases to the essentials: favorite bands and stuff that I just can't find anywhere else
  22. fitear1590

    I agree with Zesshoku. Not outstanding because a lot of it sounds a bit similar, but Luft was certainly a highlight. Looking forward to their new material.
  23. Holy shit. As Canzel was my favorite VK band, I definitely have to check this out!! Icchi WAS indeed my favorite member, but Mio was the band's main composer, so maybe some of the magic will exist in this band. Hopefully. But who is this yui fellow?
  24. fitear1590

    I could be wrong, but from the looks of that hallway, it seems like the same place Aicle's Que Sera Sera video was filmed.
  25. fitear1590

    Ahhhhhhh yyyyyyeah! Good news!
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