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Posts posted by Ikna

  1. Their first album was interesting, especially because of the Nostalgia factor (mid 00s VK style). But their next release was kinda repetitive, not adding much and sounding very similiar for no song has managed to stick in my head. That seems generally a problem of Ains bands, that they stick too close to their homage sound and never stray out of the comfort zone to add some variety to their discography. Thankfully Grieva have recently dropped the act of only copying Dir en grey songs, I just wish Gossip and Kuroyuri would do the same. From all the Ains bands Kuroyuri would have the most potential (since they aren't really based on another band, much like Dir en Grieva or Gazette-ossip.)

  2. I guess I might make use of it. So far it seems to be a good alternative to buy directly from FJ. Last time I bought from FromJapan I had to pay ridiculous shipping fees. like almost three times as much as my items cost, even though I chose the cheepest shipping option. Maybe I was also too dumb and looked over something… but then they packed my three CDs into a shitton of bubble wraps and into a much larger box and that probably rose the price up to eleven. Seems that's not the first time that happened as I saw others on MH complaining about that.

  3. Lol, the first thing I knew when this thread popped up and saw blackdoll being the OP was that there would be a huge fucking ass discussion about Lycaon.


    Seriously, both bands are different and trying to cherry pick for similiarities is like comparing apples to windows. For there are practically not many things in common. The only thing I see is OP being salty that most people like RES more and admit their negative bias towards Lycaon.


    Seriously blackdoll, how about you just get over other people not sharing your delusional fixation on your fav band. People are biased and have different tastes; others showing their strong dislike of one band is no reason to write huge cryptic posts about it.


    Ah yeah, I also voted for RES. There are a few Lycaon songs from their early era I like, but RES (both eras) does appeal more to me.

  4. I am actually still not entirely sure how kote kei is truly defined. Some use it only exclusively for the era of the mid 90s to early 00s. Others use it for the really early VK bands like Sleep My Dear, ROUAGE, etc as well. And some just tag every band with heavy make-up and complex costumes as such, regardless of musical influences and style. True though, that the late 90s, early 00s bands are far more popular and well known overseas. It's simply that most of the  foreign oldschool fans are probably those who have gotten into VK in the early to mid 00s. Back then the style early Dir en grey, Syndrome, Malice Mizer or old Gazette had a style, which was really well-loved and some even emulated it (I remember the fashion accidents of self-proclaimed “Visus”. They looked more like Hot topic shopping mallgoths, ugh)


    I also got into VK thanks to Dir en grey and D'espairsRay. From there I discovered some earlier late 90s groups like Malice Mizer or Luna Sea. Only then I slowly went back in time to find and love Laputa, ROUAGE, old Kuroyume, etc. I tend to favour super edgy kvlt VK from the late 90s indies period, but most of the early 90s stuff, especially anything with a heavy post-punk influence, is up to my alley. The problem though is, that apart from a few bigger “must know” groups like X or Luna Sea, the majority of really old VK bands have been forgotten outside Japan. Hell, there are even enough foreign VK fans nowadays who have no clue who Malice Mizer are.


    I am no VK history expert and I always welcome people to enlighten me with more information. But as I know the Visual kei label didn't really become wildly used until the first half of the 90s, but VK and proto-VK bands date back as far as the mid 80s. So a lot of what we nowadays refer to oldschool Visual kei was originally not seen or tagged as such. Are Zi-Kill a Visual kei group? Many would say yes, because of the way they look and their band connections (and the label they were signed to). Other would say no and state that albeit being influential on the VK moevement, they were just a Rock band. True though, that VK was booming mostly in the first half to mid 90s and not late 90s. If I remember correctly, fans declared Visual kei dead already around 1998.

  5. Second oldschool VK, Setsuna from Metis Gretel and Panic Channel. Those amazing, gravity defying and colorful hairstyles were one of the reasons why I fell in love with VK. I especially miss the big, spiky hair. Only a few selected bandomen still spend time and energy to do their hair like this:




    I also like most of the styles the indies bands had in the 90s and early 00s. Eespecially the ultra weird and spiky ones.




    Always loved Naos cool Look with the white streaks as a contrast to his deep blue hair. Also big bonus points if your VK hairdo not only incorporates lost of backcombing, but also feathers en mass.


    I can easily say what hairstyles I don't like: basically anything that looks ordinary or is worn by stereotypical ikemen and/or host boys. Sorry, but it looks not good to me.

  6. Concerning single musicians in the scene, I think Mana had a very deep fall in popularity. Once being the member of one of the most popular and influential 90s Visual kei groups, Malice Mizer, to a solo artist now band leader of a rather fringe popular band, Moi dix Mois. Even these guys used to be much more popular at the beginning of their career (though I think MdM biggest fanbase was not japanese, but mostly French, German and Austrian foreigners). Gackt on the other hand managed to become really popular and famous, but had to leave VK for that (no idea if at the moment anyone still cares for him. He's old hat too)

  7. ^ A truly damn shame they never released that album :/ Their last singles were interesting (especially Beast of Blood, a classic) and that look was amazing. Now the chance that they will ever come back especially with Klaha on vocals is zero.


    I guess in the case that its release will be cancelled, X's next album may count. If it gets released, then there is still the Violet UK album he promised to make since ages.

  8. Als jemand, die die Augenbrauen anmalt: es ist eine Frage des Geschmacks. Ich persönlich hasse meine natürlichen Augenbrauen, weil sie in alle Richtungen wachsen (aber nur vorne bei der Nase. Richtung Ohren sind sie extrem dünn und fast nicht da). Also mache ich sie einfach weg oder zupfe sie so dünn, dass ich sie formen kann wie ich will. Es gibt meiner Meinung nach viel mehr Kontrolle über das Make-up und den gesamten Look. Wobei permanente Augenbrauen nix für mich sind, denn ich mag es, das ich jeden Tag was anderes machen kann.


    Allerdings bin ich eine doofe Gruftie Tussi und bei mir geht nix ohne dramatisches Augen-make-up und Lippenstift. (was nicht heisst, dass ich permament nur geschminkt bin). Hätte ich bessere Haare, würde ich sie mir auch so wunderbar stylen wie die Waver/Goths der 80er. Für viele sieht so was grausig aus, aber ich mags. Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters, dewegen rege ich mich persönlich auch nicht mehr darüber auf, wie sich andere stylen. Und sollen manche Frauen halt hundert Kilo Make-up tragen und sich wie Hühner bräunen; es ist deren Entscheidung und so lange sie niemanden damit schaden oder auf den Arsch gehen, kanns mir egal sein.


    Und was ist schon „natürlich”? Ich glaube als Menschen, die im Jahre 2015 leben, sollten wir langsam aufhören dieses eh schon von jedem Kontext gerissene Wort überzustrapazieren. Inzwischen gibts ja keine Werbung mehr, die das Wort inflationär benutzt um nichtsahnenden  einzureden, ihr Pordukt sei besser als andere. Bitte, wir leben in Blockhäuser, rennen auf betonierten Böden herum und kaufen unser Fleisch fertig abgepackt im Supermarkt. Natürlich ist da schon lange gar nix mehr. Und dementsprechend kann ich das Wort in keinerlei Zusammenhang mehr hören, sei es Chemie (die prinzipiell natürlich ist, da alles Chemie ist. Wir bestehen ja nicht aus Vakuum), Sexualität oder Kleidungsstile. Und vor allem Essen (natürlich wärs einzig und allein dein Wild im Wald zu jagen und Beeren von Sträuchern zu sammeln. Selbst das Obst und Gemüse, dass wir anpflanzen ist extra gezüchtet worden und hat nichts mehr mit den ursprünglichen wilden Varianten gemein)


    Sorry, aber das musste sein.


    Zum Thema Männer und Mode/Aussehen: ich habs nie verstanden, warum da immer noch so viel Drama gemacht wird. Es gab mal eine Zeit, da wurden Frauen verpönt, gezüchtigt—ja, sogar in die Psychiatrie geschickt—weil sie „männliche” Kleidung trugen. Inzwischen macht sich keiner mehr in die Hose, wenn eine Frau eine Hose oder einen Anzug trägt. Selbst kurze Haare können auch die meisten schon beim weiblichen geschlecht verkraften. Aber wehe ein Mann trägt ein Kleid oder einen Rock—dann steht die Apokalypse bevor! So zu denken ist hypokritisch und entbehrt jeder Logik. Leider typisch menschlich.

  9. No one posted at Halloween? Disappointed.
    More female fronted Goth goodness:
    First Asmodi Bizarr, a german goth and New Wave band. The changed their style very drastically over their years, their early stuff however is really great. For fans of Xmal Deutschland, Siouxsie Sioux and Co.

    Strange Boutique were an Ethereal and Goth band and the earlier band of Faith and the Muse singer Monica Richards (who currently releases new material solo).


  10. Yeah, the last single wasn't bad. Nice mix of old and new and less formulaic. I really had the feeling that their recent releases are all too similiar and that they were just rehashing the same old songs over and over. Hopefully they keep up with that for their upcoming material.


    I wonder though when we will get to see full versions of some of their newer PVs. Didn't they release a PV collection a few months back?

  11. Ich glaube ich bin die einzige Person, die tatsächlich den Sommer dem Winter hervorzieht. Ich verziehe mich lieber in einem Pool oder die Badewanne und genieße kalte Getränke und Eiscreme als im Winter mich in hundert Stoffschichten zu packen und warm halten zu müssen. Noch dazu bin ich extrem Kältempfindlich, meine Haut wird durch die Kälte rot und angegriffen und meine Füße sind immer kalt als wäre ich eine Leiche .___.


    Wobei ich keinen 30°C Sommer haben muss. Dieses Jahr war es schon abnormal heiß bei uns. Ich glaube am meisten mag ich eher einen milden Frühling, wenn es schon wärmer ist, aber nicht wirklich heiß.

  12. Old lastfm was my main database of bands I should look into. I was clever enough to bookmark most bandprofiles, since the artists with 0 listens have been erased now. I also stalked many user libraries to see if they would listen to something interesting (also it helped with tagging shit I downloaded ages ago). Not sure if I continue the site since the update ruined the exploration experience.


    Others than that I go through playlists and mixes on youtube or 8tracks. Bandcamp also has become a site I regulary use. I also have a few music dl blogs I still follow (mostly post-punk stuff. All VK blogs are dead and VisualScandal only copypaste what's uploaded here). I think it's pretty easy for me though, as I rarely follow any new bands (except in the goth genre. But there are many of them on bandcamp, whcih you can follow). I sometimes check music news sites, but most of the time I am digging after old stuff.

  13. Why throwing so much money out of the window just to revamp the site though? They could have simply let it die slowly and peacefully without that damn update.


    Though I am sure there is an answer and it's “because they are idiots”.

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