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About dieu

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch
  • Birthday 08/17/1987

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  1. This band by far is the most interesting thing I've heard in vk in years. Love the vocal. ♥
  2. dieu

    I loved the first single and I'll follow them, but I'm not sure for how long cuz usually I don't like happy bands lol
  3. That's a nice way to promote 八十八ヶ所巡礼. Never heard them before. Thanks for show me them and their shirtless drummer. lol
  4. dieu

    This made me deeply sad. Wasn't Satoshi the main D.I.D.'s composer?
  5. dieu


    thank you all <3
  6. dieu


    Hi, my name is Jonas I'm from Brazil, I love BAISER, LUNA SEA, Kagrra,, Aicle, Dir en grey and recently I've fall in love with D.i.d. and Akane's autotuned screams. Please, be nice to me.
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