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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Guess they just wanted it to sound really polished and loud like DSS and release it for the new fan base they've worked to acquire ("false metal" fans and such ). I can understand why they are re-releasing it for the following reasons: New releases always garner a little attention and albums work more for their advantage overseas than singles I think. It's more for the new fans and the average Hot Topic dweller and not so much for the old fans, but the extra tracks like Hydra -666- are included to make the deal seem better for the people who own the original Uroboros but are considering to get this one too. And even though I got nothing to back this, I feel like they prefer the production of DSS, but they like songs of Uroboros better ( Like the Uroboros titled live coming soon, which is confusing to say the least considering a new album was just released ). Maybe that's why they feel like " They want to do the album justice ". Also Kyo's growls on Uroboros were pretty bad but the production distorted them enough to make them bearable, so I understand why they would want to re-record those too.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Apparently all the guards in Skyrim used to be adventurers like me! ... But then they took an arrow in the knee Edit: Oh it's apparently a meme now. I thought I was being original
  3. Karma’s Hat

    The XA-VAT and Kagrra, albums are the ones I'm still listening and will be listening to in the future. cali≠gari disappointed me this year with two unremarkable singles, which also makes me worried about their upcoming album. I enjoyed Kiryu's album for a ( albeit, short ) while and the Lynch album had some good songs. Singles... I can only remember the 9goats releases of which I'll just stick with the first one. The second didn't leave much of an impression on me initially and I haven't bothered to try it again ever since. 2011 didn't give me much at all in terms of VK, but gladly I got tons of other stuff from another scenes to listen to.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Looks amazing! And I too love your style.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    This is what all the anti-gay activists said would happen. Who would have thought that they were right all along Ron Paul 2012
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Just played through the story of AC: Revelations and it's not as good as 2 and Brotherhood I think. The ending left me satisfied though ( Not nearly as mind blowing as AC2's ending was back in the day. That left me numb, baffled and genuinely scared for at least a day ) , but the story missions didn't flow well and the I just didn't find the whole thing too interesting. The city though is gorgeous and I might go back to freeroam after I'm finished with Skyrim... In 2018 the earliest
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Hope the show continues to be the most embarrassing thing ever by bringing some completely irrelevant celebrities along. I'd die for more GTA V footage though, and the others on the list don't seem too bad either.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Finally got around listening to Panopticon's Social Disservices. Expecting nothing short of album of the year.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Not sure what's to gain for them here. Most likely preparing for some domestic disaster scenario or civil disobedience in general. We'll see after your economy collapses If you want to move somewhere else, the EUSSR really isn't the answer since we are the next in line ( or the first ) and I really doubt any reasonable government becomes a martyr for democracy, free speech, liberalism, equality, cats, rainbows etc. when real domestic problems arise and stability is threatened. It's not really if it's going to hit but how hard and what you lose because of it.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    If I remember right the new albums didn't even feature much death metal riffing without a noticeable prog influence to it as far as I'm concerned. At least now that I quickly browsed through my library of their stuff it seems that they are abandoning more Death metal from their sound with each release. That's either good or bad depending on your taste in metal of course. I like the oldest stuff and can listen to the newer if subjected to. Saw them in February with Melechesh and they are fucking tight live. The drummer is insane and even if you don't like the music you'll enjoy it regardless. They all seem like really nice guys and all.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Had a long think about if I should even subject myself to this album at all, but I decided to do so since I've got fairly good coffee to go along for the ride. Writing as I'm listening and I'm skipping anything I'm not interested in. Moran - Illuminati: They seem to have tried to do the same thing that D did last time, but with very little success. The cover D made was intensive as fuck and Asagi sounded great. This one has some fairly embarassing riffage, a flat production, your average visual-kei vocalist and everything just sounds really " okay lets just do this". There is no bite in anything. R-shitei - Yurameki: The production is horrible on this album! Everything sounds so damn flat. R-shitei managed to take all the drive out of this song and is a chore to listen to. Still have to complain about the production, I mean my god. It really sounds this song only features vocals, guitars and random instruments here and there when they are allowed to be audible behind the guitar. Amber Gris - SHINE: :x And we needed this cover because? Won't bother listening 'till the end. 9goats black out - Speed: What's this? Something with some drive. Also something happened to the sound compared to the previous songs ( I think ). Though this cover is again completely not needed as it did nothing too different from the original. At least Moran tried... Not giving any final verdicts since I only listened to four songs and they were either pointless or not good at all. Too bad, since I was really exited for 9Goats Black Out.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    This is one of those times I wish I was rich
  13. Either the songs were recorded with a cellphone through Styrofoam or the quality of the samples is garbage. The guitar sound in Yurameki and Illuminati
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Fan service and respectable business ethics. The whole package. Best band ever.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Seconded And they should upload the new single while they are at it
  16. The Black Metal scene 101. DSBM, NSBM, """"""Blackened""""" Crust, Postwhatever-BM and more in the past and the future. Probably the most trend-ridden genre I know.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Cool. Didn't like their stuff after Bou left, but who knows what it will be like now.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Just downloaded it and I can't get my mouse and keyboard to work properly............... I'd really hate to play it on a 360 controller but I will do what I must if that's the only way. Seems like I need to upgrade my PC as well since the game looks like shit :'D
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Need a Blitz 5 days kind-of DVD box from this awesomeness
  20. I've only heard the one album with Sigh's Mirai in it... actually I think there was more albums with him too, but anyway the album was Harvest Ritual Volume I and I remember thinking it was good. Only heard it once or twice though. Too bad i usually mix them by accident to the shit-fest called NecrophagIST which is awful wank. Which also reminds me of the amazing description found on Anus.com's article Metal bands to love to hate:
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Jesus Christ stop being so trigger happy with the mod colors and let people say what they want. If it gets to flooding or personal insults get thrown around like leaves, then interrupt. E: No I don't.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Oh wow.... That sounds horrible and the hilarious breakdown doesn't help at all.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    I thought of this too, but at their current state i can only disregard them, but who knows what they will evolve into. I'd love a new Aicle that's not like the new Aicle This just reminded how the Aicle before last album ( though it had some of their best material that were already released as singles ) destroyed everything in the scene at the time. RIP
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Milking from beyond the grave
  25. Karma’s Hat

    Fuck yeah
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