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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. This so much Fakkan A. +10000000 for the video.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Well... I have listened to this album probably seven or eight times now, so here it goes. The album starts with the intro that i remember shit about ( seems to be a recurring theme with this album ). It's nowhere near as awesome as Sa bir, which destroys speakers and windows. Gladly the following track is more of my liking. It really feels like a ritual, but there's not a single riff in it, which makes it feel more like a continuation of the intro, which i don't mind really. It sort of works, but doesn't get me to go like " holy shit this is awesome ". So guess something is lacking for me. Love Kyo in it tho. Different Sense is still a guilty pleasure for me. The chorus is nice and i really like the lyrics. Amon on the other hand is garbage. It goes nowhere, the guitar work is same as in any song on this album. Really the guitars are boring as hell on this album. Sometimes they feel aggressive and ferocious when the drums and bass play along and blast your ears, but not in this song they don't. BLONK BLONK WHACK WHACK BREE BREE. Nice job on the "riff" ( feel bad calling them those ) recycling too. Then the album gets guilty pleasury for three songs. I like 'em and Dreambox actually manages to get really good at times. The others are just something i wouldn't stand if made from another band, because fanboys roll like that. For now i'm destroying furniture when the part from Shitataru Mourou comes around. Lotus still just is. Can't decide if i dislike it or sort of like it at times. Some parts are pleasing and catchy, some just roll by. I have listened to Diabolos and Vanitas for a million times now, but i can't get a grasp on them, probably because there's not much to get a grasp of. I just remember parts when Kyo does something nice with his vocals and the solo. It just rolls by! In Vinushka ( got to compare ) the drumming was great, acoustic implementations were fucking awesome and the guitars were nice enough. In here though, the drumming is boring as hell, the guitars suck and i just can't get hold of the progression and i always forget which part came before this and that. Maybe i just suck, but whatever i have listened to much longer and challenging music before and got hold of them fine. Nothing really happens in Vanitas though and that song just sucks. No more on that. Akatsuki just is too. I guess it's passable at times, but that's really not enough. Decayed Crow sounds like a Bring me the horizon track. Uuuuuughhhh.... Well they had a solo from Pray for plagues in Juuyoku anyway. ( feel me to correct me on that guitar experts ) Ruten no tou is easily my favourite song on the album. It just rocks. Catchy, the agressive parts come just in time and i just love Kyo in it. My opinions are bound to change, since i may start understanding Diabolos beneath all that crappy playing and uninspired drumming, maybe. I liked the deathcore/asian mysticism vibe i got first, but the bland drumming is just way too unforgivable for me. Also the album is hard for me to listen to whole as Hageshisa to clearly doesn't fit in because the riffing reminds me way too heavily of Uroboros and Moab with little hints of DSS, Amon is unbearable and i have hard time fitting Lotus into the album too. Needs much more listens from me before making final judgement. I just thought writing a review of it would help me to get a grasp on this album, but nope. Sorry for this feeling confusing, badly written or a molestation of the english language, but i'm just that confused right now.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    NON - Total War And other Boyd Rice stuff
  4. Wonder if this is getting released or not...
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Probably not, since he most likely left because of the new direction. Apparently Emiru has written most of the music.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Boris - Kuruimizu
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Can't believe i haven't posted in this topic yet. Well it goes without saying i expect this to be amazing. I have even started to like Tanatos more recently, though i still feel it lacks something, but some individual tracks are just beyond.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Aikuru-poppy desu!
  9. Karma’s Hat

    One of my favorite bands of all time. Ugh Jesus. First time one of these "celebrity deaths" hit home, so to say. RIP
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Phase faith is now officially the most badass band ever. Next stop, Tokyo Dome!
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Those two songs are actually similar in more ways than one. That's probably why i don't like it at all, but if the rest of the album is better, i sort of don't mind it as a fodder. I already end up skipping this and Hageshisa to for sure, so not looking good for me :/
  12. Karma’s Hat

    - Deadman - Rentrer en soi - Aicle - Madeth Gray'll - Eliphas Levi
  13. Karma’s Hat

    JAME says that he was arrested on Monday due to kicking a plane stuert ( idk if that's the right word. Sorry for bad engyrishy ) and rushed to a hospital some time after because he tried to hang himself while in prison ( or it might be due to something else, but as far as i know, it was because of the hanging ). This news was reported before he died, so guess we'll get to know more soon.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I'm speechless. RIP
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Pledge and Shiver are guilty pleasure of mine, that being said, i don't expect a lot from this. It's probably going to be filled with pop rock cannon fodder that's going to be stuck in your head for a day or two, then forgotten, if even that. Remember the urge sounds like it's going to be the worst of the five singles, but it's just a preview so what ever. The PV did remind me of Lynch's new one too, lol.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    I feel like playing ME2 again
  17. Karma’s Hat

    The mutilated version of Arma-goddamn-motherfucking-geddon is hilarious. They even censored the words " kill " and " abortion " .
  18. Karma’s Hat

    ^ Holy shit i better watch that asap But on-topic i watched Takashi Miike's 13 Samurai and it was great. Tbh i wasn't expecting too much after Sukiyaki Western Django, which is a piece of shit, but fucking a the battle which takes about 1/3 of the movie is awesome. Great editing and writing, even though i was confused some times on who is who, but it has more to do with the fact that i can't tell them Asians apart. I do hope Miike goes back to directing horror like Audition, which is one of my all time favorites.
  19. Guys... what happened I guess the b-sides will be like that as well, like in the two previous singles.
  20. Didn't they do that song in Chinese as well?
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Sounds good on paper, but i wonder if they can make it as good as Leviathan and Remission were. Well after Crack the skye can't blame me for being a little skeptical. I listened to Deathbound once some time ago, but the quality was so crappy i couldn't make anything out of it, but i might as well not listen to it now and just wait for the album ( I heard that song supposedly sounds like the up coming stuff? idk ). Is there a release date yet?
  22. Karma’s Hat

    I got curious so i clicked the link, but i can't get the first sample to start! Goddamnit
  23. Karma’s Hat

    LA Noire ... Can't wait to bring it back to the store and get something better instead.
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