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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    First impression: The guitar work is basically all their last singles with their b-sides rolled into one, which pretty much equals bleh for me. Drumming is unsurprisingly just there to stroll along and Reita apparently missed the recording sessions ( But really unaudible bass isn't anything out of the ordinary ). Suicide Circus and Sludgy Cult sound like crappy versions of Red. Don't see the appeal of Ruthless Deed and Ruki is just... Ruki. He can sound really badass some times, but most of the time, nah. Edit: Lol editing out a shitty analogy. Well in short, I like Shiver, Red and Pledge, but they are pop songs at heart and i can only listen to them a couple of times, before getting bored.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Current 93 - Dawn This just doesn't let go. The sampling of California Dreaming is a stroke of genius and it sounds so depressive in the context of this song.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Only two posts? Really? I thought more people would be looking forward to this. I know i am. Liked everything they've released, except for a couple of songs from Tanatos.
  4. Ahahaha it took me a while to realize this is the other Shuuji, so i went " What the fuck is this crap " . Sounds bad, don't care whoever is involved.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Lack of respect for the people around you/*insert Deity here* worshiping rituals would definitely earn you some time in purgatory in my church if i had one.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Hell yeah! It will be amazing no doubt, but still wondering how much emphasis it has on their synth-pop side. I too prefer the older sound of cali≠gari, but cannot complain when they rule this much.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Savitri Devi - The Lightning and the Sun
  8. Karma’s Hat

    It's been far too long. Took it while i was at work hanging around/spending time in the restroom. Wind fucked up my hair when i walked to work, but it happens
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Drrhrrhrr i hope the pv track has a cheesy "Chinese" melody throughout the song hhrhrhdrr. Also I really hope for the sake of diversity that one of the other songs has a middle-eastern thing going with a cheesy m... ... ... Nevermind Fuck yeah gimmicks!
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Btw is Keita doing anything music related these days? Or is there something like the old Aicle? I need something to help me recover from this...
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Oh... Sorry! The thought did cross my mind though, but you never know when roaming these parts of the internet...
  12. Karma’s Hat

    But... All those bands suck
  13. Karma’s Hat

    I really think these one/two sentence reviews really need to go. And i don't give two shits about if it's filled with hate/bashing or blind praise. As long as it gives some reasons on why you think this release is this or that. They don't have to be novels or anything, just maybe a sentence or two per song or a consensus of the album with some effort put into it. The artist topics is for posting about random stuff about the band at hand ( like three word album reviews ), while this section is for reviews. Also i'm 10000% sure if all the reviews in this thread would have been positive, but equally worthless in substance, nobody would have said a damn thing. Please get over it, that some people just don't like the same stuff you do ( Not directed to anyone in this thread. This time i actually agree with Bakteeri, but those are my thoughts about this issue in general ) Edit: Don't lock this thread. Let it sort itself out for once.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    QTF Please, no lame gimmicks.
  15. I'm going to be the odd man out here and say, that i can't stand either ( new ) Septicflesh nor Fleshgod Apocalypse . Lately I've been on a metal binge with some oddities working as exceptions, but those are related to metal someway or another. For example the Disco-Beherit albums, "Landscape" Ildjarn and LLN related stuff like Aäkon Këëtrëh and Amaka Hahina to name a few. Also the Hellenic BM-scene has had a strong representation in my listenings lately, like old Rotting Christ, Varathron, Deviser, Macabre Omen, Necromantia, Nocternity and such. Necros Christos need to be mentioned as well from the Death Metal side... and Dead Congregation. The real purpose of this post was to inform that the Wolves in the Throne Room album leaked. Go get it
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Odd, but alright. I don't think it will have any extra songs, but it will have some modifications like Reiketsu Nariseba's new intro and things of that sort. Also it could sound like DSS now, but I'm very doubtful about that.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Truths. Well this could be the time for me to try out Angelo if Herpes likes it ( ). I loved Pierrot but skipped Angelo because i got a "left-over band" feel from them, even without listening to a second of their stuff, haha. A new album seems to be coming in October, but it seems to be old news so i assume Karyu and Giru had nothing to do with it?
  18. Karma’s Hat

  19. Karma’s Hat

    I can't resist posting something stupid, so here it goes OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Their vocalist was right next to the guy from Idiot.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    I sure hope our setlist will be better. No Rotting Roots, Lie Buried with blabalbbla's or Grief's.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Junna, is that you
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Ahh let's see... Cage, Riyuu, -MACABRE-blabla, Embryo, Karasu, Vinushka, Dozing Green, Ugly, Zakuro, Ain't afraid to die, Hydra are the first ones that come to mind. Also i could add Audrey, Stuck Man, Akuro no oka. The list changes with the moods i'm in.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Batman The Animated Series season 2
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Seeing Death in June in Rome . Can't wait.
  25. Karma’s Hat

    Hehe i got rid of soda too... for a while. Now i just drink light sodas, but slowly replacing them with juices without taste ( no extra sugars, sweeteners whatnot ). I used to drink 1.5l of Coke a day. I remained relatively skinny, but high sugar intake really fucks up your definition. When i stopped drinking Coke for a day, i got a fever and a massive headache . After that period, i moved out to live on my and i started an healthy diet of bread, coffee, liquor and Kebab! But kept loosing weight because there were a lot of days when i ate nothing. I still eat fairly irregularly, but lunch breaks at work keep me alive. I try to stay away from carbs, but i stopped obsessing over that recently. The Japanese place is my place to eat when at work, so my diet consists of their foods once a day, two-four slices ( Not white ) bread and apples. I have thought of adding more meat to gain more mass because i started working out regularly recently and want to get the most out of it. At the moment i'm pretty much a skeleton.
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