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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Should get around listening to that soon. I've only heard the second Lantlos album and thought it was great and at times amazing in atmosphere. Though "the hype you know" from the post above reminded me of Old Silver Key which i thought was shit.
  2. Suprised that there's something i find amazing mentioned here. Listen to this album ASAP! Too bad i didn't find this thread earlier, since i love pimping my music to other people! My contributions are: Peste Noire - Ballade cuntre lo Anemi Francor ( Really unorthodox Black Metal ) Famine has a guitar playing style entirely of his own, which is enough of a reason to pay attention to his works. The acoustic sections and solos are phenomenal and the raw twisted production works to the advantage of the melodic riffs which are full of RAC spirit as they are playful and up-lifting ( which makes the album even more unnerving ), in way. The vocals don't compromise at all and just adds to the creepiness of the album. Great interludes and cover art to boot. Recommended this album instead of the first, as you've might have already listened to it since it features Neige in one of tracks. Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination ( Black Metal ) One of my favorite albums of all time definitely. Great lyrics, Gelal's signature riffing at it's best, and one of the reasons why i feature it here is that it's really easy to get into, even if it's far from safe on the composition side. The production does a great job making the riffs seem even more catchy than they are already by themselves and the vocals get stuck in your head too. Just like with the other album i mentioned, the solos are one of it's highlights. The last song " Doves of War " is the track that stands out the most and that's something when everything else is no less than amazing too. The vocals are filthy, mighty and full of emotion and just like the incredible solo at the the end, it's hatred in audio form. Just random recommendations that came to mind. Maybe adding something that i like at the moment to this list later.
  3. Lol'd hard to cover the grief
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Saying "Dis awesome. ya'll haterz" isn't constructive either.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    I don't know if i should laugh or cry. Cheap and cheesy are the best words to describe it, definitely.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Not in order either - THE MURDER'S TV - Wakaremichi - Ito - beautiful 5 [shit]ers - Haru ni chirikeri, mi wa kareru de gozaimasu - Anata no tame no kono inochi. - DIM SCENE - Carry? - Tokyo shinjuu - Zetsu Some that could have made the list: Distress and Coma, Sugar Pain, Ruder, Shiikureta haru, kawarenu haru, [D I S], Shiver, Saraba, Miseinen and a bunch of their earliest material. Suprised of many Stacked Rubbish era songs are listed here, as i thought the hate on that album was universal. The only song i can stand from those days is Regret
  7. Karma’s Hat

  8. Karma’s Hat

    I feel purified and in harmony with the universe.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Seems that they want their concerts to be as intensive as possible from start to finish without too many ballad/mid-tempo interruptions. I think that's nice, even though I'm not a fan of their post-Six Ugly stuff at all these days.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Does anyone here listen to the Neofolk/Industrial/Martial Industrial music like Current 93, Blood Axis, Boyd Rice projects, Death In June and the likes? I'd love to make a thread for that stuff, but then again I'd rather not make topics if there's not going to be any discussion in 'em
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Lol! Inspirational
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Eurgh Yeah more anxious to hear the announcement of the next album, than hearing this single.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Hey! As an eight year old, or whatever the hell age I was that movie was the shit. I had a cassette tape with the official soundtrack and I remember going on a camping trip forcing my parents to play it on this obnoxious six hour road trip. When i was in elementary school, my classmates would come to my house and watch Annihi-fucking-lation! I have a special place in my heart for all things Mortal Kombat! ... Well, except some of the games are just unbearable. How can you not love this? MIt0VY7Yg2w
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Here's to hoping it's going to turn out to be much more eventful that the preview lead me to believe...
  15. Karma’s Hat

    It was a little better than i expected, but still just something to have as background music while doing something trivial like refreshing your last.fm page or waiting to die in a bathtub full of acid. I gained nothing from listening to it.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Witnessing a perfect sunset at the moment.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Except even shorter now that they got the other shittybands touring with them ( Is it too much to ask to have a tour with bands that might appeal to the same audience? I'm sure some metal/deathcore act would have fitted in much better ). But if i remember right, there was a show without an opener so they are likely to get a special setlist just like that one time in 09 or 10 with all the Akuro no oka's and shit. Hehe I would have preferred to have Ain't afraid to die instead of Zakuro, but with Karasu they made up for it tenfold.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah, not much sense/rewatch value there. I bought it DOA. It's what it is and i wouldn't have bothered to watch it through without the help of friends and alcohol. Gotta hate how they made Ryu Hayabusa look like a wimp though :x
  19. Karma’s Hat

    But isn't the only point of living surviving? The urges to feed, sleep and breed. If all men ( and in the end there isn't any difference between one and all, since the same things can happen to any of us ) were to suddenly lose their interest in females the human race would go extinct. There has to be something, somewhere that causes the creature to lose interest in the sex that is required to procreate. I'm not claiming anything since I don't got any science at hand to start using if I needed to start arguing about this, but what I just stated seems obvious to a person without much interest to the subject at hand and in-depth knowledge ( Me ).
  20. Karma’s Hat

  21. Karma’s Hat

    The production in the last single was much, much better than in Tanatos. I hope the next single will sound just like it
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Hear, hear I remember when my step dad moved over just when Max Payne was released, so he got my approval by buying it for me and we played it eight hours straight that night Way to parent a eight year old. I loved every minute of the first. The second one i played for the first time in 2010 and it was cool i guess, but i really can't compare it to the first since that game has so much sentimental value for me. Still an announcement of Max Payne 3 got me exited, but then i saw the pictures and i felt the same way DMC fans felt when they saw the Dante for the new game.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Next time credit me yo
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Oh Jesus no Yukke what happened to you
  25. Some of these have the potential of being okay. Downloading it for 9Goats and amber gris when it comes out.
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