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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Or the fact that Ruki's performance is as flat and uncharismatic as a wet cardboard box these days ( his nasal vocals were charming and fit the overall quirkiness of their old music ) . At least they didn't put shit like Maggots, Agony, Psychopath and etc. in there.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Fuck the Tour Finale, they should have made the DVD out of this one Haru ni chirikeri, mi wa kareru de gozaimasu. Mmmmmmmmm
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Oh god that was horrible. The " AH AH AH " is a pathetic excuse for a hook and probably the most used trick in the book, while composition wise it doesn't even have the dept of a puddle. It's so sad that more effort went into picking some Chinese symbols for the logo.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Awesome that you have arrived at mchat.php#mChat [3] Enjoy your stay
  5. Karma’s Hat

    It's all the same so far. The "softer" tracks just don't sound as offensive on the surface level because they are soft ( Read: Pleasing, like dolphin sounds on tape ). But I'm sure they will end up being as good as the songs with the HXC ATTITUDEZ.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    sA2zpOwxzFg Looks good enough and... I REQUEST THE ATTENTION OF THE USER NEKKICHI Are you a guy or a girl?
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Hahaha! I hope he keeps this up
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Part two. Now with eyes and shorter hair
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Sushi! The Asian lady at the table next to me kept staring at me so I probably did something wrong, lol.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    I also thought of this, but we'll just have to wait and see, and then wait a little more in case they'll change their minds and come back... again. Never thought I would say this, but honestly I don't care at all anymore since I thought 11 was rubbish. I'd definitely love more Xa-vat instead.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    The world is populated with us weirdos who either prefer it that way or find it a non-issue . Don't let it keep you down
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Was my initial thought. Only thing Dir en grey here is the PV, and one could draw comparisons with the singers attempts at singing a chorus to what Kyo would have sounded without all the studio magic lately, but that's nothing rare. To me it's just another "hard&edgy" VK band attempting a scenekidcore/VK fusion with terrible results due to their abysmal musicianship.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    rNibT_9-IJI Do not want. I was surprised to see that they are nearly seven years old already and have only released one album prior to this. The impression I have gotten is that UCP bands don't release new material too frequently? Do not tease me with such ideas CLICK
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Personally, I would be honored
  15. Karma’s Hat

    I feel like I'm missing from the credits
  16. Karma’s Hat

    The handsome male users of MH have bombarded the last two pages
  17. Karma’s Hat

    All rock music that's made for the $$$ or for the band members to roleplay their idols and get laid ( Essentially all VK today ).
  18. Karma’s Hat

    oh come on, they're making the same shit over and over for the past 3 years or so, deluge is zero percent different from their other stuff. eagerly waiting for diru shitstorm ITT I only listen to the PV songs so I can't say how much they recycle or suck in general. But with "total embarrassment" I meant that they sound like a actual band instead stuff like Idiot, Maria Cross, Deathgaze and others that are jokes from the start.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Nice to see that the best song ever is appreciated! Great to see that people actually took the time to check out some of this stuff. So Thanks you too! Anyways since a new Swans live album is out, I'll link some more songs from them 3VziZIabS7o Their older material which I have yet to link here. Best way to describe it? Relentless, brutal and works great for self hating meditation sessions. Swans is the THE ultimate live band and one of the only instances where I think the live albums are a must have. The version played here is different and much extended from the original studio version. The way the song builds up is just magnificent The first song from the 2010 album "My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky". Can't think of a another band that pulled off a revival so well. From the While Light From The Mouth Of Infinity album. Honestly, I hate giving marketing speeches because I am no good at them Just listen to the band!
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Ages since my last post on this amazing topic! - Nega's Deluge is the worst VK song I've heard that from a band that isn't an total embarrassment to begin with. I'll sum it up for you: *"METALCORERIFFAGE"* BLEEEEEEUUUUUURGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! *RIFFAGE* CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK BLÄÄÄÄÄÄÄRRGGHHH *RIFFAGE* BLEEEÄÄRRGH CLICK CLICK The triggerfest during the chorus is a thing to behold And oh my god the breakdown with the synth. - I'd like D considerably more if they didn't do the ethnic gimmick crap all the time. - I hate R-shitei occasionally having great riffs that remind me of the old Gazette, but never good songs. - VK taking influence from kiddie-metal that's actually just rock music with a hard aesthetic made for people who don't have the attention span for metal - Saved the best for last, DIR EN GREY stole a BMTH solo. LOLOLOLOLOLLOL
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Glad that some of the characters actually develop some personality besides the good guy, bad guy archetypes. The last scene was great and the dude from Terriers is amazing. The women in this show are still sadly, completely useless. They can't even drive or cook without passing out
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Ley Lines The whole Black Shinjuku Triadsomething trilogy is beyond words, but this is the one where I really fell in love with the characters and got into the movie 110%. Definitely recommending.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    They better have a good reason for not including this in the album... Skipping it, just like I skipped the album.
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