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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. on the official site it's already cheaper (I believe 17.50 iirc), and yeah, that DayZ mod is looking awesome, though I don't think I got enough time to really get intoo that. Love watching some vids and reading stories of that mod on a Dutch site though xD It got to as low as 15 euros, but I forgot to buy it...
  2. Karma’s Hat

    http://www.metal-archives.com/artists/Tommy_Rehn/17392 No Corroded, but I guess MA just doesn't care about the band. Image this with a dress and you got 35 year old YOHIO. Ps. https://twitter.com/#!/YOHIO_Seremedy/m ... 2FlftJKBGl What the...
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Gazette is one of those bands that is okay to hate according to Visual-kei intelligentsia Ahh, it was mentioned in the Heterodoxy pamphlet that Kai will have a song in the album. Curious. Also, they played Shiawase na hibi at one of the Heresy concerts
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Anyone knows Yohio's last name? I want to check out his fathers band history.
  5. God I hope Aicle guys start forming new bands.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Weeaaak to none.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    About time visual-kei got crunk!
  8. I'm hoping for the price of Arma II to go down a bit. I need to play one of the zombie mods for it, but I'm still too cheap to pay 20 euros for a video game
  9. Karma’s Hat

    No nyt! Johkin baarimiittiin kyllä pitäs ensimmäiseksi odottaa, että Pretsy saa velvollisuutensa suoritettua ja yms. Joten siirto tulevaisuuteen, mutta ei niinkään hamaan? Tää on nyt muuten myös katsotuin topikki tällä alueella. Eiköhän noi muut tosta pian hiljene viimeistään viikon sisään, niin pidetään me kulissia yllä kauheesti spämmimällä.
  10. Karma’s Hat

  11. Jatkona edelliselle samannimiselle ketjulle vanhalla foorumilla. Asiaan kuuluvasti täällä puhutaan vain hevistä ja juodaan kaljaa.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    When I turn 60 I can reminiscence about the wonderful summer of '12 when I turned 18. Spent every single day in the MH sb.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Lot's of forum members seem to be interested in trying this band, so I'm going to make a topic about them. yFABeLXx678 qC6bDiGNG7Q kjD9PhIc9d0 3VziZIabS7o Almost everything they have made crushes my soul and breaks my heart. I tend to guide newcomers toward the albums The Great Annihilator and White Light From The Mouth of Infinity, which are the most approachable releases from Swans. As best albums I would name the live albums. This band just takes the songs to a whole another level live, and sometimes the songs can be greatly altered from the studio versions too ( Like the Blood Promise clip from above ). The early stuff took a while for me to fully appreciate, but now the listening experience is massive and rather cathartic. I love everything except the Burning World album really. A new album is also coming out next month, and it's called The Seer. True to their current live performances, the songs lengthy and the album is nearly two hours long. Here's a clip of a song taken from their previous live album, that is going to be in The Seer, .
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Hello! It's aprox month old and taken in our ghetto elevator as I was going to the airport.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Well it would be a very depressing 15th anniversary year if they didn't get to tour or release anything besides the documentary.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    When Pretsy linked those to me earlier I didn't even realize it was Dir en grey until I came here. : / This. What the hell guys?
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Clothes from the internet. A small rodent will be sacrificed in order to please the gods and get luck with the customs in return.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    I am talking about Finland all the time unless another country is mentioned. Overall, Asian culture isn't visible yet in backwoods countries like Finland, but the growing east-Asian community here is definitely affected by what's going on in places Korea, even though you would be able to count all the Koreans in Finland with two pairs of hands. A sort of "global Asian culture" has born some time ago and now I seem to stumble upon stuff like "ASIAN PRIDE YAY *some Korean phrase*" ( its okay 2 have pride bcuz they r not white&straight ) even in the most unlikely of places, and it's very commonplace in social networking sites. For now it seems that the movement is of 80% Korean and 20% Japanese cultural influence, although this ratio will alter with time depending on who's music is in at the moment and so forth. This may not be new phenomenon in places like the US, but it certainly is in Finland. As for those of Western origin, they are pretty much all except for two dead in here. Scene is dying, goths barely exist, weeaboos dwell within their own circles and most of them look like regular folk now, which could be because of the Kpop influence which involves a more casual style. Punk however will stay because it has an ideological base and thus stronger, coupled with the fact that actually good music has spawned from it. Metal is most likely much more prominent here than in anywhere else in the world and it has come to the point where it's not in or out, it will be here in the same numbers for as long as nothing big happens. "Indie" culture is the thing now with the ethnically Finnish middle class, but it's the hardest to notice because it blends so well with the standard Finnish street fashion. It doesn't make noise or look weird, and while their music may suck, I barely even notice it's existence as it is the most down to earth of all of these movements. I wouldn't say that they are hipsters, but the influence of the myth of hipsterdom is clear to the style and the music they listen to. Yet I don't want to recognize it as a movement since it's so casual and totally lacks the tribal like aspects of other youth cultures and is filled with people who just like the style and fuse it to their own. I don't think that there's a single youth culture that is clearly the thing right now. All of them are either dying, marginal or too casual to be even considered as a separate culture from the regular ol' folk, unless we are talking about the biggest minority groups who pretty much all represent the youth culture that is is most commonly attributed to their people. I hope visual-kei comes back though!
  19. Karma’s Hat

    The audience was as European as they come. Disorderly jumping, loud ear decimating screams, headbanging, crying&fainting etc. A lot of people complain about the European weeaboo audiences, but for me it's part of the appeal of vk concerts. Sure some people go way overboard with the worship and the other embarrassing stuff they do ( I found myself cringing a couple of times while waiting in the line when I overheard some stuff that the other people were talking about. I'm an eavesdropper like that ), but it's not my problem or anyone else's now is it. Nowhere else can I find small gigs where people actually seem to have such a good time to an degree that even I get really exited myself regardless of the fact that I don't really like these bands myself. Well Miyavi is the best frontman I've ever seen live. He made a venue worth of overweight weeaboos jump and scream for 90 minutes straight and it was brutal and awesome ( I almost died in there ). Dir en grey on the other hand was the band of my youth and that's when I saw them the first time after several years of fandom. They could have fucked everything up and I still would have thought it was the best concert ever because I get really invested in the songs I know from note-to-note ( I shed a couple of manly tears... and a few more ). Yep. In a Miyavi concert of all places you really have to keep your guard up at all times or you'll die
  20. Karma’s Hat

    They did not have any boxers left Anyways, a great experience overall. Byou did great ( Yeah, go figure ), I made sensual brolove to Kazuki after I bought the bracelet, met nice people, the price of wine had been lowered, great mixing and the show was good too. Well speaking of Byou, they should really ditch the filters they use on his scream on CD, because he did really well here without any of that crap and he was more energetic than I expected him to be. He got some poor girls bra too during Gather Roses which he then kept in front of his eyes for most of the song while doing the sexy-vk-guy routine. I also got Kazuki's spit on my eye and now it hurts a lot Probably got hepatitis or something... Probably the third best vk gig I've seen so far ( Miyavi 2009 and Deg 2010 are in leagues of their own ) and thus a really positive surprise.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I got a ticket! SCREW ( hehe! ) you dumb haterz. The idea of boxers as merch is so dumb I must buy one if they still have them, even though I was hoping that they would have a band pic in front instead of a logo
  22. Karma’s Hat

    I think that rumor initially surfaced from a mistranslation, so there won't be a single before the album release. Those track lengths are disheartening ( I like my gazeballads around 6 or 7 minutes ), but it's better to refrain from making any assumptions.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    So is this the 12 minute song you people are speaking of ?Personally, I was bored out my skull
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Manufactured Finnish pop should become the next big thing after it's Korean counterpart loses steam.
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