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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Looooooooool are they ever going to release another album. Not that I mind, seeing as everything but their A-sides leave a lot to be desired. I honestly can't believe there are people that openly like ( or even don't mind ) atrocious shits like Worms, but dislike Die Kusse lolz.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    While I like Death and ROUAGE, I have to pick the cali gari drama bit just because I never skip them, despite not understanding more than a few words. Bathory - Reaper Dead Can Dance - Indocrination ( A Design for Living ) Ildjarn - Utsyn Camille Saint-Saëns - Symphony in F major, 'Urbs Roma' - IV. Poco allegretto - Andante con moto Boards of Canada - Kaini Industries Psychic TV - She Was Surprised Throbbing Gristle - After Cease To Exists (The Original Soundtrack Of The Coum Transmissions Film) God Is My Co-Pilot - Thunder, Perfect Mind Nuclear Death - Moribound Terveet Kädet - Huominen Hm... I like either the Throbbing Gristle, Ildjarn or Saint-Saëns songs the most out of these. I'll have to go with the Throbbing Gristle one since it's actually an entire 20 minute piece instead of being a fragment of a larger one like the other two.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    I really question the composer credits thing. I think it's obvious that this has been Ruki's band since forever, and even if some other bloke gets to do a riff or two, the bulk of the song is still in Ruki's hands. DIVISION had other people composing on paper, but really was any track "oh man this is the Uruha song" or even moderately something that Ruki by no means could have done himself. He's still responsible for the overall sound and the look of the band, and I think that's a crucial aspect, so much so that it doesn't make a difference even if all the credits went to Tomomi. I'm not buying Ruki's words for one second. DIVISION was supposed to be all that and new, but when all the riffing was replaced with banal chugging it was sure as shit that everything old was thrown out of the window early on. I'll still like it though, and I'm contempt with it being a new thing instead bowing to the yesteryear of the band. Although if I could have my way, all of their songs would sound like Cassis and Regret.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Kei is still around
  5. The first two albums are essential. From what I know of your taste, the first may not be your thing, but the second is so good that anyone who likes VK should appreciate it... Or at least experience if you somehow end up not liking it. The first too has so many good VK riffs ( clarification: Tasteful riffage, no deluhibearsights crap ) that I wouldn't skip it either, however it may take a while to grow on ye as it did for me. I used to hate Kiyoharu's vocals as well, but later on I realized that he used to be one of the best vocalists in the scene ( made obvious by the legions that were influenced by him ) and the voice gets a little less grating each time if that's a problem.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    That's not the only instance. Disphoric Torment is constructed from bits and pieces of BMTH songs from riffs to vocal melodies, and that sample is from the Eyeless cover too isn't it. Pleasure of Torture has stuff from Unanswered by Suicide Silence as well
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Get help Before this gets locked
  8. Karma’s Hat

    First I want to make it clear that I'm not hating for the sake of it either. What a joke for that price. That's the crap I went through and culled daily when I was working in photography and the job involved going through pictures for amateur competitions. I can share the ones with all the broken windows and grey concrete you can stomach, for free.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Kamaliahan nuo kaikki on. S.A.Nille kuitenkin pisteet Suomeksi laulamisesta ja jne
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Extra pojot Jenlaynille ja Karmialle jotka on youtuben perusteella ehkä maailman jäätävimmät livebändit. Molemmilta löytyy myös autenttiset "istutaan kameran edessä ja hassutellaan" videot. Oma suosikki ofkoors DESIEЯ jota on seurattu ahkerasti perustamisesta lähtien. Toivottavasti tulevaisuus pitää edessämme kokopitkän ja 30 sekunnin livepätkän kuvattuna jostain niistä kahdesta tuhannesta animu ja mango-conista mitä Isäm Maasta löytyy. Kumma miten täällä Japanilainen musiikki on kuoleman kielillä, mutta Narutardius sen kuin porskuttaa loppuunmyydyillä tapahtumilla.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Tuntuu hölmöltä yrittää small-talkkiä täällä kun mehän tunnetaan kaikki toisemme jo aika hyvin SBn kautta ja jne. Sellasella boardilla missä ainakin puolet Suomalaisista käyttäjistä olisi tuntemattomia tai niitä tulisi säännöllisesti lisää, olisi asia toinen. Onkohan tänne edes tullut ketään aktiivista Suomalaista sitten... Kuka meistä nyt uusin onkaan. Muodon vuoksi voin toki kysyä mikä on paras Suomi-VK ONEGAI
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Jesus fucking Christ DVD of this shit please
  13. Karma’s Hat

    http://oi43.tinypic.com/5l6mhf.jpg Hello ladies
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Phantasmagoria ripped off that one... Laputa song was it? Pretsy ought to remember. Worms song from Mejibray is My Devil on the Bed from The GodzettE The solo in Dir en grey's Juuyoku is obviously from Pray For Plagues by Bring Me The Horizon Vurny http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PPLxhkt4P-Q#t=33s took this one from R-shitei http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7Fa8hqU721Y#t=23s
  15. Karma’s Hat

    I'd ban the lot of ye a million times if I could
  16. Karma’s Hat

    I'd like for them to go on because their concept is nais, which is why it is sad that the actual music has been everything but. If they disband and the vocalist goes into something that actually releases stuff, then I'm content.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Aww yesh. They even went out like a true VK band ( probably even knew it and that's why they used those specific words )
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Well not like it could get any worse than Dying Message and their sound didn't change either. Now only if now they would start making songs like 無垢なる薔薇の祈り and Day By Day idontfeelashamedforlovingit and cut down on the heavymetelz crap.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Unlike many people apparently, I actually liked the previous mini. So I'm kewl with this.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    ^ I'm super super jelly of the hair
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Jesus Christ dude. I don't like the band, but playing that setlist is Herculean feat so massive respect.
  22. Karma’s Hat

  23. Karma’s Hat

    All Helsinki tickets got "reserved" in under 10 minutes. I knew the band was big but jeez At least I managed to get two VIP's :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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