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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    WORLD TOUR NOW. If we are going to get more never heards here we might as well get fakkin Aska.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    This fits the subject even if the The GazettE is used as an example, so I shall keep going here. What I think Augie meant, is that music is a whole. Aesthetic choices are conscious decisions on how their work should sound, and approaching it in the manner where the reviewer picks up a few various things, tells how much they suck and concludes with the work not being up to par or whatnot is not very constructive. I feel this way is flawed and often leads to missing the point, and the reviews ending up as laundry lists of various things perceived as problems seldom elaborated further, and the vomit laced icing on the cake of fail being attempts at wit. And you know, I wouldn't even mind, unless the reviewer tried to appear as an authority. Not having this "knowledge" is fine, but trying to come off as if you do is not. If your thoughts weren't even close to this Augie, I'd like you to expand upon what you said. ALSO! Many people often yelling "Opinions!" and "This fucking sucks u ignorant stan!" in the same breath. You can't have both.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    But... most bands use the same tuning their entire careers! It's the chuggy riffing you people have issue with, not the tuning. HOW DOES ONE NOT USE TUNING ANYWAY? If it sounds sterile ( to youj, then the issue could be in the production, or that the chuggy riffz do not express any emotion ( on contrary to old Gazette, where the riffs were where the emotional impact came from ).
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Not really, but you need to realise the limitations of your knowledge in order to not make yourself appear like an ass. Nothing is more embarrassing to see than someone trying to be all criticull&sheyyt and has it culminating into arguments like "The songwriting is not good" ( everyone who has ever used this in a review without elaborating further 'ought to be shot ) or "the guitarist is not good" and so on. I recall that I did reviews in this manner back in the day! I can't really say for sure, since I'd rather kill myself than look at my old posts. Quoting some of what Augie said above with the provided example and all. Someone clinging on to something relatively minor like that often implies that the reviewer has no clue what to even look for in music ( in order to write a critical analysis of it! Not saying that there are otherwise wrong ways to listen to it ) or missed the point of the piece entirely.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    NEED TO START BOOKING TRIPS I SEE Edit: Never mind! That festival is way too beyond gods back.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    I bet the production values are still piss-poor
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Oh gawd Koichi looks beat
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Alrite Mejibray | Finland, Helsinki The GazettE | Finland, Helsinki Merry |Finland, Helsinki Lycaon | Finland, Helsinki
  9. We here at Tainted World care a lot about our users, so we feel like it's time to give back to you! Tainted World will now begin a series of contests with different prizes every month as a way to say thank you to our users. Our first contest will be based off our new points system. Points will be given for different activity on the forum. Whoever has the most points by February 21st, 2011 will receive a $30 gift certificate to http://cdjapan.co.jp.

  10. Karma’s Hat

    I can only think of bands I like, but don't respect! : /
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Lol this. Who gives a fuck even if they _supposedly_ ""ruin"" their entire discography. How does it affect your life in any way? And as if those old songs are some untouchable masterpieces. With that said, Nekkichi's description of Kasumi did make me dry heave.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Am I the only one who would rather have only new songs instead? Oh well, the tracklist is interesting and there still seems to be at least one new song,... granted it is not an intro, but an unplugged ver. of the same song would suggest otherwise. Also surprised at MACABRE being on the "limited order-only deluxe edition bonus CD track list" since that song pretty important! It ought to be put in the regular edition tracklist instead of Karma and Unknown Despair a G seeing as those songs are so damn simple there is much to remake ( going by what happened to Tsumi to Batsu and Kiri to Mayu ).

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      This is the most commented status even if you take away the shit I posted! KEEP ON ROCKIN' IN THE FREE WÖÖRLD

    2. Cupcakes


      You're number 6 now.

    3. sai


      Number 9 now, Dispo. Hurry up

    4. Show next comments  192 more
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I love it because I suck. Even the girl from Blood Stained Shite doesn't irritate me as much I want her to.
    1. sai


      How to be drunk and still look relatively nuts.

    2. Yasupon


      Props on the growls though

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      What will we do when this goes away from the front page D:

    4. Show next comments  192 more
  15. Karma’s Hat

    This band is an odd one for me. Their A-sides always deliver, while the B-sides are consistently terrible. I'll get this out of the way first, Tsuzuku rocks. His performance is unique, varied and most important of all he seems to be really into it... However keep in mind that I am only speaking of their newest stuff here. It is not "good" in the sense that it would win him any awards on singing competitions, but it does its job here. The title song is an continuation of the Sadisgate-Emily lineage. Mejibray is starting to sound like it knows its way around generic ( but so delicious ) VK anno 2010's. The best thing about their evolution is that the guitarist has toned down the wank considerably. I can't stand MiA's wanky riffs on their old songs at all, but ever since Sadisgate they have become less and less prominent. More emphasis they put on the vocals to drive the songs, the happier I am. This band is one of the only cases where I practically pray for them to sell out and start making their songs poppier. And then there were the b-sides. While I still strongly maintain my position that their b-sides lack character, or anything decent for that matter, I like the vocals on 呼吸. This is the first time I ever liked something on one of their b-sides, which can only be taken as a positive when considering their future. Still, it is not something that I would listen to aside from review purposes, so I cannot give it an acceptable rating if I was to rate this single. I can't with D.E Incubus. Even though I acknowledged Tsuzuku earlier, his screams could still be improved a lot, if he decides to do the same kind of scream for the entire song. I adore the vocals on Sadisgate because of the variety of different sounds he does, which is something he should do in all of their songs "like this". Well the whole piece in short: Riffs suck, cannot recall the chorus even though I listened to it a whopping 20 seconds ago, the vocals are a bore and the moans are stupid. This band has taken a direction that I very much approve of. The only thing they still haven't gotten right is making releases good from top to bottom, a fault I hope has been redeemed before the next full length album or mini.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    It better since the production is atrocious here. The vocals sound like they were recorded under water.
  17. Karma’s Hat

  18. Karma’s Hat

    Lol this came out of nowhere. Awesome. Also I find it odd that it was you who managed to make a topic about this first
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Downloading without a second thought
  20. Karma’s Hat

    None of the bands on that list are any better. But this is good for the band and thus I am happy. It's nice that they can land gigs like this.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Who admits to answering "maybe"
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Those are all new songs right? That's good since I didn't like much of anything post-Tanatos for some reason. Excitement level rising
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