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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Maybe not satanic, but from hell definitely
  2. Well since you're coming to Finland, would it be alright to make the transaction then if I'm able to find something that I want? Not that I listen to any of these bands really, I just feel good owning something that other people don't!
  3. Karma’s Hat

    I died when I read this. Once saw the DICKS songs through the V rock-fest stream and it was pretty much the most embarrassing thing ever.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Hell no. I tend to not think of myself as a fan of a any certain sound, so I don't follow any scenes to grab all the artless hobbyist releases, then listen to them a couple of times and forget about them. When I did follow the black/death metal scene, I tended to make the mistake of judging music by individual aspects ( guitar, bass etc.) or how "pleasing" it sounds, thus usually missing the point and I instead focused on getting something "cool" sounding on the background while I attended to my daily routine, so I checked out everything new ( and old, all those "hidden gems" they so highly speak of. Those album were forgotten for a reason in their time because they suck, but seem good today because metal in general totally sucks now ) that had appealing surface qualities. But when I started making efforts to become musically literate, I basically ditched all the cannon fodder that I don't view top tier in terms of musical expression and so far it hasn't failed me. I can get more out of listening to a great work 10 to 20 more times than spending my time to hoard more and more crap that everyone with standards already forgot about.
  5. KCYCii1Uk3I Cecil Taylor - Unit Structures All Cecil Taylor's albums that I've managed to listen to so far have easily been the hardest and the most attention demanding works I've ever heard. Well free/semi-free jazz is some of the hardest music to get into that I can think of, but it's immensely rewarding. Not related but I'll put this here as well since it's one of my favorite jazz albums, Eric Dolphy's Out There. l54d4eiFTVQ Gorguts - Obscura This one you are aware of already! But I'm putting it in here anyway because it fits in here perfectly. The all notes here have emotional weight par none in it's genre, and it's one of the darkest and heaviest metal albums I know, but also one of the most beautiful. A perfect summary of metal for me. 9T1heDyUeFw Melt-Banana - Speak Squeak Creak Old Melt-Banana is ruthless for people who aren't used to actually paying attention while listening to music, and usually just put it off after the vocals kick in. Speak Squeak Creak album is a treasure trove of instrumental gold, and the vocals do serve a purpose in the extremity so better get used to them and appreciate the stripped down light speed destruction. XxizB02d0gE Demilich - Nespithe Another fantastic band that many people who have trouble concentrating skip because of the vocals. Don't focus on the individual aspects of albums goddammit! " Those vocals don't sound pleasing to me nmnmnm that drum sound is kinda uhmnmn " It's the whole and what kind of a picture all of it creates that's important. Maybe I can think of more non-metal stuff later.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    The upcoming Swans album will decimate everything else, and it's most likely the only new album I end up buying this year. Of course looking forward to new Ruki pics for fashion advice! ... erm well I guess the album that comes with it could have a decent track or two in it, maybe. The first Swallowed album is also coming out this year, and it has a 50/50 chance of being art or just another hobbyist metal release that nobody will give a fuck about in two years, just like almost everything else metal related that's going to be released this year. New Beherit and Summoning albums could come out late this year, however it is unlikely. Gorguts! Will probably suck though Either my memory is failing me, or I'm getting picky.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Haha oh shit Nice!
  8. Karma’s Hat

  9. Amazing band. It's weird to think that post-hardcore wasn't a joke once.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    I agree with you. Aside from the people here and some keyboard warriors from elsewhere, I haven't seen much negative feedback. As for the sales, they really can't be stupid enough to think that their brand of false metal would garner lasting mainstream success in Japan no matter how good or bad. I think it's a miracle that DSS and Uroboros sold as much as they it did in Japan mostly thanks to brand recognition.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Trying to get some essay writing going, but so far with little success.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    I couldn't care less about the PV or how he looks, the song itself was embarrassing. A textbook example of "Me Too!"ism where you build your conceptually vapid song around cliches and pointless notes with little to none emotional effect ( Just listen to the guitar in the chorus ) . The songs jumps from one segment to the next with achieving nothing and relies on the horribly emotionless vocals to keep it all catchy enough to get the attention of the listener. Also the lyrics are probably stolen from a anime intro too. DAKSHIMETEE YUMEE WOOOOO KOKOROO DESUUKAA
  13. Karma’s Hat

  14. Karma’s Hat

    Idk to me it seemed that DSS was received well aside from us weeaboos. As for their future, I see them going down further the noveltycore-lane and continuing the experimenting they did with DSS. Massive genre hopping most likely won't happen, and I don't think that they even want to make anything like an acoustic/ballad/mellow/what have you album.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    A matter of opinion Opinions are for the weak and stupid. How much have Uroboros and Dum Spiro Spero sold overseas? Last time I checked Uroboros was still in the lead. Edit. Oh, the discussion moved elsewhere.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Too much action packed backstage footage of doing hair, showing the band members backs at the camera and smoking to fit in one release.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Sorry, Is this bad or good thing? I hated REMEMBER THE URGE but in less than a week I loved the whole single so... Well to me it's a good thing if only the title track counts. Tracks like Shiver, Suicide Circus, Pledge, Remember the Urge etc. are major guilty pleasures ( with this I mean that I listen to them daily ) for me, and I wouldn't mind a straightforward album with only tracks like those, without any attempts at being profound with concepts or DARK N' HEAVY&EDGY.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    This. I thought Toxic wasn't good, but it was still listenable. If they just make an entire gazettecore album they will probably join 12012 on the worst of 12012 list. Even though I'm 98% sure that this won't happen since I recall them saying that REMEMBER THE URGE was a indication of the album to come, but my god if it does.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    They just wear fake fur, cheap boots and yell " FIVE DORA "
  20. Karma’s Hat

    That's exactly what I thought too
  21. Karma’s Hat

    This band recycles the formula of their single tracks to the point where it's not even funny anymore. I can't decide whether their new material is awful or passable ( with the occasional really good bits here and there )
  22. Karma’s Hat

    and why are you asking I wonder. girl. Because I find you charming. Even spent my 900th post for you~! And three pages, haha. Can't believe I made this thread while sober ( I think? )
  23. Karma’s Hat

    After four years of faithful service, my 20 euro headphones bought from a supermarket finally went to the other side. Good night sweet prince This time I'm investing around 60 euros and see what comes up. I don't really care enough to spend much more than that
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Ahahaha I felt like my brain melted when I watched that. I was kinda expecting a hilarious breakdown with lots of synth or something, but sadly 12012 did not deliver
  25. Karma’s Hat

    I can't think of many post 2005 VK bands that are interesting to watch live tbh, so gazette aren't any different. maggots is a masterpiece compared to the whole toxic - looks like they're ashamed enough of the outcome to include any of album-only tracks. The quick announcement of DIVISION made me feel that they weren't too happy with how TOXIC turned out in the end too. But that's just speculation~ ps. all the albums after Disorder are garbage
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